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Show hfco friday and Saturday eve- fro El December 11 and 12, at eight-fifteen o'clock. Make your reser- scr ppni early if you want a good Hytanember, only 25c and student body Wj ticket for reserved seats 1 HaSt body ticket for general Hc HhMd. To those who haven't jea Eklody tickets the prices are HJer nervations or 25c for general admission. Spread the news,: vei SfenU, and have a full house both Be FAY CARDON. BE SURE TO SEE- uncle Russ the briber. polly shock the natives. ; (P clay as a fashion expert. Mrs. Davis the meddler. polly with a Past. JANET FIFE. th POLLY WITH A PAST M A)NK man with a love complex, W mother with an anxious mind, re B9ads with an exaggerated oi yiMl of humor, a drunkard with fo HEBtait memory, a young society girl HMUwith a reforming obsession, to IfcX mother with a flighty mind, and c2 uncle and a commodore who "know their women" a stranger with a fa- h Bk Mme. a pretty servant with p( .'an these go to make up oi: KVtth a Past." And what a a did have! MARJORIE WOOD. Dec. 11, 1931 O.H.S. NEWS Elpha Morse. Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen. Phyllis Isakson, Typists. W. COUNCIL iMt Council meeting was call- dl MUMWer by President Stone. The w I Ml VM called; the minutes were IflM lad approved. w' AW dub, called the Olympic club las accepted and recognized n Ub granted parties were Carpe diem ltd Home Economics. Y, ijk. Bccker reported for the tennis court committee and explained jlt Mayor Bundy promised to in- aD courts in the rear of the mpol after completing two courts I tar.fr park ladies and gentlemen [VMdent Stone announced the p basketball game with Payson next ™ —Earl Reeve, Secretary. E 'n irth !" und . su- r ome f pat I1 the Dur: t rove r nor- 3nal 1 di- , that s for . will I the l 1 J Wednesday after Holley Arthur Miss Schofield a j :ipa-(I stem" effi- rpose 11 the ath-JI ent's jirls' luary! cally. Ruth Mary gay mrs. griswold of Our; children's aid society new spoke j le for Mrs. Girswold Alto- orth- ;icale, by A. f 110 irtici- chool er 18, quar- ke up very , con- desire r "My i sec- jested I New as re- which With verse from Milton, and three verses from 1 Te Deum, the words are entirely a scriptural. —Fay Cardon. z ELECTION RETURNS! IS Last Monday the members of the 1 House of Newcomb elected their new ii leaders for this six weeks. The g "boss" of the house chosen is Joe s Fowler, the vice "boss," Jean Danvers, Beatrice Allen, secretary, and ii Bert Black, parliamentarian. After s the election Mr. Fowler responded C with a short speech. He merely stated that speeches cannot be I made long enough for the speaker I nor short enough for the hearers. / (Perhaps it was a suggestion!) B —Alice Barker, Reporter. r POLLY WITH A PAST "So the handsome hero married the beautiful lady and they all—but Myrtle—lived happily ever after¬ward." The temperamental stranger reveals the true identity of Madamoiselle Bady, everyone but Myrtle forgives and forgets. How could she when two people who had claimed to be friends lock her in a hot, dark closet. Whew! What a tem¬per! Really it's an education just to hear her. Then, in spite of it all, Polly with a Past comes to a joy¬ous close. —Marjorie Wood, NE TOP PEW 1 After a short, brief and snappy meeting we dispersed, agreeing to I meet at the Orpheum theater at (five-thirty prompt. As the appointed hour rolled around the advisors and members came strolling in. Our theme song this time was: "Oh where, oh where have two of our members gone? Oh where, oh where can they be? (These two members, by the way, were Miss Nickson and Miss Robinson.) We did, however, find Eva, but no count was made for Fay. After a pleasing time in the show we wended our way over to Keeley's fwhere we proceeded to partake of a light luncheon. Oh yes, do we feel necessary, hav¬ing for one of our members the winner of a hair dressing contest- Miss Louise Van Zweden, herself? —June Harrison, Reporter. BIT OF ENCOURAGEMENT One week from today, ladies and gentlemen. Just one short week to perfect the mutual agreements by which much pleasure and profit can I be derived. Right this way, folks; right this way to one of the biggest [dances of the school year. We will 'now have these people who are lined up on the stage do a small portion of their act. Now, folks, you see a genuine sen¬ior class president. A rare specimen , and especially so at this season of the year, Mr. Russ Farr, brought I straight from a mass of figures and plans which look something like , this, "200 couples at 75 cents a cou- ' pie would make just about enough I if you take out $5 for punch and an- . other $5 for possible breakage of I something." t To put it mildly, this dance will i just be a wow, a knockout, if you 3 get what I mean. I now wish to ' say that we want no more letters like those written by "a girl," after the last dance, and the only way to stop them is for every representa- " tive of the brawny sex to go "knock y over his woman." P. S.—In case you don't know y what I'm talking about it's the Holley hop, to be held Friday, December 18, 1931. (A. D.) (after delerium). —Charles Wood. i O.H.S. PLAYERS PLEASE CROWD I Comedy "Polly With Past" ir Will Be Repeated This Evening Showing that selection of players j. had been carefully made and re¬hearsals faithfully carried out, the Ogden High school presented in South Washington auditorium Friday night the comedy, "Polly With A Past," in three acts, by George Middleton and Guy Bolton. The .j, performance will be repeated tonight ,'q at eight-fifteen o'clock. .8, Under tne direction of Miss Mary Woolley, the play moved rapidly and ip smoothly, in fact too rapidly at ry times, when the students failed to ri-give the audience sufficient time to re enjoy the rapid-fire repartee, ly A sympathetic audience that c- comfortably filled the auditorium, 2d enjoyed the play and easily forgave ;w any little evidence that the show did e- not hail direct from Broadway. :h The play is well balanced and is th so written that practically every se character has an equal opportunity. The cast is large and yet plastic and offers some splendid characteri¬zations. In the cast are Ed Olsen, Wilkie Newman, Marie Louise Dobbs, Kiku Tumaki, Marybeth Early, Katherine Heiner, Harold Rosevear, Mar¬garet Betts, Burton Benowitz, Rus¬sell Stone and Ivan Nielson. Musi¬cal interludes were furnished dur¬ing the intermission by the O. H. S. string quintet under the direction of Glenn L. Hansen. The operating staff includes Bob Bingham, business manager; Frank Brim and Morris Garner, assistants; Anita Van Dyke, Darrell Hall and Max Loll, stage settings; Edwin Smith, LeConte Stewart and J. Connell, faculty advisors. Payson Falls Before Ogden Hoopsters In Pre-Season Courtfest TIGERS TURN BACK VISITORS ON HOME COURT Kinner Is Outstanding; Anderson Sparkles On Guard Line Again O GDEN HIGH hoopsters, division champions, turned back the Payson cagers at the Tiger gymnasium Saturday night, 28 to 12 a close guarding game. The "Orange Streaks" jumped into a 9 to 5 lead in the first quar¬ter and held an 11 to 6 lead at half time. In the third period Stan Wil¬son's Paysonites failed to score while the Tigers i increased their total to 21. In the final period Og¬den tallied seven points as against KAPPLE six for the visitors. The defeat last night was the sec¬ond of the two-game local series for Payson. Weber High took the Central Utah five into camp Fri¬day night, 48 to 21. Kinner, elongated center of the Tigers, was the outstanding point getter. He caged seven buckets, live from the center of the floor, and tossed in two free throws for good measure. Anderson played a whale of a game on the guard line for the Tigers. The Tiger captain held his man to two field goals and count¬ed four points himself. McBeth and Strom were the big shots for the visitors. Coach Dick Kapple of the Tigers used eight men during the four- period pre-season battle. The Tig¬ers meet Davis at Kaysville Tues¬day in a non-league game. Score: PAYSON HIGH G. T. F. P. Searles, rf 1 5 1 3 McBeth, If 2 1 0 4 Strom, c 2 0 0 4 Simmons, rg 0 1 0 0 Ballard, lg 0 1 1 i Matlock, If 0 1 0 0 Shuler, rf 0 0 0 0 Totals 5 9 2 12 OGDEN HIGH G. T. F. P. Weir, rf 3 0 0 6 Ellis, rf 0 0 0 0 Lehman, If 1 1 0 3 Boerens, If 0 0 0 fl Kinner, c . 7 3 2 16 Anderson, rg 1 3 2 4 Fowler, lg 0 0 0 0 Williams, lg 0 0 0 0 Totals 12 7 4 28 Referee, Barney; umpire, Glynn. |