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Show Ogden-Weber Reach Semi-Final Cage Round Local Machines In Form; Granite Wins Over Pleasant Grove Ogden Division Fives Picked To Capture Spirited Games Today; Lambert, Greenwell And Wade Sparkle For Warriors; Kinner, Fowler And Lehman Stand' Out For Orange Streaks By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor D ESERET Gymnasium, Salt Lake City, March 18.—Ogden versus Granite and Weber versus Lehi! That is the championship schedule in the semi-final round of the annual Utah State High School basketball tournament today. These four colorful quints brushed aside the opposition in the quar¬ter-final rounds Thursday. Two championship favorites with! many of the fans fell by the way¬side Thursday. Pleasant Grove bowed to Granite, gs&Sv 21 to 24, and JW ' V Parowan lost to Jgt Lehi, 19 to 20. I Ogden advanced h to the semi-finals f . by walloping the I Ij&r' touted Jordan team, 28 to 14, mg?' m and Weber high, Jm another classy illllr Jllf machine, moved i W$m-mBBP up by swamping: RjM the Nephi five, 26 to 12. KAPPLE Other second day results were as follows: Logan 37, Bicknell 24; Hinckley 20, Uintah 16; East 27, Murray 13, and Wasatch 35, Moroni 25. Jordan held a 4-2 lead over Ogden at the end of the first period, but the Tigers jumped into a 9-6 lead at half time. Close guarding held the scoring down for both fives in the opening rounds. Ogden featured speed, accuracy and deception to walk away from the Beet Diggers in the final periods. Splendid shooting by Weir and Lehman, forwards, and Kinner, cen¬ter, gave the Tigers a tremendous lead in the third period. Ogden had 63 shots at the basket and converted 12 times while Jordan registered only six out of 70 shots. Lehman, with 13 points, led the attack for the Tigers. Fowler and Anderson turned in remarkable per-formances on the guard line. Larson, ace of the Jordan five, was held to two buckets by Fow¬ler. CLASSY TEAM Ogden was mighty impressive in her victory over Jordan and is picked by the writer to advance to the finals by whipping Granite this afternoon. Mark Ballif's W ebertes gave an¬other marvelous demonstration of team work and polished play vhen they turned )ack the Nephi Wade, Lambert, and Greenwell led the attack. Weber quarter and 15 to BALLIF The Ogden division champions displayed a superior passing attack and a splendid defense. Weber had possession of the ball most of! the time and permitted Nephi few shots. The entire Weber team played sensational basketball. Weber is picked to dispose of the Lehi five this evening by this critic, but the contest will undoubtedly be close and hard fought. In the event that Weber and Ogden are victorious this evening they will meet for the state championship Saturday night._ Ballif Sports His Rabbit's Foot; Joe Fowler Has Rooter Mar. 19, 1932 Mentor of 1926 Tiger Ma¬chine Matches Wits With Former Player Dixon Kapple, athletic director, and Mark Ballif, student, will di¬rect two of the best balanced bas¬ ketball clubs in state competition in years, in the final game for the state scholastic title at the Deseret gymnasium this evening. During the 1925 and 1926 seasons Ballif, present Weber director of athletics, was a regular guard on the brilliant Og¬den teams of those seasons. KAPPLE In 1926 Ballif was named by the writer as an All-American guard at the national interscholastic tourna-ment at Chicago. The selections were made expressly for the Deseret News, Ogden Standard-Examiner, Denver Post, Butte Miner and the Chicago Evening American. Occie Evans of L. D. S. also was honored with an All-American posi¬tion. Ballif and Claire Toone were the guards of the 1926 team. Rogers and Hearn were the forwards and Peterson carried on at center. Dick Kapple, present Tiger mentor, was Ballif's coach. Tonight student will match wits with teacher, so to speak. SPLENDID TEAMS Ballif's team of 1932 is a classy aggregation and the Dick Kapple athletes are just as colorful. It is the first time in all Utah scholas¬tic basketball history that two teams from the same locality will battle it out for the state bunting. Ogden and Weber will tangle to¬night for the fourth time this sea¬son. In the first league game of the year between the two clubs, We¬ber disposed of Ogden, 36 to 23. Johnny Weir, colorful forward, was ineligible for this contest. With Weir back in togs the Ogdenites ran loco to trim Weber 52 to 20 in their next encounter. Both teams deadlocked for the division leadership with five victories and one defeat each. In the play-off contest Weber eked out a 29 to 27 decision, but only after the teams had battled an extra three-minute period. At the Ogden-Weber play-off game Mark Ballif sported a "rab¬bit's foot" and the token of triumph has held a choice spot in Ballif's right hand coat pocket during the entire state tournament series. Ballif with Russ Magelby and George Cooper held down the guard positions during the past season for the brilliant United Billiard five of Ogden, considered the outstanding independent team of the west. The writer, along with coaches of northern Utah, gave Ogden and Weber an even break to advance to the finals before the joust opened. Both teams play smart basketball and both fives will receive a tre-mendous welcome at Ogden Mon¬day, regardless of which team romps home with the title. Big "Red" Wade, elongated cen¬ter of the Warriors, is a brother of the famous Red Wade of Ogden High's Rocky mountain champion¬ship team of 1925. Kapple directed Logan's 1921 team to a state title and his 1926 Ogden team advanced to the finals, only to lose to L. D. S., 17 to 16. , one oi tne most-unique situa¬tions in all Utah scholastic basket¬ball will be offered in the Ogden- Weber final. FATHER AND SON Joe Fowler, rangy guard of Ogden's classy five, is a son of B. A. Fowler, superintendent of the We¬ber county schools. B. A. Fowler has charge of We¬ber High's activities together with the management of the other schools of Weber county. The elder Fowler will have a chance to root for both aggregations this even¬ing. Two of the most popular players of the entire tournament are Bill Kin¬ner, Ogden's keyman, and Red Wade, the towering Weber center. These two splendid chaps will battle it out tonight. Wade had a touch of "flu" just a few days prior to the big tourna¬ment, yet despite this condition, he has battled on in every game in which Weber has participated. Tonight will be an all Ogden final. And indications point to a marvel¬ous representation of Ogden people at the final. HERE'S DATA ON STATE COURT TOURNEY TODAY'S SCHEDULE p. m.—Pleasant Grove vs. Parowan, for fourth and sev¬enth places. p. m.—Granite vs. Lehi, for third and sixth places. p. m.—Logan vs. East, con¬solation championship, fifth and eighth places. p. m.—Ogden vs. Weber, championship, first and second places. Friday's Results. Ogden 33, Granite 32. Weber 36, Lehi 29. East 41, Wasatch 24. Parowan 26, Juab 25. Pleasant Grove 37, Jordan 29. Logan 40, Hinckley 23. |