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Show nov. 23, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. 4ni reputation is made as sc ha: he leaves unsaid as pi cl UN Aiil of the O. H. S. Notes re P bt very appreciative if the w I Sou submittinp articles to be — published would sign them. If the'' j MIR not to be published a note , ; Mi bt attached. The articles J Aunt Jane need not be 8 H1 ttless the student desires MUSIC DEPARTMENT the music department has been . jMtfy pajhinp forward and it well - awnts oar praise and support. A i Bf toe quartet has been formed w Hi hope will appear regularly Spl coming assemblies. These jBtWiptm are Max Hooper, first ? Ivan Burnett, second tenor; Delbert Hardman, baritone, and Dayle Malan. bass. Work of ore- 11 Bt The Holy City," an oratorio I ? A.R. Gaul, is now under way and , Mm th Christmas holidays we j: M able to enjoy the splendid '' , pMation which is made up of ! pl,lrtd voices and orchestra P1 [pd of twenty-five persons. , I fa ecoclujlon we may say that n mr hanson his department will P' I pin to keep our honorable old V llMha echoing with fine music. JAMES GIBSON. CLUB REPORTS a' jftltttn is may concern: Hp that almost evryone else school has participated in h: "airing out" his ideas on the club c pprtltua;ion, I am taking the liberty Of expressing my proposal. It b to me that Mr. Woods is not ptDf the entire removal of1 club Blfforts from the school notes, b Ijttraction of those that are S (f Interest to the readers of n notes. To remedy the situa- 1 sHInnest that first, the reporter o JHHlub be selected for his literary Bt;, and second that a capa- english teacher, who is not an advisor of a club, be appointed, to till club reporter could sub- fe report before putting it in n ppto box. This teacher would t! flaflp report and criticise and Ktlt from the standpoint of in- P mm. The club reporter would be o (tad to abide by the teacher's t; HHMbd and advice. This plan, I s at hu its faults; however, it's! 3 El Question n LOUISE ALLEN. STELLAE I I Air? has been such an uproar n faftfethat I approach this with cau- 11 1 can't llgure out what to say. t it I fay. "Meeting was called to s Mr by an onion race," Charles - Mid get me. t il l [ ay. "Princes Best and Joe s Mm crowned with the royal egg of t Mm." it wouldn't be true; they jfit mtrc pledges. 1 MB I my, "Now stellae has its full c rterh-p." that would be too I t RJtuy. "The pledges took the in- i IpttOBl like bricks, and became anber:.' that wouldn't be original.he jffbat shall I say? apt, "Welcome, new members, we hope you like Stellae as well as we do 40b. what is the use? MARIE LOUIS DOBBS, Reporter. NE TOP PEW iyjimss—discuss — discussion, is ; IHat followed the call to order, and Ve discuss? What about? Our I uniforms. Are they going to ' ' w sptTfy? Just ask us. rifttaps you would like to be in- 1MB0N to some snappy officers, ml Introductions are now in order. [Ffbo wouldn't want to come to a are tin; with Norine Bingham pre¬law is not much to say about ITfce president and reporter, June harrison kt when Billie Glanville gets aft- l ffpu. I'm sure any one would want Iglgber dues, and trust her with After discussing the probability of swimming next week, we trudged slowly homeward, tor famous last words are, "We'll JUNE HARRISON, Reporter. Ask Mary Walker and Erroll Pat¬rick about "Aladdin's lamp." silence: The hushing, frozen silence Ms. McKey (in quiet, even tones): ay are you using your notebook, eugene Eugene Van Zweden: I am looking G r a date. ti Lyle Shanks (from the rear): ere's your chance, girls. c The frozen silence melts before eugene's blushes. tl FROM CORNELL We are pleased to receive a report from Cornell university on the srk of a former student of high school, Horace Nebeker. He is re- irted in the highest quintile of his iss. te Percy Oda who is at Princeton, is m ported by that school as doing well. Nov. 24, 1931 O.H.S NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. Life's saddest infidel is the man sc ho believes not in himself. P8 THE TWELFTH WEEK This is the twelfth week of school w( id all is well. Eleven weeks have '45 3wn by, not to be forgotten but to ! remembered as weeks of happi- qU iss and sometimes terror. The last 0f ie is always the worst and the; 1 ist. It means the end of that ge mester and the coming of the re- uri irts, and also the beginning of the r ixt six. Everyone worries about s marks for days before the re- s rts come out. Perhaps there real-1 shouldn't be any on account 'of 1 the worry they cause. There is st one more school day in this r. 5ek and then the prisoner will be j. le to eat a hearty meal before L ceiving the verdict a week from , iat day. Let us hope that all the arks we receive will satisfy our ghest hope and ambitions. Of urse, if we don't get the best this ne, there is still plenty of time r trying. WINNERS CHOSEN Here's the announcement you've w 3en waiting for. Winners of the . O. S. contest prizes will be an- r Dunced Wednesday in assembly, hree big prizes. Keep your eyes . pen!—Skipper. MESSAGE TO BOYS To the boys of Ogden High school : ja I am thoroughly disgusted with _ ;Ost of the boys in school! What's ie matter with you? I would t lease like to know. Now to get 1 own to the point. We girls are red of staying away from the :hool dances and we don't want to 3 stag. I've been told about the 1 10b of males there were at the urkey dance, stag, and now I'm _ ondering if you fellows don't know ow to say eight English words— amely, "How about a date for the ext dance?" That's all you have 0: say, you don't have to make up jme beautiful rose colored speech -and if at first you don't succeed, y, try again, or in other words, if w )meone has already asked your 3 est girl, ask 'till you get one. I had it all blamed on to old H. T. Depression, but he is in no way n Dnnected with these boys, of that tl am thoroughly convinced, why, I a hink we girls would even be will- ig to walk if you didn't have the a even cents fare for the "yellow car," and where we are willing to "dutch" and admit ourselves to h he dance what is the cause? If p 's neither minus courage to "pop the question," nor insufficient) t( unds, what is it? Come on boys, if the Christmas dance is student-body-card admit- a able, let's all be there! That's what mr dances are for, they aren't for e ust a few—the most attractive girls It md the most courageous boys! thanks.—A Girl. 5 1 THE ELECTRIC SIGNS If you meet some young person j some time who holds his head at a c laughty angle don't stamp him as a t ligh-hat too soon; it may be that tie goes to O. H. S. and that his leek has grown that way from sign- jazing. But don't condemn the signs, they are the one thing that would enable a stranger to tell that , he was in the building of a modern . educational institution and not one ancient colonial lean-to if the I building happened to be vacant of 5 other human oeings. With all joking aside, these signs do serve a good purpose in an¬nouncing Council and club meet¬ings and in advertising, so here's j to mote displays of the art of col¬ored lights—James Gibson. GREETINGS FROM GERMANY Forum received the following card from three of its former members who are now in Germany: "Hello, Fellows. "Here we are together. More fun. 1 inov fnr tho rnmine' vear.1 Germany and Switzerland are beautiful "We are expecting to see you beat ; congress. "Sure would like some news about 1 e big banquet last May. Love and luck. The three musketeers, Tom Broadbent, Milt Rawson, Bill Reeder. WORD FROM U. OF U. To high school students who con- I mplate entering the school of c Ines and engineering at the University of Utah: Some high school graduates com- f ? to. the university to enter the school of mines and engineering t ,ve been very much disappointed d hindered in their progress be- use of poor choice of subjects in e high school. An applicant for admission to the university under 21 years of age ist present satisfactory evidence of xessful completion of a full high school course of 15 units or must 1 ss the entrance examinations. c unit is defined as the successful E npletion of a subject pursued E :ough an academic year of 36 weeks, five recitations a week for ? minute periods. rhe following subjects are re- i ired for entrance in the school 8 mines and engineering: three units English, 1 1/2 units algera, 1 unit plane geometry, 1/2 s it solid geometry or trigonometry. c unit physics, chemistry or biology, 1 unit history. For the balance of the 15 units ? recommend: one-half unit trigonometry or 8 id geometry, 1 unit physics or j chemistry, 1 unit history, 2 units foreign language, 2 1/2 units industrial arts, mechanical arts and business. rhe dean will be glad to furnish u with any additional information y u may desire.—R. B. Ketchum, dean. CHATTER AND CHAFF Someone has yet to beat Mary walker's record of two black eyes. Earl and Pat have tried hard c ough but still the woman has the it word. Why is it that seniors dislike tag dances????? , Isn't it wonderful how well Margaret and Norm get along? " Famous last words: "Hey, Chocolate O. H. S. NEWS Elpha Morse, Editor; Virginia Hunter, ! Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen, Phyllis Isakson, Typists. EASY EXCUSES Finding excuses for yourself is 1 ie of the easiest things in the j world. j Perhaps you have some school ork to do at home. How many 1 fferent reasons you can find for 1 atting off the task! Or maybe ; .other has asked you to clean up 1 ie basement, or do some other job 1 jout the house. How quick you ! e to find an explanation when the 1 ork isn't done on time! Excuses are dangerous things just , 2cause they come to us so readily. i- erhaps sometimes they are justi- " ed, but more often we use them 1 cover up our own failings. And e must always remember that an ccuse is never a substitute for an accomplishment. I The firemen might find a good scuse for not getting to the fire on me, but that wouldn't keep the I1 building from burning down. A sea captain might be able to excuse imself for letting his ship run on he rocks, but that wouldn't save he lives of his passengers. And a football player might have a splen- id excuse for dropping the ball, but hat wouldn't win the game. Beware of excuses! Do your best nd you will seldom need them.— quoted. CONGRATULATIONS Humbly I endeavor to record the irtiims and labors of Congress at its )ast pow-wow. I approach my pub¬ic with fear and trembling, for do [ not belong to a taunted race— ;ht of club reporters? In a mo-ment of courage I remember that: Congress slipped with little effort and few disastrous results over the banana skin of the customary pre¬liminaries and business after a spe¬cial conclave which decided Ann Pingree, Norine Bingham, Marybeth Earley and Mary Underwood might in the future respond to the roll call. The members then entertained themselves, the audience, and sun¬dry seats in Mrs. Newcombe's roon: with elevating current events.—Al eceived instruction upon recogniz¬ing a German tramp and shuddered t a narrow escape from green lood. Germany demanded our pay¬ment of a debt and was received by eports on the depression, creamery usiness, and stone coins from Yap. Phasing laughter down our throats, re faced the serious problems of cience, religion and prohibition. Two new members, Norine Bingham and Ann Pingree, received the elightful gift of the affirmative round in the country of the Weber college question. Happy girls adjourned to dream of ie Congress-Forum debate—and fcudy till the "wee, small hours."— helen Lindquist, Reporter. WHILE I THINK OF IT What was the first thing you saw hen you stepped into the high ehool for the first time? Don't nswer; I'll tell you—the bulletin board. Believe it or not, the bul- ;tin board is a historic spot. Think f the story it might tell about, well, bout the radiator lovers for ex- mple. But seriously, I'm told that lany people don't read the notices n the bulletin board. Perhaps that ; explained by the strange looking ieroglyphics one sees on them. And nother thing, they have a crying eed of a little decorating to pep lem up. And while we are on the abject, won't some ambitious student get busy with a brush and do jmething about the note box? Of ite some worthy boy or girl has neared it up with rouge, and while heightens the color effect, from n artistic standpoint it's not so hot. m told that an important state- lent is going to be put on the bulletin boards soon but I make no promise, then I won't be caught tell- lg lies. And as my parting shot, atch the bulletin board; it watches du.—Bill Thompson. ALPHA SIGMA In response to the urgent requests E many students to have our school presented in swimming meets, rhich are prevalent in many other chools, the Alpha Sigma club has een organized and granted a charter by Council. This club has been funded for the sole purpose of cre- ting an interest in the Ogden High chool in the many sports connect- d with swimming, including racing a its different forms, diving and rater polo. Arrangements have been made nth the Weber gymnasium, by /hich the members of this club will obtain very reasonable rates on memberships in that institution. The uture of this club is practically as- ured by the interest in the club al- eady shown and by the fact that coach Kapple has assured us meets pith the different schools in the surrounding territory. We are about to pick the pledges, /ho will become the future members f the club, so if anyone, who is titerested in joining and has passed he Jr. Life Saving test of the Red cross or the merit badge for swimming in the scout manual, will see ne of the charter members he will e admitted to the Weber gymnasium free of charge "for a tryout his Thursday. The members will be hosen from those who try out ac- :ording to swimming ability, scholistic standing, and desirability as club members. The five charter members are Ed- ward Linsley, Ivan Neilson, Gray Oshel, Ernest Rowett and Robert rushmer. These members have al¬ready passed the senior life saving est of the Red Cross, so they will ae able to judge the ability of pledges fairly and without any ques¬tion. We assure you a fair chance if you will try out, and we will meet a good number of you Thursday at the "Weber gymnasium right after school.—Robert Rushmer, The Jelly¬fish. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Third out! Ivan Shurtliff's Dy¬namos vanquished Dorothy Paine's Dashing Dots and the score was 12 to 6. This game was the close of the hit pin-volleyball tournament which has been raging for the past six weeks. The Dynamos of the fourth period conquered the Cougars of the sec¬ond period class. The Dashing Dots of the sixth period overcame the i Black Aces of the third period class, and then the exciting finals. Hit pin-volleyball is a game made up of the two games for the pur¬pose of developing one's ability in the two major sports. The girls are now able to throw the ball accur¬ately around the bases and also to place the volleyball where they want it with one sweeping stroke.—Bobbie Kimball. CHATTER AND CHAFF I The teacher had labored long and patiently to teach Art Cartwright the points of the compass. "When you stand with your face |