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Show Sept. 28, 1931 O.H.S. News Editors: Bob Hetzel, Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. FORUM Forum was called to order Mon¬day evening, September 21, by President Bill Alsup. The roll was called and the minutes were read. A debate between four members of Forum was held. The question was: "Resolved that interscholastic ath¬letics are detrimental." The de¬cision was awarded to the affirma¬tive. After a brief criticism of the debate by Mr. Smith, Lawrence Sommerville and Delbert Hardman challenged Jack Carr and Curtis Bybee on the question, "Resolved, that India should be granted her immediate independence," which is to be held two weeks from last Monday evening. After a brief dis-cussion on the question, Forum was adjourned by a motion. BOB JUNK. ZETA PHI XI Meeting was called to order by President Alice Barker. The con¬stitution was read. It was decided that we would have a tennis tourn¬ament among the members of the club. The committee appointed to take charge of the tournament con¬sists of Harriet Robison, chairman; Virginia Hunter, and Mildred Lar-son. Miss Corless and Dave Wangsgard were elected advisor of our club. MARION STEWART, Reporter. THE BROOM BARONS Who of you doesn't know the two handsome young gentlemen that practically run this school? Per-haps that needs an explanation to Mr. Merrill and Mrs. Irwin, but we are sure they won't object because neither of them sweep floors and fire furnaces, at least at school. If the debris that is left on the floors after a strenuous day of mental la¬bor weren't swept each night we'll wager that in a week you could not swim the halls. Our janitors are affectionately known as "Harry and Frank." They are not only janitors, but informa¬tion bureaus and lost and found de¬partments. It is in your power to aid them and keep the halls and classrooms cleaner if you will just throw all papers In the waste baskets and not on the floors. A. D. M. With such capable officers as Neoma Teuscher, Eva Grover and Louisa Allen, A. D. M. is sure to reach the top of the ladder. Just" leave it to them to show us how to have a good time, and they start out first thing with a big party for the alumni, which they have planned for the near future. Club uniforms have been dis- cussed and soon you will see what good judgment the members have on dress. Listen, friends, A. D. M. has the .best secret in the world. Of course we can't tell you about it now but just watch the notes and soon you'll read some news that will rnafcie every student want to become a member. Watch. KATHLEEN LAURIE, Reporter. NONSENSE Washington may have crossed the Delaware, but what of the ju¬niors that crossed the threshold into the hands of the enemy? All those being tardy in Ernie Wangsgard's seventh period study, are requested to stay for tea after school (they must furnish the tea). It might seem peculiar that the girls in law class are the most in-terested when discussing marriage, but after a little thought it seems natural. About this water fight, the se¬niors think the juniors all wet, but don't you think a drenching will take it out of them? Let's show "em, juniors. SID GORDON. ' GIRLS' ASSOCIATION The first meeting of the Girls' association officers was held Wed¬nesday for the purpose of planning "big sister week" and the first girls' assembly of the year. For the benefit of the junior and senior girls who are not acquainted with the officers of the association for 1931-32, they are, president, Ruth Hawkins; vice president, Mary Walker; secretary, Holly Arthur. "Big sister week" will begin October 6 and will end on Friday,! October 10. iu. iacu year me Girls' association sponsors a week for the tl purpose of welcoming the junior re girls, making them feel acquainted, hi installing in them the friendly spirit of O. H. S. During this week la each junior girl is the "little sister" of a senior girl, whose duty it is toi assist her. little sister in becoming1 acquainted with all the girls and with every different phase of life ai at O. H. S. This perfect week is topped off by the "big sister party" ni to which the senior girls escort w! their little sisters on Friday evening, September 10. hi The first girls' assembly of thejth year will be held Wednesday morn¬ing at 8:30 o'clock. "INTER NOS" The meeting was called to order Monday, September 21, by Chairman Pro Tem Holley Arthur. Robert Rushmer was appointed secretary pro tem and nominations for offices were opened. The following were elected: Imperator Robert Rushmer; quaestor, Holley Arthur; censor, Virginia Hunter; scriba, George Loff; res festivitates, Grant Aadnesson. Imperator Rushmer took the chair ar and, no other business appearing, pi; the meeting was adjourned. in he CHATTER AND CHAFF yo Russ Stone's newest squelch is:?; "You stole my Austin, you pick pocket." Grocer: We have some very fine™ string beans today. Helen Tanner: How much areiW they a string? f . Alice Barker still seems to be very interested in athletics. Officer has stopped fair feminine driver for speeding. "Say, Where's the fire?" p Harriet Robison: "In your eyes, you great, big, gorgeous policeman." S ept. 29, 1931 O. H. S.; news Editors: Bob Hetzel, Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. TEAM WINS Congratulations, team. We are j si proud of your playing at Davis and P proud of the score, 7-0. Even though it is a practice game it is y a good start and we expect great it things from you. h REST ROOM The rest room is maintained by the girls of Ogden High for those t) who are ill and unable to go home, j, If you are ill and wish to go to v the rest room, get your admittance slip from either your classroom teacher or the office. A roll is kept in the rest room and the names of those who have . attended there during the day are " handed into the office seventh pe¬riod. It is an admirable, service which our rest room attendants give to the girls of the school and is acknowl¬edged and appreciated by the Girls' a association. The following are the girls under whose direction the room is main¬tained: Jean Danvers, Alice Barker, Jannice Sherman, Anna Fox, 1! Elizabeth Taylor, Margaret Craven, ; Frocine Liapis, Dorothy Moore, Elaine Evans, Helen Tanner, Hattie Payne, Athleen Opikins. —Virginia Hunter. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Of course you are aware that many of us students haven't u bought a study body ticket as yet. How much does it cost to attend the c get-acquainted dance if we haven't a student body card? Is this dance 1 a stag dance? . —Inquisitive. Dear Inquisitive: a Yes, we are aware that the stu¬dent body cards have not been is¬sued as yet, but they will be out; before the get-acquainted dance. Xf j , you have not purchased, one admission will be 50 cents apiece or 75 cents a couple. Yes, this is a "stag" dance. Sincerely, AUNT JANE. WATER FIGHT At last the much heralded water fight between the seniors and juniors is drawing near. We expect to see every O. H. S. boy clad in his very oldest clothes 3 and prepared for a good soaking at 1 Lester park tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. The Ogden fire department will ( i furnish the means and you will i -supply the force to give either the j 'senior or junior class a good wetting. Don't forget that the boys aren't : the only participants; every girl is requested to honor the fight with i her presence, so that the boys might be heartened by her cheers and adu- i lation. i —Virginia Hunter. BIG SISTER WEEK As you all know, next week is the i annual "Big Sister Week." All you senior girls who have defi- ' nitely made up your minds as to who you would like to take under your wing for an entire week,please ' hand your name and the name of ' the junior you want for a. little sis. ter to Mrs. Irwin or the Girls' as¬sociation officers, before 3:30 Wednesday night. The committee will then see that ' your requests are fulfilled. —Virginia Hunter. PHI LAMBDA TAU My, it has been a long time since tou have heard from Phi Lambda Tau. Well, here we are again, back ! with a bound and with more pep md vivacity than ever before. Our Durpose is to promote sports and n particular, shooting. So if you lear a bong, bong some day, junior, rau had better duck, because Helen Davis is mighty dangerous when she las a gun in her hand. Wednesday at our meeting we :lected Mary Walker as our new ace president. What a vice president—good old Mary, and Betty Williams as reporter. Juniors, don't forget to listen for our bong, bong, and our weekly reports. —Betty Williams, Reporter. S. O. S. REPORT Meeting was called to order by President E. Aiken. The minutes were read and approved and the dues were collected from delinquent members. Our discussions that were given; during the old and new business headings were very excellent de-bates. We had our own ideas and expressed them to suit ourselves. Bob Rushmer gave us a very in¬teresting talk on the things he saw pertaining to navigation on his trip through Europe. We all learned something from Bob's interesting re¬port. The S. O. S. club was started last year, to study navigation in all of its phases. We senior members have learned many different and unique things since 1930. The members in our club have had many interesting topics given to them and we have studied and learned and now we have progressed : very far into our study. —Arthur Cartright, Reporter. CHATTER AND CHAFF! Words for the wise: Impropaganda, swellegant, intestinal fortitude, Reno-vated (divorced in Nevada). Harm Williams: Hello, pal, lend me a nickel, will you? I want to call up a friend. Russ F.: Here's a dime. Call up all your friends. LATEST DEFINITIONS Acrimony, sometimes called holy, is another name tor marriage. A momentum is what you give a person when you are leaving. Contralto is a low sort of music that only ladies sing. In Christianity a man can only have one wife. This is called mo¬notony. Launcelot arrived at a castle where he asked if he could be put up with for the night. The letter M. D. signify "mentally deficient." Chivalry is the attitude of a man toward a strange woman. . A monolog is a conversation be¬tween two people, such as husband, and wife. Sept. 30, 1931 news Editors: Bob Hetzel, Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. THE TIME TO BUILD Most Ogden people have heard during the past fifteen years that Ogden needs a new high school. It is, and in fact has been Ogden's most urgent need during the past! ten years. As a matter of fact Og-den has no high school in the ac¬cepted use of the term. In the old days a high school was an insti¬tution that gave four full years of instruction. Later, with the intro¬duction of the junior-senior plan of high schools, the senior high school was scheduled to give three-year courses. Ogden continued to give the four-year course until crowded conditions necessitated the removal of the ninth grade. Six years ago the crowded condition necessitated also the removal of the tenth grade to junior high schools, so that for several years past, there have been but two grades, the eleventh and the twelfth, at the high school. We humbly suggest, therefore, that this is a most appropriate time to begin the erection of that new high school. Material was never so cheap, j Bricklayers, carpenters, artisans of all kinds are out of employment, and would be glad to work at wages 25 per cent lower than during other years. Why not relieve unemploy¬ment? Especially as the people are asked to contribute $150,000 now, why not use this fund in giving em¬ployment in the building of a new high school? Think it over, gentle¬men! JUNIORS ATTENTION! Can't you hear Mr. Opportunity knocking on your door? Come out and meet the world in combat he is telling you. Are you going to hide inside and shun opportunity? Well, then, Juniors, come up to room 303 tomorrow at 3:30 p. m. sharp and meet Mr. Opportunity. We want some go-getting boys and girls to try out for the position of business manager of our noted Quarterly Classicum.—Meyer Lutzker. CHATTER AND CHAFF Lady—Have you ever been offered work? Norm Dockum—Only once, mad¬am. Aside from that I have met with nothing but kindness. Elaine Stevens—A bandit jumped on the running board of my machine last night and demanded five dollars. Gerry—Why didn't you have him arrested for impersonating an of¬ficer. Philosophy in a nutshell—A man may put all his savings under his pillow every night, but that doesn't mean that he has money enough to retire on. Edgar says—Wear a Sam Brown and beat 'em off with clubs. OCTOBER REMEDIES Do you want to meet a certain blond, brunette or red head? If you do I'll be seeing you at the dance October 2. Perhaps you are dying of thirst, if so wait until Friday and drink some of the delicious punch in the Berthana ballroom. There are a lot of boys and girls in school that have acquired the -g, blues, we have a remedy, come to a the dance, it is strictly informal. w. If you are in love, here is your chance. Arrange a date with your friend and come and enjoy the o waltzes. Nine o'clock Friday. Sometimes you forget how to dance, if so come to the Berthana and sit up in the balcony on any one 3 of the comfortable chairs. Some of you have corns. If so, come to this dance because all of the people are extremely nice and i a; polite during the get-acquainted j & dance, Friday, October 2, at 9 "i o'clock. g CONGRESS Congress was called to order September 25 by President Hunter. After the minutes were dispensed with, "g reports on current events were giv- tf en by Kiyoko Oda, Margaret Thomas, Mary Haynie, Alice Dunn and Virginia Hunter. Forum challenged Congress to a debate on October 19, -g which challenge was accepted. It fe was decided that the question should S be: "Resolved: That the United States should cancel the allied war g debt." The affirmative will be up- held by Congress, the negative by Forum. The Congress debaters are to be Virginia Hunter and Alice Dunn. For the practice debate on October 12, a negative team of Margaret Thomas and Kiyoko Oda was appointed by the chair. Meeting ithen adjourned. All girls interested in public j speaking and debating are cordially invited to the Congress meetings, t held every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in room 300. ;e AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Are we going to have an assembly c this year at which the various club i presidents introduce their clubs? If , so when? If not, why not? c R. S. V. P. "J Dear R. S. V. P.: We shall possibly have our club c assembly before the end of the first six weeks. As yet the clubs have c not been recognized in council and they are jnot allowed to pledge be- six weeks introduce their clubs Aunt Jane boost sale of cards student body cards information o.h.s. |