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Show nov 6 1931 Ogden Wallops South Cache; Tigers Display Power Nov. 16, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. STUDY OF PHYSICS student's entering the high school loctoblbrd with the Impression that physics to ft difficult subject. It is j In harder than any other form of iMHonly that it requires a little nt application and thought. The HhI matter as it is taught today IHBlMeaYor to make it represent Mi cwyday physics which the av- Inp person needs to help him to HTUmself to his surroundings HllBterpret his own experiences Kdfy; that is, to present ele- tmlmj physics in such a way as ftlHtailate the pupil to do some HB on his own account about Itataw and the whys of the physical world in which he lives. I TOdv all our broadcasting, most M ft wireless, nine-tenths of all hw ftstar.ee telephony, all our Itutatsion of pictures by wire,! Mi ban of other useful develop- Mfchavc resulted indirectly from ttl Mody of physics. In view of 'tirt physics has done, is doing and jtf eia do fcr the world, can any- OM be insensible either to its value Mfata fascination?—Sid Gordon. HEY! HEY! everybody Fellows and girls, grab a pencil oil up the old brain cogs, Hit into the big S. O. S. contest, ftart'i big money at stake! Drop pfltaiements with your name at- Hp b the Note Box, using the HP. S. letters denoting pep, en- Mhb or good sportsmanship, MR Thursday noon of this week. fe( all get into the game and B&t pep is also the password MfflK whole student body. C'mon. -Skipper "WE 13" CLUB I Mart! We are off for another Hut and, oh boy, wait until W&nleted; it will knock your glntr I would tell you readers H Mcret, but I am sure that I MHk mobbed by the other mem- HpWe 13." I will however, Hp this much, and wager that; M an not guess the answer. You Hyp going to see red in about Hfita Submit your answers to B2We 13" member; you might Hi prize, maybe. Hv students have been wonder- fftgfho the "We 13" pledges are. Bplthe complete list for your j Moral : Frank Martin, Wayne Earl Wright, Jack Watson, mm and Rolland Stone—Curtis bybee CONGRESS congress was called to order on november 9, in the usual manner.; jSrfte roll was called and the Bin read and approved, it was that ambitious waiting-list Ebm be given the customary Eon parliamentary procedure thursday 12 in Mrs. Chambers' R, The committee for member- mk composed of the stern judges St Burn. Mary Haynie and Margret Thomas Rffl followed a humorous, but hnstinglv valuable, debate upon K"welcome question, Resolved: tat report cards should be abol- fcd to the Ogden High schools. jSTaffirmative debaters were Kiyoko Oda and Mary Haynie; Margaret Thomas and Helen Lindquist panted the negative argument, a tow both teachers and students Will be overjoyed to learn the was awarded the affirma- Iftcr Kiyoko Oda and Mary Haynie ptnvelv met the lion in its den Si challenged Forum to another Banter, the schedule for the iSL four weeks was arranged: November 16, a debate, members and ptal list members; November 23, ,BS events: November 30, a Mike debate; December 7, a des- fgil verbal contest between con- then adjourned by a mo- Uoa- Helen Lindquist, reporter. COINCIL itaUhr council meeting was called fcr by President Stone. The lip'tit called; the minutes were mr. hopkins reported for the tennis court committee Orange Streaks Score Four Times In First Half of Game OGDEN HIGH hand- p ed t h e South Cache scholastic mj eleven a 33 to 0 fm M setback at Hyrum Pf Jm Friday. The Tigers h AxAtPsM/ performed in fine j, style scring four 5 yr touchdowns during r fS/ the first two pe- Cgl In the final pe- /pfSiJsjto riod the South Cache tightened her defense and aSC-- " permitted only one t score. ri Lehman, brilliant quarterback, led C the Tiger attack with two touch- r: downs. Foulger crossed the goal line 0 for one score and Long, substituting u for Foulger, also tallied a touchdown. The final six-pointer was C counted by Peterson. fj Sneddon booted three out of five ii conversions for the Tigers from tl placement. n Milligan Hendricks and Dockum played fine ball on the line for-the Ogdenites. Ogden will attempt to schedule a fj game with West High next week at Ogden for the "Big Three" state title. Lineup: Ogden (33) South Cache (0) Fowler G. Allen L. E. Olsen Staufer L. T. Dockum , Yeates L. G. Hendricks T. Leishman C. Milligan D. Allen R. G. Lindsley Mauchley R. T. Skinner Smith R E Lehman H. Mauchley Q. B. Williams Rose L. H. B. Sneddon Williamson R. H. B. Foulger F. Leishman F. B. Referee—Johnson. By a mot'ion the report was ac- j: :epted. It was later decided that 0 the committee should endeavor to Dbtain a tennis court in Lester park. Clubs granted parties -were: Stellae, November 6; Gregg Artists, December 4; and S. O. S., November 14. By a motion Phi Lambda Tau was granted the right to sell the megaphones to the student body. It was named and seconded that 1 ;he N. T. P. club be recognized and accepted by council. The motion svas passed. Earl Wright was accepted as one Df the school yell leaders. It was moved and seconded that the chair appoint eight boys to act as ushers in the assembly. The mo-tion was passed. j Council then adjourned. WE WONDER We are told that lovers' quarrels 1 are terrible things. The face of one of the ROTC supply sergeants would 1 indicate that such information is correct. BY SNOOPY I notice there is a slight decrease in famous couples near radiators. Is this caused by the depression? ZETA PHI XI t Silence! Quiet! Boom! Yes, here l we are again with our bit of sun- ± shine. We aim to please. Many let- i ters have been sent in regarding the club notes. We hope they were not j aimed at us, because that is indeed 1 a slam to the reporter. But Mildred , doesn't mind. Really students, I believe it would relieve many of the club reporters' minds if you would give the name of the club whose notes you abhor. Don't make such . a broad Statement as "the club notes." A reporter has to do a lot . of thinking if he wants to keep in touch with the club and outsiders, too. Please don't make it too hard for us. Such a beautiful room the girls' clubs are making out of the rest l room. Beautiful pillows, beautiful drapes, and clean housekeepers. P Keep it up! Zeta Phi Xi comes a forth again with another gorgeous c pillow. Let's help the cause along. OUR DOLL j Did you see the pretty little lady a come out of her perfectly adorable c little log cabin last Wednesday? She r is the representative of Zeta Phi Xi. It is her alone who announces the meeting day of our club. Watch for her enchanting smile. Have you made her acquaintance?—Mildred Larson, reporter. v OGDEN VICTORIOUS Once again the Tigers have shown r' themselves to be the conquering-he¬roes. In the game with South Cache at Hyrum Friday, the team c ran away with the game at a score v of 33-0. Four of the touchdowns c were made in the first half. That one foot of snow that our South Cache opponents stated lay on the c field was so melted by the hot play- c ing that by the end of the game there wasn't even enough snow to make a nice big snowball. 1 nov. 17, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. CARPE DIEM A special meeting was held on Friday, November 6, at 6:30 p. m. at the house of Miss Louise Peterson L for the purpose of initiating senior pledges of Carpe Diem. The ini¬tiates were: Mildred Bennett, Mar-garet Hoggan, and Mable Barton. "It was stiff but it was worth it," seemed to be the consensus of the pledges. And we smiled, thinking them typical initiates of Carpe Diem. —Helen Tanner. S. O. S. CONTEST Now's the time to get your win¬ning statements in. Only one and a half more days to compete for the big prizes. If you don't know the rules, your neighbor does, so do not fail to write your slogans by Thurs¬day noon. Drop 'em in the note bos, they will be appreciated. Fri¬day's the big day. —Skipper. THE DOMINANT CHORDS We are six girls with merits untold. We're blazing the trail of musical gold. We're peppy, charming, and talent¬ed too. We do excellent work for a group of so few. Let me introduce to you these out¬standing femmes. With their pastel silk blouses and corduroy hems. Helen Allen's the manager, temper¬amental but tame. Winona Olson, our leader, taps time for the strain. Alice Huggins so prompt it's really a shame. Lulu Frandsen when prompted, six measures will gain. Edith Bush wears a smile that could win any game. Francis Stephens says little but thinks just the same. You now know our names, but don't think that we're, through. Each week in the school notes we'll broadcast to you. KEEP 'EM BUSY Mr. Robins was speaking to an alumnus the other day and the alumnus said, "I hear you are hard on the students this year. What's the reason?" "Well," said Mr. Rob¬ins, "The students have to be kept busy apd since they can't go out every day, on- account of the de¬pression, they might as well study." I hear that this so-called depres¬sion is disappearing, so here's hop¬ing for smaller English assignments, Mr. Robins. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Because I'm a little curious, or what have you, I want to get ac¬quainted with a few pointers. As Dorothy Dix's student, I am asking you: Why is it that the students of Weber College always molest the halls of O. H. S.? Is it because of their love for Alma Mater? Or is it because of some beautiful dame? Maybe you had better inform them that spring has already passed. —Just Curious. Dear Just Curious: Certainly that's the reason. —Aunt Jane. Dear Aunt Jane: I think 75 cents is an outrageous price to have to pay for a dance, and the person that set the price certainly had his nerve. —A Student. Dear Student: Your student body cards are good. If you don't have them, the prices are 50 cents apiece and 75 cents a couple. If you think this is out¬rageous why don't you buy a stu¬dent body card and save. —Aunt Jane. WE WANT TO KNOW And by the way, why is it that when any one wants to make a fun¬ny remark in assembly they always pick on Mr. Kasius? Is it that, moustache? Can anyone suggest the reason why Dora and Harm have a cold in common. Maybe it was because they were out walking together in the cold. "Lay down, pup, lay down," or¬dered the man. "Good doggie, lay down, I say." "You'll have to say, 'Lie down', mister," declared Pesty, "that's a Boston terrier." "When do the leaves begin to turn?" asked the professor. "The night before exams start," replied Russ Hoffman. Famous last words: "I'll take vanilla." STUDENTS The annual Thanksgiving dance will be held Friday at the Berthana ballroom. Join the crowd and en¬joy one of the peppy high school dances. See you Friday. nov. 18, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. What we have a right to expect of the American boy is that he shall turn out to be a good American man.—Theodore Roosevelt. HAVE COMPASSION Poor Aunt Jane has been sadly neglected of late. There must be numerous items that students are interested in that are not clear. Write a letter to poor, dear, neglect-1 ed Aunt Jane. FINIS You have only tonight and to¬morrow morning to work on your statements for the S. O. S. contest. Contest closes Thursday noon. Come on, students, let's hear from you! Drop 'em in the note box. You may be the lucky winner. SKIPPER. SMARTSTER No. 2 What did Captain Dockum say to Norm when he came in from his first date at 3:30 in the morning? Ask Norm! CADET SPONSORS So far nothing has been said about sponsors and what they had to do with the mothers' tea. As we all know, they formed the commit¬tee that received the mothers, under the supervision of Mildred Larson, who gave them their places. Every 1 committee but the sponsors' has been thanked. What is the matter? Don't we appreciate them? Wake up! ONE WHO KNOWS. Dear One Who Knows: ; If we neglected to mention our ; sponsors, it was an oversight. We 1 do appreciate these fine girls. t GLAD NEWS, STUDENTS The person who wrote "Home Sweet Home" never went to Ogden High or else he would have named his song "Oh, Thanksgiving." Why? , Because his inspiration would have come in the form of O. H. S.'s an¬nual November dance. This year the Thanksgiving dance will be held November 20, at 9 : o'clock in the Berthana hall. Every third dance will be a waltz; so men, 3 get your dates and keep seven ; dances for yourself and your date I will appreciate your patronage. |