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Show Ogden Takes Court Thriller From North Cache Cage Machine TIGERS MEET RICH WINNER FRIDAY NIGHT Ogdenites Trailed By Seven Points At End of First Half After trailing on the short end of a 15 to 8 score for two periods, Og¬den High hoopsters came back in the final half at Logan last night to defeat North Cache, 26 to 25 in a spirited basketball contest. The victory gives the Tigers the right to oppose North Rich here Friday night for the right to enroll in the state tournament at Salt Lake City next week. Close guarding featured the Logan game. Both teams displayed un¬usual ability in this department of play. Anderson and Fowler of Ogden turned in some sensational guarding, holding the North Cache forwards without a single field goal. Anderson and Lehman with seven points each led the Ogdenites in scoring. Kinner collected five. Johnson and Ferguson were the best scorers for the Hebe Whiting machine. I Thirty fouls were called during the four periods of play by Referee Bar¬ney and Umpire Plant. North Cache and Ogden each registered 50 per' cent of their tries, although tlv northern team had more chances j than the Tigers. Ogden and the Rich division win¬ner will meet at the Ogden High gymnasium at eight o'clock Friday evening in the final game. Score: . OGDEN HIGH G. T. F.F. Weir, rf 0 2 1 1 Lehman, If 3 3 1 7 Kinner, c .' 2 3 1 5 Anderson, rg . 2 3 3 7 Fowler, Ig 3 0 0 6 Williams, rg 0 1 0 0 Boreans, If 0 0 0 0 Totals 10 12 6 26 NORTH CACHE G. T. F. P. Tripp, rf 0 10 4 4 Atkinson, If 0 0 0 0 Rollins, c ; 2 1 l 5 Ferguson, rg 3 3 1 7 Johnson, lg 3 2 2 8 Saunders, rg 0 2 1 l Taggart, lg . .. 0 0 0 0 Totals 8 18 9 25 Feferee—Barney. Umpire—Plant. ; j Friendship Termed Vital to Progress Mf?y //) _ Author Says Much De- pends on Mutual Esteem And Good Will J OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES j Robert Hetzel, Editor j I In this world there is at least one thing that is very vital to its prog- e ress and perpetuality. This is friendship. Without it the world [ would soon become a place of dis¬aster and ruin. There would be constant warfare among all people, and sooner or later life would be¬come extinct throughout the whole c domain of man and his kind. If, t in the schools of the universe, there L were no beautiful friendships,! schooling would soon become a thing1 of the past. There would really be no use in learning things under conditions such as these. Much can be told about the character of a man by the friends he makes, and it is necessary that everyone have friends, true friends. Although no one has ever adequately defined friendship, here is a quotation from Munger: "Friendship is one of the largest factors of success not only in the social but also in the commercial : and political worlds. Many a mer- . chant is carried through a crisis : by the friends when the strict laws : of business would have dropped him in ruin. It was Lincoln's immeasur- ' able capacity for friendship that 1 made his splendid career possible." 1 A quotation from Edwin Osgood 1 Brover: "The beauty of real friendship is that unconsciously the two friends i travel up hill together." —The Editor. ( COUNCIL MEETING i Regular council meeting was called to order by President Stone. The i roll was called; the minutes were read and approved. It was moved and seconded that; Los Loritos be given permission to ; fill its quota. The motion was passed. j Clubs granted parties were: S. O.! S., March 12, Joie Francais March li 12, Alpha Sigma March 26, Stellae March 25, Zeta Phi Xi March 19. Mr. Bybee reported for the tennis court committee. He informed coun- : cil that Mayor Bundy is going to ; endeavor to install two tennis courts in one of the city parks in the near future. A complete student body financial report was given and accepted by . a motion. Following a very heated and in- , formal discussion, council passed a motion that no two clubs orjnore': should be allowed to go in together, ji or two clubs or more under one club name, to bid for a Classicalia booth in the next Friday assembly. U Council then adjourned. : —Earl Reeve. !; FAME ENLARGED Walter Hoyt, "the fellow who won : the S. A. R. contest," has added to ; his recently won fame by writing; an original reading entitled "The Star Spangled Banner." Last Fri¬day he gave it in assembly and it was very well received. He was asked to give it at Eastern Star meeting Friday night. Ogden High is proud of him and commends him for his excellent work. —Helen Parmley. TAU ETA NU Last Thursday the Dramatic Art club was kind enough to invite us to their regular meeting. The rea¬son for this was the fact that the sixth period class was presenting the puppet show that they have been1 working on for the last few weeks.' The puppets were made by the girls of the class and the stage and scen¬ery by the boys. Those who took park in the show and handled the dolls were Ruth Hawkins, Meyer Lutzker, Dorothy Eklund, Margaret Betts, Hermese Broadbent, Burton Benowitz, Marybeth Early, Elpha Morse and Margaret Murray. After the show, which was greatly enjoyed by all present, Tau Eta Nu adjourned to 212 and held their reg¬ular business meeting. —Margaret Thomas. WE-13 As the basketball season is nearly over We-13 has decided to claim the baseball championship of the !school. Our last game against S. O. S. did not bring the desired re¬sults and we have decided that our talents must lie in some other field. Recently we gave a party at the Orpheum followed by a midnight lunch at Keeley's. Each and every member had an enjoyable time and hopes for many more. —Roland Stone. APPREHENDED This one-act play has for Its characters Earl Reeves and a police¬man. The time is eight-thirty p. m., April 1, 1932. The place is Twenty- fourth street and Washington ave¬nue. Curtain rises and Earl comes walking down the street attired in a costume resembling that of Cap¬tain Kidd. Just as he is about to turn down Twenty-fourth street, a policeman steps out and grasps him. Earl Reeves: What's the mean¬ing of this, Officer? Officer: I think you're crazy. Come with me. Earl Reeves: But officer, I'm go¬ing to a dance. Officer: You're going to a dance in that? Now I know you're crazy! Earl Reeves: But Officer, I must go. Officer: That's what Napoleon 'said. Earl Reeves: But Officer, I'm go¬ing to the Classicalia. Officer: You're going to the Clas¬sicalia, well, tnat reminds me. Ij have a ticket to that, too. Let's go! Earl and the officer go down the street and enter the Berthana armj in arm. (Curtain falls). THREE SIGNS Upon entering the main thorough¬fare of Ogden High, three signs come into view. The first sign which displays the slogan of Ogden High at present is one on which is painted the words, "Get Classicalia Conscious." The second is a work of art de¬picting that spring and the Classi-I icalia are both around the corner. It j is a nice piece of work. Three j young maidens are attired in light, ;well fitting garments and are in- terpretating the Classicalia dance. . Beneath these young ladies is the . sign, "Why not get Classy Con- ; scious." : The third sign is a bit of satire, at least it was until some enter - ; prising person removed it. It was ; placed near one of the other signs : and upon it was printed, "Please do not park here." It conveyed the lidea that curious students shouldn't crowd around aforesaid sign. All in all, the signs are fine pieces of work and whoever constructed them should be thanked for his t work. 3 As the signs would say: We're -looking at yuh! P. S. Closer inspec- ; tion reveals that No. 2 sign has dis¬appeared from its first resting place. —Janet Garner. 1 |