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Show 20 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1927. DERN FINISHES SIGNING BILLS Governor Disposes of Last Measures Passed by Seventeenth Legislature Executive Approves 89 Acts, Vetoes Four; Two Pass Over Disapproval. With the signing of four bills Saturday, Governor George H. Dern disposed of the last of the measures passed by the seventeenth legislature of the state of Utah. Records at his office show eighty-nine measures signed by the chief executive. These consisted of fifty-two house bills and two house resolutions, and thirty- three senate bills and two senate resolutions. Three senate measures and one house measure were vetoed by the governor. Two of the senate measures were passed over the governor's veto, making" a total of ninety-one acts that will be added to the statute books of the state as a result of the last legislature. The bills signed by the governor Saturday were house bills 90, 120 and 195, and senate bill 117. House bill 90', by Mr. Holther, appropriated $25,000 with which to begin the construction of an armory at Ogden. There was some protest against the approving of this measure by the governor, but, in a statement Issued Saturday, the governor said he sighed the bill in spite of protests, with assurance from Ogden that the city would supplement the appropriation, so that the building shall be a civic auditorium as well as an armory. He also called attention to the fact that the proposed new armory at Brigham City is to be built so as to provide a civic auditorium. PROTESTS REGISTERED. Several protests were lodged against house bill 120, Tingey, which relates to the paving, repaving a-nd repair of streets by street railway companies, but practically all of them were withdrawn, according to a statement from the governor's office. The statement then goes on to say that this is a pet measure of the Ogden chamber of commerce, and has for its object the cleaning up and rehabilitation of th'j business district of Washington avenue, which is Ogden's main street. The business men on Washington avenue, according to the statement from the governor's office, are said to be almost unanimously demanding this improvement, at their own expense, but the law had to be amended before that could be done. Senate bill 117, Hollingsworth. regulates the practice of law. Numerous protests against the signing of this measure were filed with the governor, but after consulting with several competent attorneys he decided the measure was a worthy one, and affixed his signature. In regard to this measure, the following statement was issued by the governor's office: GOVERNOR'S STATEMENT. "While this measure appears rather drastic in some respects, yet a careful reading indicates that its effects will not be as far-reaching as some people fear. For example, I am advised by careful lawyers, who have examined the bill for me, that it will not interfere with the Intermountain Association of Creditmen and similar organization c. The language of some of the sections is rather involved and vague, but I am advised that Judicial construction would not permit the measure to go beyond protecting the public against incompetent practitioners, as is done in the medical profession." House bill 195, by the committee on appropriations, was the biennial budget. bill, appropriating money for the state departments, state institutions r-nd higher educational institutions, and was signed by the governor without change. Repair of Paving Will Begin Soon on City Streets Repair of paved rights of way of street car tracks and street pavement on the various streets of the city will begin soon, possibly this week, it is announced. The program, including repair work of the city street department and that of the traction company, is estimated at approximately $150,000. The announcement follows a conference between P. J. Moran, city commissioner in charge of the street department, and Edward A. West, general manager of the Utah Light & Traction company. State street between Fifth South and Ninth South streets will be given considerable attention on the traction company's right of way, it was decided. In order that traffic will be interfered with as little as possible, the city will wofk along on the same streets at the same time as the traction company. Spring repairs will require a month or longer, it is expected. TESTS BEGIN MONDAY. Tubercular test of cattle in Utah county will begin Monday, March 28, according to Dr. W. H. Hendricks, state veterinarian. The testing- will start at Lehi. Under legislation enacted by the last legislature, all expenses connected with this work will be paid by the state. Display Window Vandals Sought Through Reward DAMAGE to large plate glass windows of various merchants In the business district has led to the offering of a reward by the Retail Merchants' bureau of $75 cash for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the vandalism. During the last week valuable plate glass windows in the downtown district have been broken by persons using an air rifle, slingshot or similar device. Small holes have been made in the window, causing considerable expense in replacing the broken panes. Police officials, believing the damage to have been done by boys in a spirit of vandalism, are doing all in their power to apprehend the guilty parties, according to A. A. Johnson, chairman of the bureau, but the bureau wishes to o further, and offer a reward for the arrest of those responsible, he said. Salt Lake Girl to Be Admitted to Swarthmore PRISCILLA BACON. Assurance that she will be admitted as a student at Swarthmore college, Swarthmore, Pa., next fall has been received by Miss Priscilla Bacon, 86 B street, from the admissions committee of that institution. Miss Bacon is one of seventy girls picked from about 500 applicants seeking admission to the freshman class of the college. The letter notifying her that she had been selected by the admissions committee was signed by Raymond Walters, dean of the college. In concluding the letter, Mr. Walters said: "As you were chosen from a very large list of applicants, we congratulate you heartily and look forward to ssing you here at Swarthmore next fall." Miss Bacon is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bacon and at present is a student at the East high school. She will be graduated from that institution in June of this year. Her selection by the Swarthmore admissions committee was made upon the basis of her scholastic record and general qualifications, according to the letter from Mr. Walters. Swarthmore college was founded by the liberal or Hicksite body of the Society of Friends and was first opened in 1869. It has been from the first a coeducational college, be- ing- the second institution east of the Alleghany mountains to offer instruction to men and women on absolutely equal terms. It has a campus of 200 acres, bordered by the gorge of Crum creek, and including the farm on which Benjamin West, the artist, was born. Applications for Three Bus Lines Are to Be Heard Hearings on three applications for permission to operate automobile stage lines between various points will be held before the public utilities commission at the capitol Wednesday morning, March 30, according to announcement of the commission Saturday. The first of these hearings will begin at 10 a. m., when the case of E. B. Parry, who desires to operate a passenger stage line between Salt Lake, American Fork, Pleasant Grove, and Provo, around what is known as the "Timpanogos loop," will be considered. At 10:30 o'clock the commission plans to hear the evidence on the application of James H. Wade for permission to withdraw from and the application of Ray Ralphs to assume operation of the automobile stage line between Price and Emery, by way of Huntington, Castle Dale, Orangeville, Ferron, Clauson and intermediate points. At 11 o'clock the commission will begin the hearing on the application of Emmett J. Adams for permission to operate an automobile passenger stage line between Copperfield and Bingham. On Thursday, March 31, the commission will hold a hearing on the application of the Utah-Idaho Motor Way, a partnership consisting of Robert H. Lawrence and Harry G. Lawrence, for permission to operate an automobile stage line between Salt Lake and the Utah-Idaho state line. This hearing will begin at 10 o'clock. Anti-Crime Body Convention Is to Be Held in June Announcement was received in Salt Lake Saturday of the fifth interna^ tional anticrime convention, to be held by the Northwest Association of Sheriffs and Police at Nelson, B. C., on June 16, 17 and 18. Plans of Salt Lake and Utah officers to attend the meeting have not yet been made. A number of interesting topics will be discussed at the June meeting. Among them will be radio and police; automobile theft prevention; parole law administration; narcotics; interstate extradition; juvenile delinquency; policing city traffic; uniform crime records; the airplane in crime; arson and incendiaries; penology and crime; expedition of criminal trials I and reform of criminal law procedure. Utah members of the board of governors of the organization are: Chief of Police Joseph E. Burbidge of Salt Lake; Sheriff John Zundell of Box- elder county; Sheriff J. D. Boyd of Utah county; R. H. Wootton, deputy warden of the Utah state prison. 40 AND 8 GO TO LOGAN. Local members of Voiture 23, 40 Hommes, S Cheveaux, American Legion fun organization, went to Logan Saturday night to attend initiation ceremonies of the Logan post. Lieutenant Russell L. Maughan, chief air officer of the 104 division, a native of Logan, and a member of the American Legion post, also attended. Two incomes are better than one- invest $100 for one thousand baby chicks and they will add $3000 to your income this year. Turn to "Baby Chick" Wantads. insurance man dies by mishap S. S. Hammond Killed by Accidental Discharge of Gun in His Garage. Sidney Charles Hammond, Salt Lake insurance man, was found dead in a garage in the rear of his home, 345 East First South street, at 10:30 Saturday night, by Detectives M. D. McGinness and Lester F. Wire. Death was due to the accidental discharge of a shotgun, the charge from the gun taking effect in his breast. Mr. Hammond's body was discovered after his prolonged and unexplained absence from his home had alarmed his wife, Mrs. Mary Hammond, who summoned aid. According to the story told by her to Detectives McGinness and Wire. Mr. Hammond left home Saturday morning-, telling her that he might go to Ogden during the day, but that he would be home in the evening. He did not I return for dinner, and, upon his not returning later in the evening, she j became alarmeer. Don R. Lewis, a friend of the family, was called. He ] was unable to find Mr. Hammond at the homes of mutual friends in Ogden, and called upon the police for aid. Detectives McGinness and Wire called at the Hammond home, and during the course of conversation with Mrs. Hammond learned that Mr. Hammond had planned upon carrying some personal belongings into the garage for safe keeping. They entered the garage and found his body upon the floor. From the position of the body the detectives believe that the gun, which caused his death, was discharged when a part of the bedstead, stored in the garage, had suddenly fallen over, the impact of the fall discharging the gun. Mr. Hammond was about 60 years of age. He was well known in insurance circles in Salt Lake, and had recently promoted a dredging company in Oregon. He was a member of the Masonic order. Besides his widow, a son, Ralph H. Hammond, of Cleveland, Ohio, survives. The body was taken to the Emergency hospital. TERRIER FINDS HOME BY BEING DOORSTEP BABY Felix Nerderhorn Adopts Foundling Pup After Losing Trick Pet. Felix Nerderhorn, pastry cook, has adopted an unusiual doorstep baby. The youngster, now a resident at'the Nerderholm home for a week, is doing I nicely. It differs from the usual doorstep baby, in as much as it is a fox terrier puppy. Felix will be remembered by Salt Lake dog fanciers as the owner of "Spot," a fox terrier which for three successive years won first prize awards at the Utah state fair as the best trained trick dog. Three weeks ago "Schpot," as Felix designated his pet, died as a result of poisoning. Felix, who regarded 'his pet with an almost paternal affection, was grief stricken. He heaped imprecations upon the unknown dog poisoner. It Is believed that a friend, endeavoring to fill the void left by the sudden death of "Schpot," placed the tiny fox terrier pup on the Nerderhorn hearthstone. Felix doesn't know who left the dog, but he is forgetting his grief over Spot while devoting his attention to the proper upbringing of his doorstep pet. C. C. Delegation to Attend Utah County Exhibit A delegation of at least eight, possibly more, will represent the livestock committee of the Salt Lake chamber of commerce at the third annual Utah county livestock show at Spanish Fork, March 23 to 26. it was announced Saturday. The Salt Lake delegation will probably attend Wednesday, the opening day. The list of those planning now to join the caravan include J. A. Hooper, secretary, Utah State Wool growers, chairman; J. H. Manderfield, manager, a.nd Reed W. Warnick, secretary, intermountain stock and horse show; J. T. Pence, Seth Pixton, Addis Kelly, W. H. Adams, S. Glover Rich and E. L. Burgon. | The Salt Lakers will be present for the high school stock judging contest and for dairy cattle judging, which are scheduled for the opening day. It is expected that many entries at the Utah county show will continue to Salt Lake for competition in the intermountain show, which opens Tuesday, March 29, to continue unt.iL April 2. Thursday, the second day of the Utah county show, has been designated "Governor's day," and Governor. George H. Dern has assured Utah county stockmen he will attend. A special program has been arranged for the governor for Thursday evening. TO ADDRESS UNEMPLOYED. The Rev. John Leacher of the ! Episcopal church and Miss H. H. Henderson will be the principal speakers at a meeting of the unemployed to be held at Brotherhood hall, 45 Richards street, Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. The speakers will be followed by open forum. Vocal and instrumental selections will be given preceding and following the speakers. TWO DECREES GRANTED. Alleging that C. W. Busick threatened to kill her and their 16-year-old daughter last November, Minnie Mae Busick obtained an interlocutory decree of divorce, which was granted Saturday by Judge William S. Marks. Alice D. Emery was given divorce : from Lorin L. Emery on a charge of failure to provide. PLEADS NOT GUILTY. Ramon Camnitue, charged with assault with a deadly weapon on Max Hanson as a result of his alleged shooting proclivities exhibited recently in an establishment on West Second South street, pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Judge N. H. Tanner Saturday and will be given preliminary hearing March 82. Your Trip For tickets to Honolulu, Alaska, I Panama Canal and Europe, see J. G I Tomlinson, S. S. Agt., Wilson Hotel, ' Wasatch 96. (Adv.) poisoner has WOMEN GUARDS Sheriff's Office Employs Two 'Jailers' to Watch Confessed Child Killer. Following a conference of several deputies, decision was made by Chief Deputy Sheriff L. L. Larsen Saturday to have a woman guard for Mrs. Bernard Peterson at all hours of the day and night while she is in the sheriff's custody. Two women have been employed, to remain with Mrs. Peterson each twelve hours during the day. Mrs. Peterson has expressed the wish that she be left entirely alone. This, however, the sheriff's office is unwilling to consent to. The office felt also that she should not have other prisoners of the jail with her, and decided that it would not be sound to use one of the women prisoners as a guard, j Mrs. Peterson confessed recently ! to poisoning her son, Kenneth, and her foster daughter, Margaret Bateman, in a general plot to wipe out j the family. The women's quarters at the jail are some distance from the office, and it was felt that she should have a special "jailer" other than the regular officers. Dr. Foster J. Curtis and Dr. Garland H. Pace, psychiatrists, said Saturday that their minds were still open as to her mental condition and that they had not arrived at any definite conclusion as to her sanity. The probe will continue Sunday, it is expected. JUDGE LENIENT TO DISTRESSED FATHER Bernard Peterson of Murray, who has in the last ten days seen his babe and foster child dead as a result of poison, has learned that his wife has confessed to the poisoning and that the plan included him and their other children as further objectives, and who has had the further distress of learning that Mrs. Peterson obtained the poison from a man, colored, need not go to jail because he cannot pay a $200 fine. At least Judge N. H. Tanner indicated Saturday that he is not going to be in a hurry to commit the unfortunate father. Peterson was fined $200 for violation of the prohibition law and given a stay in which to pay it. Thfe stay was up Saturday. Little was said in court Saturday, but Judge Tanner, who did not exactly remit the fine, made it known that he was not going to press its payment just at this time. In the first place, Peterson has not the money, it was said, and, in the second, he has had enough sorrows without being committed to jail at once, court attaches declared the judge indicated. Utah Building & Loan Body to Meet at Ogden Utah League of Building & Loan Associations will hold its state convention and annual meeting April 7 at the new Hotel Bigelow at Ogden, it was announced Saturday. The convention will be divided into thrps sessions: The forenoon session opening at 10 a- m., when reports of officers and standing committees will be made: the afternoon session at 2 o'clock, at which addresses and discussions of business will take place, and a banquet at 7 o'clock. Today's Issue of THE TRIBUNE Consists of Four Sections, in Eight Parts. Kansas race war held in check by troops. Page 1. Senator Reed orders special officer to get Pennsylvania ballots Page 1. Coolidge will choose summer White House when spring comes. Page 1. Kentuckian in prison for life for murder finds prison doors open when alleged victim returns to her home. Page 1. Hawaiian farmers solve problems by cooperatives. Page 1. Vice President Dawes will carry on senate rules fight this summer. Page 1. Mexican ambassador delays call on Secretary Kellogg. Page 1. Farm bill veto will not divorce farmers from G. O. P., Senator Watson says. Page 1. Arkansas tornado causes twenty- one deaths, thirty-three in two days. Page 1. Dr. Cook will stay in prison while release law is tested. Page 1. Western rail workers' wage raise demand goes before mediation board. Page 1. Machinery set in motion against corn borer. Page 1. Snowstorms in Colorado and Wyoming responsible for two deaths. Page 1. Cantonese army at gates of Shanghai. Page 1. Mellon Issues order for reorganization of prohibition unit. Page 1. Central Europe sees menacing war signs. France and Italy may be drawn in. Page 1. News of the world as told by pictures, including a photograph of the Salt Lake theater orchestra of 1865. George Ade. Page 2, part 5, main news section. Fannie Hurst. Page 3, part 5, main news section. Will Rogers. Page 4, part 5, main news section. Kathleen Norris. Page 5, part 5, main news section. Montague Glass. Page 6, part 5, main news section. Stephen Leacock. Page 7, part 5, main news section. Frank H. Simonds. Page 1, part 5, main news section. Sara Moore. Page 1, magazine section. Donald Ogden Stewart. Page 1, magazine section. John M. Osklson. Page 4, magazine section. Willella de Campi and Jane Eddington. Page 7, friagazlne section. W. Boyce Morgan. Page 6, magazine section. Illustrated page of newsy news. Page 5, magazine section. Astounding tale the dead man told. Page 3, magazine section. Jesus, a man of smiles, not tears. Paqe 2, magazine section. City and state social notes. Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, society section. Women's clubs. Page 5, society section. Under the reading lamp. Page society section. Stage and screen gossip. Page society section. Musnc news and views. Page 8, society section. Music news and views. Page 8, society section. Mines and oil. Part 4. Sports. Part 2. First Week in May Belongs to Salt Lake's Boyhood Period Will Be Devoted to Education and Patriotism Organizations of City to Take Charge of Exercises and Parades. Sixteen thousand Salt Lake boys, ranging in age from eight to eighteen years, and embracing all boys in the city who are physically able to be in the line of march, will participate in the Loyalty parade, which, on the morning of May 2. will mark the official opening of Boys' week. W. H. Lovesy, chairman of the Boys' week committee, stated Saturday that all schools .of the city will cooperate during the week, and that from May 2 until May 8, Salt Lake boyhood will reign supreme. School organizations, Boy Scouts, and other groups of boys will appear in the parade. There will be boy bands, an array of pageantry emphasizing boyhood, and as sixteen thousand youngsters trudge through the streets, an American flag at the head of each unit, Salt Lake citizens will have opportunity to view the foundation upon which the future of the city rests. The first day of Boys' week-May 2, is Loyalty day. The parade will be the outstanding feature. Exercises for the day will be conducted under the auspices of Salt Lake lodge No. 85, B. P. O. E. GROUPS TO SEE INDUSTRIES. Industry will be stressed Tuesday, May 3, with the chamber of commerce directing activities. .Under a tentative plan now being developed, groups of boys, ranging in number from 25 to 50. will be taken from each junior high school, high school and other educational institutions in the city. These groups will be conducted by business executives to visit Salt Lake's various industries. Emphasis will be placed upon the necessity of every boy choosing some trade or profession. Boys of these groups, returning to their various schools, will give to boys who remained at school an account of their visits to various industrial plants in the city. One of the principal purposes of this plait is to permit boys to visualize opportunities in business and professional life. Entertainment and athletics wj'V make up the program for Wednesday, May 4. Champions will be chosen in every grade of every school in the city. Schools will be grouped, with one as the scene of the day's activity. Contests of various sorts wiM be held at each of the group center?. A schedule for the days' program is now being worked out. Boys will participate in entertainment programs wherever the arrangement of such programs is possible. CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY. Under direction of the American Legion and the Boy Scouts' organization, every bov in Salt Lake will hear talks on Civic Responsibility. This idea will be carried out on Thursday. May 5. A representative of the American Legion, accompanied by three Boy Scouts, will visit every Salt Lake school. The Boy Scouts will address bovs at the schools. A radio program, and entertainment of boys who are without homes, or who live in poor environs, will make up the Boys' Evening at Home, on Friday. The Kiwanis and Rotary clubs are sponsoring this day. On Saturday, May 7, scoutmasters, university classes, and volunteers who are capable of handling groups of youngsters, will take parties of boys to the mountains, canyons, and other out-of-door places for a day of nature study. Boys will hear services especially prepared for the occasion, or will conduct services at churches of the city on Sunday, May 8. President Heber J. Grant has authorized the use of the tabernacle Sunday eve- Scottish Lord and Lady Visit City Head of Dewar of Famous Blends Gives Views on U. S. and Prohibition Salt Lake Is now acting as host to members of the British nobility- Lord and Lady Forteviot, who make their home in picturesque Dupplin castle, situated near the town of Perth, ancient capital of the kingdom of Scotland. Lord Foreviot is known to the business world as chairman of the board of John Dewar & Sons, Ltd., distillers of Perth, who have agencies in all parts of the British empire; in fact, in all parts of the world. He was elevated to the peerage in 1917 by King George V, thus becoming the first Lord Forteviot. Lord and Lady Forteviot arrived in Salt Lake Saturday afternoon on their way to "Bonnie Scotland" after a tour of Australia and the United States. They are accompanied by a maid and valet and are occupying a suite at the Hotel Utah. After sightseeing trips covering Salt Lake and vicinity, they expect to leave Monday for the east and the vessel which will carry them across the Atlantic. "The most impressive aspect of American life to me," said his lordship upon arriving in Salt Lake, "is the abundant prosperity of the people. This is exemplified by the great number of automobiles. Even the laboring men, I am told, ride to work in their own cars. The American working classes are better off than those of any other country." KEEN ON FARMING. Lord Forteviot, who is hale and active despite his more than threescore and ten years, explained that one of his chief interests now is farming. After many busy years in the industrial and political life of his native Scotland, he at present devotes a large share of his time to farming on his large Perthshire estate. "I am keen about farming," he admitted, "and found much to attract me in California, especially in Santa Rosa, where Luther Burbank worked his miracles in producing new types of plants. Agriculture in America is on a Scientific basis, and things are produced in enormous quantities. I was amazed at the chickens in Petaluma." Lord Forteviot, although one of the peers of a great realm and reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in Scotland, talked willingly on a number of subjects, graciously answering all questions asked him. He typifies the new ideal of democracy which has taken hold of the old British aristocracy of late years, even the members of the royal house. INTERESTING CAREER. His career is full of interest, and includes years of valuable service to the people. A member of The Tribune editorial staff, then a reporter on the Perthshire Advertiser at Perth, remembers when John A. Dewar was a councilman of the city of Perth. Following that he became successively city treasurer and lord provost, which is equivalent to the office of mayor. Next came seventeen years as a member of the house of commons, representing Inverness-shire, nlng, and at a grand assembly which will terminate Boys' week, Dr. Charles R. Barger, H. D. P. C. D., will deliver his famous lecture, couched in language understandable to boyhood, "The Road to Happiness." and, upon his ascension to the peerage, automatically became a member of the house of lords. His eldest son, John A. Dewar, Jr., is following in the footsteps of his father, already having reached the position of lord provost of Perth. When asked what he thought of prohibition, Lord Forteviot replied: "When I am in the United States I am a teetotaler. I expect to obey the laws, not criticise them. But," he added, "I'll say that it is pretty dangerous to drink some of the stuff they get in this country." BRITISH WORKERS' POSITION. Lord Forteviot believes that conditions in' the British Isles are improving, although there is still considerable unemployment. "The workers of Britain were never better off, it is the middle classes that are hit hardest. Great Britain is in much better condition than after the Napoleonic wars, when the per capita debt was much higher than now," he said. The British, he declares, do not harbor hatred and jealousy for the Americans. They belive it is only fair that war debts, like any other debts, should be met. "There are not many who know that Britain now has just as much money lent out in various parts of the world as before the war," Lord Forteviot said. The region of Scotland from which Lord Forteviot comes-the place where he was born and reared, and now his bailiwick-is redolent of history and romance. The village of Forteviot, near Dupplin castle, was the capital of the Picts, who occupied eastern Scotland from 296 to 844 A. D. Perth was capital of the united Scotland for many years before Edinburgh wjfs made the seat of government. From Scone, ai village in the vicinity, came the famous "stone of destiny," which, according to legend, formed the pillow of Jacob when he dreamed and saw the angels. On this stone were crowned the Scottish kings, including King Robert the Bruce, and now the stone reposes under the throne in Westminster Abbey, upon which all the king's of Britain are crowned. Annulment Asked, Lacking Divorce Suit for annulment of marriage on the ground that while she had believed she was divorced from her first husband several years ago she learned last February 28 that the divorce case was still pending, was filed by Lola L. Renshaw Saturday. She and Horace Renshaw were married at Oakland, Calif., February 28, 1925. Prior to this marriage she had married Arthur O. Larsen in 1917 and a divorce action was pending in November, 1923, she said. She declares that a few months later Larsen showed her what he represented to be a true copy of a decree of divorce, and she did not discover that this wa not the fact until last February, she asserts. MOVING IN MARCH? The renutal ads reflect lots of new desirable vacancies-and close by them are "Moving and Storage" ads. Read for Saving, use for Results. Was 590. UTAH PLANNING HUGE FIG area Shipment of 20,000 Trees to Washington County Will Arrive on Tuesday. Quantity Sufficient to Plant 200 Acres; First Step in New Movement. Utah's "Dixie," where a fertile soil and the sunshine of a semitropical climate combine to promote the growth of choice fruits, is soon to become one of the principal fig-growing regions of the USited States, if the plans of a group of farmers, headed by Horace Stayner, materialize. As the first step in carrying out this plan a shipment of 20,000 fig trees of the "Magnolia" variety is now en route to Cedar City via the Union Pacific railroad, and from there will be taken by truck to Washington county to be distributed among the fruit growers. The trees, two and three feet in height, were raised in Texas by the Japanese Nurseiy company. According to Mr. Stayner, the 20,000 trees will be sufficient to plant approximately 200 acres. At the present time there are less than ten acres of fig trees in the entire state, but from these few acres have come fruit which has won the praise of connoisseurs in all parts of the country. The shipment of young trees will reach Salt Lake Monday, and will proceed to their destination Tuesday. PLAN PRESERVING FACTORY. Heitofore fig raising has been rather haphazard, but from now on, according to Mr. Stayner, the growers of the Dixie country will cooperate to promote the growth and distribution of this product. It is the plan to build a preserving factory, perhaps near St. George, within two years, when the trees to be planted this spring will have had a chance to produce. It has been estimated that trees planted now wild, in two years, be producing at the rate of $70 an acre; three years, $125 to $175 an acre, and four .years, $500 to $700 an acre. This means that in four years the 20,000 young trees, which as yet have not had their roots in Utah soil, will be producing new wealth for this state amounting" to approximately $120,000 a year. Further value will be added when a. large part of the fruit is converted into fig preserve and shipped to eastern markets. "Washington county, from Hurricane to Santa Clara, can produce figs that are the equal if not the superior of any raised in the country, California not excepted," Mr. Stayner says. Six acres of figs can be raised on the water required for one acre of alfalfa, it has been found by the few present raisers of figs. SEE GOOD PROFIT. So far the figs of Washington county have found but a limited market, but it is believed that as many as the Dixie farmers raise can be marketed at a good profit. Mr. Stayner says that Utah figs can be placed in the eastern market in competition with any raised in other parts of the country because of their superior quality. They are now preserved in the homes of the people in the region in which they are raised. Figs have been raised in southern Utah for fifty years or more, but their culture has never reached sizable proportions because of a lack of organized effort among the farmers. Mr. Stayner, who is a resident of Salt Lake, but who has large land holdings in southern Utah, says he has been trying to organize the farmers for a number of years. Not only figs, but other fruits of semtropical nature are raised in Washington county, including pomegranates and English walnuts. Peaches, grapes and other ordinary fruits grow also on Dixie farms. Judd to Seize Autos for Taxes Delinquent personal property taxes on automobiles, some of which data as far back as 1924, must be paid by April 1, to avoid penalty and inconvenience to the owners, it is announced by George T. Judd, county treasurer. The treasurer's office has a large file of delinquent cases. Mr. Judd expects to seize automobiles after the delinquency date has passed. He said they will be placed in storage until the tax and levy, in addition to the cost of towing and storage, have been met. He fixes the average additional cost over taxes at $12. U. S. Jury to Meet Again on Monday Finding it impossible to conclude their session Saturday, members of the federal grand jury called Wednesday by Judge Tillman D. Johnson adjourned their investigations Saturday noon until Monday at 10 o'clock. While previous expectations were that the body would return la report Saturday, much evidence still remains undisposed. It is expected, that a report will be brought in sometime Monday. DENIES ASSAULT CHARGE. Clinton Bernson pleaded not guilty to criminal assault when arraigned before Judge L. B. Wight Saturday in the Third district court. The case was continued for setting of trial. Tribune Gives the Basketball Score to 2237 'T'HE basketball tournament at the Deseret gymnasium ended in a furious struggle between two leading teams. It also ended rather furiously for the telephone information bureau of The Tribune, which handled 2237 calls on basketball scores in four and one- half hours, between 6 and 10:30 o'clock Saturday evening. This makes an average of 497 calls an hour for the period, or more than eight calls a minute. The new Tribune turret board, with its four additional operators, took care of the avalanche of information requests without difficulty. |