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Show II fee north, your right hand is 1 ISMi the east, your left hand the ML, tod your back toward the South Mttk Now tell me the directions. ! Vtatk tn front of you?" I iter a thoughtful pause, Art re- 1 A Inter to teacher: "Dear teach- t c Kindly excuse Dan's absence J May. He fell in the mud. By ifcl the same you will greatly Mp his mother." j Spencer Klomp: "Do you want white or brown eggs, ma'am?" Mary June Lamoreaux: "The 1 I I vast are white with a yellow Hi dot in the middle." - I Fuaouj last words: Harry: Boys assembly at eight thirty Nov. 29, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen. phyllis Isakson, Typists. Mod is that which gives to I P body and to the soul all the I e perfection of able. —Plato, Council neeting was call- 1 president Stone. The ie minutes were rties were: A. D. m, december 21, phi Lamgda Tau, the French club, december 2. mr. farr for the "smoke-less smoker" littee, and later ent be held the 1 l January. The i d and passed. !1 mr. rushmer Drted that the swimming club has adopted the alpha sigma. As soon as t . member of the m it will have alpha Sigma Nu. Fol- t , Council ad-1 earl reeve, Secretary. war in SCHOOL umor from the there has been! along the third i d building. Both having suffered, i l it is generally j i e students are I f ; stand. For a s )ugh they would 1 but during the i mrs. Newcomb led e the victory into j with aid of one tests that have 1 5 time. Some i noised around jn was to be s in lost, strayed students teachers was appalling. , ie campaign on ichers was to the morale of i ;h one final at- 1 ! all sides in one This is evident of tests and ex- lring the past — Ogden High ' november 26. With ts of Mr. Widoon, Mr. Taggart, ( sweeping victory is reported that ! fficult tests ever i i of the country ; the enemy to , t the teachers ' l unconditional 1 ces and supplies. : ill not be avail- 1 Wednesday, when 1 he damage done ither way of say- , ds are due Wednesday Charles Wood. . Foreign LANGUAGE age is probably ; assets a student ifter graduation, i ession requires a east one foreign : eges and universities ! two-year course in ; ig the four lan- the high school curriculum latin German, Spanish french see that each for certain pur- : Latin who have a ten- tedical and phar- : ife and for those interesting and itin is also prob- ind work for all Spanish is profit- 5 it is spoken in us, Mexico and latter presenting fields for young ir the person sci- and is a very in- el language to .tudy, just for the knowledge. French is considered a social lan¬guage and formerly on the highest f societies, if you did not speak french, you were found wanting. ["hen too, we all wish to visit gay 5aris some day and an under- tanding of French would help us naterially. —Sid Gordon. CHATTER AND CHAFF Russ Hoffman's theme song is Me and Your Shadow." Ray Raty isn't the only one who las a harem. Boy, what a moon Tuesday night! f you don't believe me, ask Bee Jrouen. Virginia's theme song is still Goodnight, Sweetheart." This can't o on forever! Nov. 30, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. STUDENTS MOURN Students and alumni of Ogden high school were inexpressably hocked and pained Saturday last o learn of the sudden and unex-; ected deaths of two of our most lonored and loved alumni, Miss winifred McConnell, '27, and Oswell Jackson, '29. Both of these were xceptional students and voung peo- le of rare promise. Ever ener- ;etic, studious, loyal, faithful, de- lendable, cheerful, optimistic, am- litious they won alike the love and espect of teachers and associates. Vinifred achieved considerable dis- inction as a debater and orator and ear book editor, while Oswell at- ained the position of captain in our R. O. T. C. She was a member of he Carpe Diem club and he was in he I-Wanna-O club. They were he first of these groups to be called by death. Both were interested a many activities and honored the chool by their attendance here. We tad counted on their going far in he world of achievements but alas, ur hopes are shattered, and we /onder why such things must be. Jut such seems the order of the universe and we bow humbly to the nevitable. Our one consolation is know that they lived beautifully nd in death all is well with them. Ve are the losers, and heavy losers /e count ourselves, because we priz- d their companionship and friendship. We shall miss them greatly but iow much more will they be missed the homes which they adorned nd blessed. Our sincere and hearty sympathy goes out to the deeply ereaved parents. Dec. 1, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Alien, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. AFTER THE HOLIDAYS Many good times are had during he days we have at certain times if the year for resting from the j monotony of school. These are days 1 if rest and happiness. They always i .re looked forward to, but when hey finally come they are much too hort. They are barely here when 1 hey are gone, but they are good j yhile they last. After these days are over it is: iver so hard to come back to the sld school and resume the work as jefore. Recalling the many pleas- mtries that were had, it is much oo hard to keep at your studying vhen you think of all the things i 'ou could do that would be much nore enjoyable. However, if all the lays were holidays, we wouldn't i :now what to do with ourselves. In' act, school days would seem like - holidays instead of the days that' eally are. LECTURE DIVERSIONS Things to do during Captain Spark's Morning Lecture: Rush for a comfortable place tginst the wall the minute the captain gives "Fall out." J Let your gun fall over, thereby naking a delightfully loud noise, b Take your cap off and twist the )rnament around upside down. Put cap back on sideways after: ;he manner of the moving picture comedians. Try to get your head in a com- 'ortable position in your neighbor's tomach. Call him a few uncomplimentary; lames when he refuses to let it rest ;here. Cock yourself up on one arm to see what the captain is pretending to use his yardstick for. See he is only demonstrating "rapid fire." Settle back on the floor. Try to go to sleep. Can't do it. Boy on your right is arguing the advantages of the new Ford as against those of the new Chevrolet. Give him a punch. Tell him to shut up as the captain is looking at him. Boy tells you of a place he would very much like you to visit. Listen to lecture for a few min¬utes. Remark to a friend that it sounds too blood-thirsty. Hear sound of bugle. Slowly get up and stretch. Try to get friend to take gun' down to gun room for you. No sale. Make a rush to get to the head of the stairs first. Hear captain bawling you out. Pay no attention. Push over boy in front of you in attempt to hide. Charles Wood COGNESCENDI CAUSA Whatta name! Whatta,class! Such English for a reporter of an Eng¬lish club to use! In your enlightenment I suppose I should explain our club. Our name means "for the purpose of learn-ing." We meet to study oral Eng¬lish. Unlike most clubs we do not have parties or social functions; never¬theless we enjoy our meetings greatly. One always enjoys oneself when one is improving his spoken English. We meet in Mrs. Newcomb's room second period on Mondays. If you don't think so, ask Cliff Whitmeyer. Elpha Morse DOMESTIC ART Under the excellent instruction of Miss Corless the girls of the domes¬tic art department have made won¬derful progress in sewing. They have made many lovely little dresses at a very low cost. The girls have fash¬ioned school dresses of woolens, ray¬ons, etc., and afternoon and evening dresses of silks, flat crepes, satins, and velvets. They also remodel and renovate clothes, making them look like new. The art of dressmaking is an accomplishment all girls should acquire, as it is a great sav¬ing and help at all times. Fay Cardon TOBACCO BANNED Principal Merrill announced at ; boys' assembly the other day that hereafter there will be no smoking at any high school dances or other functions. He said: "The state, in¬terested in its boys, passed a law making it unlawful for any youth under 21 years of age to smoke to¬bacco; all high school boys are un-der 21 years of age and therefore cannot legally smoke. School author¬ities cannot therefore permit the open violation of law at school func¬tions. As high school parties are primarily for high school students, any outsiders, alumni or others who wish to attend high school parties must abide by the high school rules. There will be absolutely no smoking at high school parties." This action, we learn has been indorsed by the high school faculty. CHATTER AND CHAFF "Yes," said Mr. Coray, "I'm a thought-reader. I can tell exactly what a person is thinking." "In that case," said Joe, "I beg your pardon." Mr. Merrill to seniors: "What is the interest on a thousand dollars for one year at two per cent? Bob Hetzel pay attention." Bob Hetzel: "For two per cent? I'm not interested." Elpha M.: "I want to get a pair of shoes please" Salesman: "French Kid?" . Elpha M.: "Certainly not; born right here in Ogden." I see that you discontinued your radiator romances. Perhaps you missed seeing Marjorie Burnett and Alden Brewer holding—conversation every noon. Dee with his harem. Pat (of the blackeye) and Ruth Clark , doing their bit. Holly Arthur with— er—Joe, Grant, Jack, Bill, John,— well this could go on forever. By the way, talking of dimples have you seen Marjorie's? Miss , Evans'? In my opinion they run a ! close first to Lulu's. Then Miss Schofield's aren't so bad. I D ec. 2, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice ' Allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. COLLEGE ENTRANCE. A series of articles on "College En¬trance Requirements" have been prepared, in which seven of the rep¬resentative colleges over the coun¬try, together with the schools in Utah, will be represented. It is a subject about which none of us knows enough and I hope; these articles will be helpful to those j of us who are planning to keep on with our work in one or another of! the great colleges and universities of! the nation. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. As is the case in most colleges and universities, the entrance require¬ments to the Utah State Agricultural college include, first of all, fifteen units of high school work. Of these fifteen units three must be in Eng¬lish, one in algebra, one in geometry, one in social science (history), and one in natural science. To try for aj bachelor of science degree one must also have two units in a foreign language. The rest of the fifteen units are elective except that mili¬tary drill and physical education will not be taken as part of the fifteen units. If these subjects have not all been j taken in high school they must be! taken as additional work during the1 freshman and sophomore year. A student of nineteen years or older who has not been in attend¬ance at a high School for a period of at least one year, and who does not have fifteen complete units of high school work may register as a vocational student. Upon entering the school a major subject is chosen by the student and he is then put in charge of the pro¬fessor of that subject, who is his permanent advisor. —Charles Wood. DIARY OF A DAMSEL. Blue Monday Here I am, back in school after my twelfth Thanksgiving vacation. The usual catastrophe occurred, for as I assumed a scholarly attitude in study hall, my view was obstructed by a stack of unprepared lessons as¬signed by saddened teachers denied the privilege of attending a real, home Turkey fete. Would that I could give that chance thought a vigorous punch, for it led my mind into retrospect concerning the tempting wish-bone which made happy the day of November 25th and rendered fantastic customary Thanksgiving dreams. From there my mental wanderings proceeded to miscellaneous good times connected with the holidays. How could that bell so cruelly ring before I had lav¬ished fifteen minutes of study on! my history, law, and Latin, respec¬tively? —Susie Seventeen. CONGRESS ON WARPATH. Last Monday evening numerous squaws of the Congress tribe met in council to decide the means of re¬venge to be used upon the blood¬thirsty, young braves of Forum. En¬thusiasm, and the good, old fighting spirit were aroused against that band by those courageous agitators, i Norine Bingham, Ann Pingree, Kiyoko Oda and Helen Linquist. Threatening suggestions for the coming conflict were made by all present. Spies were sent out to secure our success in the camp of the hostile neighbors, and then peace plans v/ere discussed. Our tomahawks are ready for use; our knives are sharpened; our cries will soon pierce the air; your scalps are in danger, boys! All of which is merely a club re¬porter's manner of telling Ogden High, alumni, friends, and readers that a practice debate was held in preparation for another of our ex¬citing Congress-Forum arguments, to take place next Monday. She -has also endeavored to inform those in¬terested that constructive criticism and fond advice ensued, that Alice Dunn and Margaret Thomas are to;; arrange for a judge (please, girls!), and that in two weeks we promise to settle down (in triumph or disgust) ;o peacefully discuss current events. —Helen Lindquist. CHATTER AND CHAFF. A new Philadelphia has been 'ounded in Massachusetts for Bob Junk's special benefit through the courtesy of Bill Alsup. When you hear faint echoes of "I ain't et yet" or "nevertheless I calc- late it ain't mannerly," you'll find Naoma or Margaret near. Virginia Hunter has finally de¬cided that there is something wrong with the following: "Being a horse with sensitive feelings, I had to act cautiously." What do you think? We understand Joe Foley and Mary June Lamoreaux go to parties. We know what is making Orleon Monson walk around dreamy-eyed and smiling but—we want to know who is the lucky one? —Some Admirers. |