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Show Inspiration Wanted By Classicum Staff ss /a i— Idea Would Eie Employed In Issue Which Will Appear Next May & (Ogden High School Notes) The staff of the Quarterly Classi¬cum has its own idea as to how to cure Ogden High's depression: A prize of five dollars (in gold, silver, or paper, and absolutely gen- I uine) is being offered for the best idea submitted by one of the school's many geniuses for the benefit of the / next issue of the Quarterly, to make its farewell tour of our educational dispensary in May. This inspiration of a lifetime must be original, ca¬pable of being interpreted and exe¬cuted by the staff, appropriate, in- c teresting, and worthy both of our paper and generous offer. g All students of the school may work for our depression cure. If any idea is handed to Mr. Robins after j Monday, March 14, its proud pos- j. sessor is just "out of luck." We j wish no trade marks in the form of names attached to suggestions; we want to bestow our undivided and r unbiased attention upon respective c ! values. The financial fate of the I! bright boy or girl of our choice will depend upon the ability to match the number on the lucky slip of pa¬per we shall favor on Friday, March 18, in assembly. g I Here's to our promise of five dol-j g lars and to the future spender of such a mint of money! c ART APPRECIATED "Your advertising of the Classicalia is very cleverly done—espe- i cially the west bulletin." And right it there Principal J. W. Wintle of Lew¬is school showed himself to be a ; true judge of fine art. He added 1 jhis name to a long list of others as : he said, "You need a new building, : but the personnel and the student ' body are very fine." He declared 1 that the assembly was inspired (that means that he thought it was swell) and that he had thoroughly en¬joyed the day. We enjoyed having ! you, Mr. Wintle, and we'd invite you j1 to come back and see our newj! building, but never is such a long time—come whenever you feel like it. Your welcome is assured. FOR QUEEN HONORS For the position of Classicalial queen, we suggest: Ruth Hawkins, because she is president of the girls' association;! because she is in the girls' glee club,! and because her complexion is from contented compacts. Jean Danvers, because she is spon¬sor of B company; because she be¬longs to Joie Francais, and be-cause her theme song is "Laugh, Clown, Laugh." Helen Tanner, because she is an artist—you can tell, she never combs her hair; because she is sponsor of D company (good old D company), and because she never j sleeps in the movies. S. O. S. VICTORY Last Saturday morning the S. O. S. club basketball team won its first victory by defeating the We-13 team in a very good example of club sportsmanship. Both teams played hard and all had a good time. This was the second game we played. In the first we were de¬feated by the I-Wannan-O squad. We hope to play I-Wannan-O again and be on the other end of the score. Saturday's score was We-13 18, S. O. S. 26. —Miles Jones. ALPHA OMEGA Have you seen our new, snappy pins yet? Well, if you want to see class as far as pins are concerned, look at Alpha Omega's recently ac¬quired emblems. However, these ( pins are not the only things that we have acquired, our programs have improved and we now get en-joyment out of the meetings instead of the ordinary cut and dried busi¬ness. At the last meeting Margaret Betts caused many a titter with her humorous reading entitled, "A Wop at the Ball Game.' For progress in all lines, watch Alpha Omega. —Dell Tower, Reporter. CHAUCER II We see a man with shrewdly schem¬ing smile Who stands with folded arms in grandiose style. Delight he takes in throwing stu¬dents out Who in assembly wish their airs to flout. And some thing that it is indeed a pity That he is on the decorum com¬mittee. LECTURE GIVEN Mr. Abplanalp's commercial lavs class was honored Thursday by a visit from Mr. Irvine of the First Savings bank, who gave a very in¬teresting talk on "What Is Wealth? ' which was enjoyed by the class. This is the first of a series of talks to be given. There will be one or two a week until the series is completed. Mr. Kapple's economics class was visited by Mr. Hansen of the Com¬mercial Security, and Mr. Stoddard of the First National bank. They also talked on the same subject. IMPORTANT MEETING Such wanton destruction of val¬uable space in the Ogden High School Notes takes place only to give notice of a most important Quarterly staff meeting at twelve o'clock sharp in Mr. Robbins' room on Thursday, March 10. Everyone whose name appears in our maga¬zine as responsible in any way for its publication is urged to read, take heed, and then act accordingly. Let's hear no "I cant's" or "I for- gots," or the staff will probably eat without the culprits at its banquets, for the discussion of which this meeting has been called. Famine Thursday may mean a feast at the end of the year! SAMMY SIXTEEN I awoke with a queer feeling that all was not well, and upon gazing out of the window did' find thai snow had fallen during the silent hours of the night. Cursing with a fervor that one can acquire only by i taking drill I went through the ag¬ony of wrapping leggings, etc. Fell upon breakfast, and after consum- ing what I deemed necessary to keep my morale up, started for dear old O. H. S. Upon coming in contact with the I cold air of the outer world I im¬mediately buried my hands in the j pockets of my coat and drew in my j head so that it would be protected from the elements. After a mile of walking in this undesirable condi¬tion I finally arrived at my desti- ! nation. Went through drill as if I were an automaton and finally found myself in our gymnasium, 'recreation hall, assembly, and what have you. After listening to a lecture on what to do if the visitors came in, I prepared for the test of trying to act intelligent when they did come. Not long did I have to wait, for without further pretense in he walk- : ed and took a seat not far from !ime. Our dear instructor started in on what he thought proper and fin- [ ally struck a question that I believe could be answered by myself. Ac-j ; cordingly I raised my hand, but in-i stead of opening the fingers as we had been instructed to in case we 1 didn't know I closed them and was immediately called. I immediately became confused and started mum¬bling something , about the voyage of Columbus and how the radio let us know he was coming. Suddenly crimson wave swept over me and I buried my face in my hands; and blotted out what remained of ! the mortification I had suffered. For instead of asking about Columbus ' as I had believed; he was requesting ! me to tell about John Smith and Pocahontas. —H. L. and R. C. School Content Interest Growing May 9, 1932 Students Given Reminder of Costumes to Be Worn at Party (Ogden High School Notes) Virginia Hunter, Editor Spring is coining; so is the Classi¬calia. With the advent of spring also occurs the advent of saps. Spring fever, figuratively speaking. Among the more important things of O. H. S. life at present is the queen contest. Excitement is run-ning high, and the one who wins the honor will have earned it. All of the foregoing is supposed to remind you that the Classicalia is around the corner. On April first we will arrive at that corner. Cos¬tumes should be worn by everyone attending the Classicalia, and we j know that all of you are going to attend. Whether you come as devil, prince, beggar, sailor, cave man, it's; just a matter of what you think is best. Of course the above are only suggestions. The suggestions bring to mind the story of one of our teachers who, when a small boy, was refused ad¬mission to the Classicalia because! the officials in charge of the door decided that he was not clad prop¬erly. Well, anyWay, let's see you in a costume, huh? AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Is the Classicalia going to be mod¬ernistic or old fashioned this year. Please give us some definite inform¬ation if possible. —Two Classy Calias. Dear Classy Calias: Wouldn't you rather be surprised? Wait and see! We promise that you will be pleasantly surprised. —Aunt Jane. FOR QUEEN We nominate for queen of the1 Classicalia: Holley Arthur, because she is a sponsor; because she belongs to Carpe Diem; because she never bites her fingernails; and because she is so shy. (?) Hermese Broadbent, because she belongs to Phi Lambda Tau; be¬cause she speaks to everyone—or nearly everyone; and because she is "Hale" whether she is hearty or not. Anita Van Dyke, because she works as hard as she plays and that's saying something; because she never has much to say; be¬cause she wears sport shoes becom¬ingly. SPORTSMANSHIP Monday night we met with a gall¬ing disappointment at losing the game to Weber County High. Now is our time to show our true colors and prove what good sports we are. We congratulate Weber sincerely on her wonderful team and its excellent playing. The best man won. Our own team should be congratulated on the wonderful playing they have done, and we wish to express our sympathy for their misfortune. The good sportsmanship shown by both student bodies is to be commended. Let's stand by Weber in their vic¬tory.—The Editor. DIARY OF A DAMSEL "Blue Monday" Number Thirteen. I warmed the sheets for thirteen minutes after the alarm rang, and those thirteen minutes brought about thirteen hours more of typical number thirteen luck. I was thirteen minutes late to my classes, and, although the repri¬mands forced upon my unlucky ears didn't number thirteen, the results bore a sad resemblance to what the aforesaid could and would produce. I came into contact with thirteen cadets just outside of room 113, and, of course, my books and I were scattered in thirteen directions. I began to study line thirteen of the second act of Macbeth at thir¬teen minutes past one and awoke with my finger still on line thirteen at thirteen minutes to two. I slipped down thirteen (more or less) steps and imprinted thirteen colorful masterpieces upon my anat¬omy. I'd like to go to the Ogden-Weber game tonight, but I am afraid I would arrive thirteen minutes late to find the score 14-13 in Weber's favor! — Susie Seventeen. SHORT AND SWEET Congress Wars on Verbosity: To make a short meeting even shorter "The meeting will please come to order." No minutes and excuses (a sigh of relief; roll call, committee reports, old and new business (a sigh of disgust); general attention centered about the unsympathetic clock. "Madam Chairman, I move we adjourn." The motion was seconded by the ac¬tion itself plus a marathon race to the Weber gymnasium. Can you blame us?—Helen Lindquist. A SUGGESTION I wonder why it is that in spite of all that has been said in regard to keeping the school clean, there is a certain room—and a very pop¬ular room too—which is always somewhat littered at the close of the noon hour. Whenever I with¬draw to room 216 for a quiet ses¬sion of studying, penny matching, or other pastime during the noon hour, my eye is invariably attracted by a disorderly heap of lunch sacks, gum wrappers, and funny papers, stacked in a semi-circle around the waste basket, which is practically empty. Although this is probably an innocent boyish prank of minor consequence, still it is beginning to have its effect upon the patience of that respected little broom baron, Frank; and no janitor could func¬tion properly with this handicap. And so, although I realize that nearly every student has co-operat¬ed splendidly with the school in this matter, and that commendable im¬provement has been made, may I humbly suggest that students bring¬ing their lunches to this school be a little more careful In disposing of their waste paper.—Perke Patterson. NOT SPRING FEVER—BUT? Perhaps you have noticed that the boys especially have lately seemed to be paying less attention in class and carry a bored expression around with them. Also in some cases the matter -f preparing lessons has been given little or no consideration. The teachers probably think, "Well, he is just getting lazy, and rather in¬dolent. All he needs is a little more work." But that's not the reason, nor is it a ciire for this affliction. A popularly used alibi is "spring fever," but I won't use that. You know that when you are ill, your body builds up a resistance against the disease, and that is just what has happened. All during the win¬ter we worked hard and diligently over lessons, and so gradually our minds built up a resistance against lessons. Therefore hard as -we try, our minds work against them, and so we are not able to do our les¬sons. About the only cure I can think of is not to assign any more [ lessons for a few weeks and thus ; give this resistance time to work it- [ self out of our systems.—Sid Gordon.. |