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Show Ogden -Weber Get Three Men These Basketeers Win Coveted Medals For Individual Excellence One of the greatest honors in all Utah sports is to "make" The Standard-Examiner-Deseret News All-State High School Basketball team. This selection earnest! of the prestige as it dates back to 1908 and comprises the longest honor roll in all basketball. The News awards beautiful silver fobs by way of pre-serving this fine tradition. The winners this year are: Lambert, Weber, and West, Pleasant Grove, forwards; Kinner, Ogden, center; and Fowler, Ogden, and Kramer, Granite, guards. lambert weber west pleasant grove kinner ogden kramer granite fowler ogden Official All State Teams 1908-1932 FIRST TEAM Position SECOND TEAM Vest, Pleasant Grove Forward W. Pendleton, Granite Lambert, Weber Forward Larson, Jordan Kinner, Ogden Center Gourley, Pleasant Grove, Kramer, Granite Guard Parker, Granite Fowler, Ogden Guard Wade, Weber HONOR ROLL Forwards—Miller, Granite; Weir, Ogden; Petty, Nephi; Pearson, Murray; Chard, Weber; Clark, Parowan; Andrews, East; S. Pendleton, Granite; Quinney, Logan; Alexander, Uintah; Leyman, Ogden. Centers—Giles, Wasatch; C. Berg, East; Evans, Lehi; B. Chidester, Bicknell; Hardy, Hinckley. Guards—Beckstead, Jordan; Greenwell, Weber; Anderson, Ogden; Oliver, Murray; Kirkham and Adams, Lehi; Farrett, .Nephi; Clark and Wadley, Pleasant Grove; Cahoon, Moroni. Deliberate Tiger Attack Overcomes Farmer Outfit Kinner Leads Junction City Offensive in Final Two Periods A deliberate Ogden high basket¬ball team ambled into the final of the state high school basketball tour-nament by overcoming Granite, Salt Lake district champion, 33 to 32, in a stirring battle that featured the semi¬final schedule Friday afternoon at - the Deseret gymnasium. Faced by a deficit of 11 points at the end of the first half, the imperturba¬ble Ogdenites produced a deliberate attack that marshaled 14 points in the third period to deadlock the score. Then they added 10 more in a hair- raising final period to eliminate one of the favorites in the greatest upset of the tournament thus far. Granite, which toppled the power¬ful Pleasant Grove outfit from the title flight Thursday, swept through the Ogden quintet at the start. By the end of the first period, the Farm¬ers were leading, 13 to 2, and at the half they had accrued a 21 to 10 ad¬vantage. Ogden Misses Shots I The only inkling of what was ahead iappeared in Ogden's shooting in the first half. From the foul line region and from the corners the Ogdenites pegged away frequently, but their shots were often inaccurate, and, oc¬casionally, just unlucky. Despite watching their efforts go for naught, while the speedy Gran- itians were piling up their margin, the Bengals did not once become bristled. They played as though they had themselves a lead as wide as the margin by which they were trailing. Within a few moments of the third period, Grainte had advanced to a 24-10 lead, and, feeling safe, the Farmers settled into their famous de¬layed offense, which, in this case. plainly was a stall. The tactics, in-t stead of drawing Ogden out of itsf realm demeanor, proved fatal to a Granite. 1 The cool floor director of the Tigers, Captain Kinner, was the main cog in the belated Ogden rally. Hes started the fireworks with a foul-line s shot, gained through a timely inter- s ception of the ball in the territory oft the stalling Farmers. f Twice this lanky center shelled the r hoop successfully, the second one, at tail shot, achieved amid the scram- bling Granite guards. Attack Continues i ' After a time-out for Granite, Ogden's attack continued, neither quick-1 ening nor abating in its deadly march , on the hitherto comfortable lead of [ Granite. Fowler, twice in succes- . sion, came from his guard position to? . count setups, and Weir, fed by the t i gangling Kinner, slipped in a pair i of set-ups to tie the score at 24-all . as the quarter ended, j The crack in the Granite defense j, failed to mend and Kinner and Fowler knifed through in succession, the . latter serenely pivoting on one foot ; to count another foul-line shot, his . third of the rally. Fowler followed with a side goal, and Lehman con-! verted a free throw to build Ogden's lead to 29 to 24, before Granite recov¬ered its attack. Bill Pendleton slipped away from 1 Kinner for a set-up and Kramer scored a foul pitch to narrow the gap, r but the groans of Granite rooters re- -verberated through the hall as Park¬er's flying set-up rimmed the hoop 3 and fell out. The Granite guard fol- ' lowed with a successful shot to dead- lock the score, when fewer than two ; minutes of play remained. Regain Lead Ogden quickened its pace just j enough, it seemed, to count two more j goals through Kinner and Fowler, j then settled back into a stall, the I type of ball that has aggravated many a Granite foe. The Farmers counted a foul pitch, and subsequently broke the stall wit a field goal, Kramer scoring it, bm the timer's gun ended the fray with the Ogdenites in tenacious possession. Kinner was the outstanding player for Ogden. His close-in shots were many, although he failed to count . heavily until the second half, ai sfrom his stand near the foul line ably directed the Ogdenites' attac Fowler, the scoring guard, also playc . excellent defensive ball, i For Granite, Miller and Park e stood out, both in rustling and e shooting. The diminutive Mill -showed an accurate eye that broug f him more to the attention of tourn fans than at any other time in t emeet. In addition, he rustled wi a his usual skill. i- The score: OGDEN (33) 1)6.M. SS.M. G. Ft.F. T. Lehman, rf 20811213 'Weir,If 3 1 6 2 3 0 0 6 S'Kinner.c 5 2 20 6 8 0 0 16 Fowler, rg 1 0 5 4 4 0 0 8 hAnderson,lg ..... if Totals ....... 14 3 36 13 16 6 1 32 5- GRANITE (32) LS.M. SS.M. G. Ft.F. 1 - Miller .rf 2 0 6 5 5 4 1 J n S. Pendleton,If .. 1 0 7 2 2 1 1 f u V/. Pendleton,c.. 3 162300 $ e Parker.ln 2 0 5 2 2 1 1 r Kramer,rg ...... 1 0 3 2 2 1 1 11 Totals 9 27 14 14 7 4 3 Score by periods: 12 3 ,e Ogden 2 10 2- I- Granite 13 21 2'. e , Referee, S. Spencer; umpire; L. Spei |