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Show Parents' Aid Against Absences Requested Apr. 22, 1932 School Asks Same Prompt Attendance Required , By Employers OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Virginia Hunter, Editor Our school suffers from irregular . attendance on the part of some pu¬pils. Punils who are absent not only lose continuity of work, but in some degree also hold back the progress of the class. Our failing students are invari¬ably those who are irregular in at¬tendance. We want on failing stu¬dents. We desire most earnestly the co- operation of parents in inculcating the idea that school work is very important—quite as important as anything else in the world and that students should not be absent from school except for sickness or death in the family. We ask for that same regularity and dependability in school that em¬ployers exact and expect in business life. We feel that we are entitled to it. Let us all work together for bet¬ter and more efficient school work. It cost money, sacrifice, effort, but it is well worth it—A. M. Merrill, Principal. GENEROSITY Generosity is a subject that most of the students of our lovely school do not need to be told much about. Most of them are well versed in this matter; however, it is so important in later life that we feel we must spend a little time on it. Generos¬ity is uplifting. When one shares all one's property with others, it helps one's own disposition. Here is something to follow if you are seek¬ing happiness. Be generous and be happy.—The Editor. SHAKESPEARE STUDY Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more. Yes, you have guessed it; it is from Shakespeare's "King Henry the Fifth," which the junior English classes have just completed. During the study some of us wondered who ever said that Shakespeare was a marvelous author, but now as we have completed the play we once more admit (or have to admit) he is the "mightiest in the mightiest." Oh, well! 'Tis once in a lifetime one has as much fun as they do impersonating the characters of that time, and that is just what has been done of late in the literature classes. —Jeannette Johnson. TREAT COMING A rich old Spanish grandee, a band of cruel and merciless pirates, ; a beautiful young senorita, a hand-some American suitor, a sour and : pessimistic school teacher, a retired pugilist. A pirate lair, dramatic situations, appalling entanglements, ingenious unravelings, love affairs, comedy! All are featured in the coming school opera, "Captain Crossbones." Start saving your pennies now for a ringside seat at one of the great- ' est musical production of the entire ; school year.—Fay Cardon. SHORT SHORT STORY Then there was the person that 1 said, "Spring is here." Everything 's seemed to substantiate his convic-r tion. All the snow had disappeared, t the sun shone brightly, the birds piped gaily in the trees, the grass 3 was beginning to grow, the trees c were budding and such. So people! took his word and their heavy wraps were put away, together with rub-s bers, galoshes and red flannels. But, alas, nature is like a woman,1 very fickle, and along came a snow-- storm. The anger of the populace became aroused, and a hunt for that person who made the remark thaLspring is here was begun. They found him, but he broke loose, and the chase was on. It con¬tinued all day, and just as they were about to recapture him, night fell. The chase had to be discon¬tinued until morning. Then came the dawn, and now they saw that almost all the snow had vanished. And then came the sun and melted the remaining snow, the birds began to pipe again, the hunters threw off their heavy coats and far off in the distance the person did the same. Thus he wac saved, for here was spring once more. Funny thing, this spring. Eh! What?—Sid Gordon. GIVING DICTATION Congress was called to order by president—but Helen told me I'd better not say that. It seems that there wasn't any business, but they called a choice; conglomeration of miscellany that,', anyway. Just to let the school know, how¬ever, that_Congress is "up_and_go ing" (I don't know where), I might state that committees were chosen for the annual banquet. It's strange, but the senators eat every once in a while, too, which my boss thinks is compensation for being on the invitation committee. The debate of the evening, given by four waiting list members, Ellen Glines, Marie Bowkuis, Clara John¬son and Katherine Skeen, upon the subject of women in industry, must have been good, for several mem¬bers condoled the juniors who "got scored" by saying they hadn't done as well on their first attempt. Helen couldn't seem to remember anything else about the meeting, so, in all probability, Congress merely adjourned.—Helen Lindquist, Re¬porter. ZETA PHI XI You haven't heard from us for a long time, but that is not 'a sign of stagnancy. No, no. We have been doing much. Take for instance the three pretty juniors who received a beautiful corsage from Zeta last Fri¬day. Who are they? Why none other than Melba Randall, Helen Parmley and Helen Brophy. Were they happy? Well, just ask them. We are proud of them and will treat them just as pledges should be treated.—Mildred Larson, Reporter. FACTS Mr. Merrill still insists upon im¬mediate appearance in the class¬rooms. __ Frank and Harry are going to change the signs from "Keep off the grass" to "Don't eat the grass." Genteel Racket—Which dance did you say was mine? Genteel racket No. 2—Junior Prom—that is—on the Juniors. Famous last words: Spring is here—thanks to S. S. HoLo JUNIOR PROM Students, pupils, and otherwise! Come tonight and support the prom and have the time of your life! The juniors are sponsoring it, so you can be sure that it will be a wow! This is their chance to show you that they are worthy of becoming high and mighty seniors and they are making the most of it. The motif is Japanese. Can't you smell the cherry blossoms? Anyway, it will be the peachiest dance of the year, and when you go you will be convinced that "spring has sprung." Fellows, it isn't too late yet to get a date so call up the girl friend, and maybe she will get big-hearted and give you a break.—Helen Parm¬ley. Ogden Rifle Experts Display Fine Ability Tigers In 2nd Place In Na¬tional Event; Sharar Sparkles The Ogden High rifle team, for¬mer national scholastic champions, stand in second place in the na¬tional event at the end of the sec¬ond stage of the event, officials of the Tiger lair announced today. Ogden represents the Ninth corps area in the National R. O. T. C. event. Robert Bader, Wayne Harbertson and James Facer turned in perfect scores from prone. The first stage consisting of prone and sitting ended with a score of 1916 and the second stage with a score of 1923 making a total of 3839 for the first half of the match. In the third stage consisting of prone and standing the score was 1761 and the fourth and final stage a score of 1953 was made giving a grand j aggregate score of 7553. Robert Bader, Fred Turnquist, Wayne Harbertson, James Facer, Dale Drollinger, Maurice Abbott, James Gibson, David Sharar, Art Cartwright, Nathan Iannone, Alden Brewer, Jack McCord, David Clark, Glenn Bott, Bob Rushmer and Lewis Rush are members of the Tiger squad. The expert match with all mem¬bers permitted to fire under army regulations, was won by David Sharar. He collected 345 out of a possible 350. Fred Turnquist was second with 342 and Dale Drollinger third with 340. James Facer and Lewis Rush were next with 339 each followed by Maurice Abbott with 338. Glen Bott, Nathan Iannone and Jack McCord finished in the order named. HELEN SMITH Autoists Urged To Clip Out Prize Essay To Aid Safety In a recent essay contest on how to drive an automobile with safety, Miss Helen Smith, a student of the Ogden high school was awarded first prize by the judges, Mayor Ora Bundy, Superintendent of Schools W. Karl Hopkins and Chief of Police A. E. Wilfong. Three second prizes were awarded to Lucile Olson, Hazel Lewis and Ivan Neilson, also high school students. The first prize was $10 and the three second prizes $5 each. Sixty-nine essays were considered, 39 by girls and 30 by boys. The judges said that all the essays were good and it was with difficulty that they were able to select the win¬ners. Miss Smith's essay has been sent to the national safety council for use by that tribunal. This ac¬tivity was in conjunction with a national safety contest in which the Ogden high school was permit¬ted' to participate. CLIP OUT ESSAY Chief of Police Wilfong states that if the driving public will only heed the rules offered by Miss Smith many accidents will be avoided. He urges all motorists to clip the essay from the paper and keep it for ref¬erence and guidance. The essay fol¬lows: BE SURE—Do not attempt to drive a motor vehicle unless you have had sufficient instructions from someone who is capable of in¬structing you. BE ALERT—Concentrate on the operating of the vehicle every moment you are at the controls. You cannot be eating, reading, sleep¬ing or watching someone in the car and still be a safe driver. Keep both eyes open and on the road ahead and both hands on the wheel. BE SYSTEMATIC—Do not try- to watch every other vehicle on the: street at once; it is better to keep your eyes on the car in front of you and let the one in back watch you. BE QUICK—Make it a point to think and act quickly. A quick movement at the right moment will save you from many a disaster. BE CALM—While you are driving never allow yourself to get excited and upset. Analyze the sit¬uation clearly. BE OBEDIENT—It is of ut¬most importance not to disregard traffic laws, signal lights, road signs, and speed limits. They are for your convenience and protection. Slow down at every crossroads unless there is a sign telling you to stop. DIM YOUR LIGHTS BE CONSIDERATE—Give a care for the other fellow's life, if you don't for your own. Do not see how close you can come to collid-j ing with street cars, pedestrians and! other vehicles. Dim your lights up-on passing anyone at night. BE DEPENDABLE — Know what you are going to do and do it. Do not act as if you are going to turn a corner, stop or turn around unless you intend to do so. BE OBSERVANT—Look for lights; and signs. Make sure that the coast is clear before backing out of a driveway or making a turn. BE FAR-SIGHTED—Drive a vehicle only when you are sure it is In good condition, especially with regard to the brakes and the lights. Have a thorough examination made at frequent intervals, allowing noth-ing to remain unfixed that might cause an accident. BE CAUTIOUS—Keep to the right of the road. Allow for plenty of room in passing objects. Honk your horn before rounding a bend or entering a tunnel. Get in the habit of putting out your hand at the corners whether you can see anyone or not. BE COOL—Do not attempt to drive if you are in an angry or nerv¬ous state of mind. If you feel your¬self becoming reckless, slow down until you can get better control of yourself, or else authorize someone else to drive the vehicle for you. |