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Show Enjoyment Possible If Strongly Sought Personal Training Toward Lighter Side Found Profitable Ogden High School Notes Virginia Hunter, Editor. An interesting career would be learning how to enjoy oneself. It is all in the mind. Have you ever made up your mind to enjoy your¬self, and has it ever failed? As a rule, the answer 'would be "No." There is nothing complex to the science of enjoyment, but so many people have never taken enough effort to try to understand. How depressing is the sort of person who is a continual wet blanket, is seldom sought after. One rule for popularity should be "Learn to en¬joy yourself." The person who knows how to enjoy himself seems to in¬spire the same feeling in everyone else. The Editor. TROPHY RECEIVED At an assembly Friday, Ogden High school was presented with a trophy, a silver basketball, for the state high school championship. This was given to the school by Mr. Wilson, secretary of the Utah State, Athletic association. Captain Dale Anderson received the trophy and expressed appreciation for the team and the school. L. Simmons, coach I of East High, gave us a little in¬side dope about the past occupa-i tions of our coach and superintendent. The remainder of the program! was sponsored by Dominant Chords, a musical group consisting of Win-ona Olson, first violinist; Edith Bush, violinist obligato; Alice Huggins, cello; Lulu Frandsen, pianist; Francis Stephens, viola, and Helen Allen, bass player. The program consisted of a sextet number; bass viola solo, by Helen Allen; read¬ing, by Helen Brophy; viola solo, by Alice Huggins, and a marimba solo, by Elaine Evans, accompanied by Frank Rounds. It was a real treat. B. W. K. WEBER VICTORIOUS Weber High school girls played the Model "T" team in Ogden High's gym. The Weber girls won with the score of 16-13. We must com¬pliment these girls on their excel¬lent passing and shooting ability. Although the Model "T" team1 beat them the first time they play¬ed, their spirit and pep went over big in the game last Thursday. Jeannette Johnson. DEATH REGRETTED To the family of Edna Carruth we extend our deepest sympathy for the recent bereavement. We real-ise what sorrow this tragedy brings to them and to her friends. Edna was well liked by everyone. Wej shall miss her smiling face, but wei 'must remember that she was needed over there. COLGATE SCHOLARSHIPS A generous bequest from the late Colonel Austen to Colgate university makes available to young men of high scholastic attainment eighteen j scholarships in the following I amounts: One scholarship of $1500, 'five scholarships of $1300 each, 12 scholarships of $1000 each. Students who rank in the upper one-fifth of the graduating class in an accredited secondary school, and are accepted for admission to Colgate, are eligible to compete for these scholarships. The scholarships are awarded at the end of the first year in college. The award is made on the; basis of scholastic achievement in college, combined with secondary' school rank. A large number of other schol¬arships, which may amount to as much as $960 for the four years, are available to qualified students. These are awarded on a basis of financial need and scholastic stand¬ing in college work. COME TO CONCERT Come to the band concert! Think what an honor it will be to have heard the prize-winning band! Con-, sider an evening of music, for once free from that never-ending jazzy syncopation. Variety is the spice of life, as you've no doubt been in¬formed, and really good music ac¬companied by a lot of hard work is a rare thing nowadays, accord¬ing to Erroll Patrick and the re¬sounding triumphs floating from the gym every morning. As the band has been practicing faithfully to- many long weeks, testified to by Mr. Patrick and our ears, you may be assured of impeccable perform¬ance and a feeling of satisfaction and pride in a school filled with such talent and hard workers. Parents, your other affairs on Wednesday night are not nearly so important as that of supporting the school, so help us out. Make the band feel appreciated by the num¬bers attending. And don't let that studious John or Mary lag at home. We're sure tne teachers will un¬derstand, especially the sympathet-ic high school teachers (oh, yeah). It's a mere 25 cents and think of the opportunity it gives the band. To put it tritely—then we'll be seem ya m. j. w. ARMY CHIEF TO ARRIVE TUESDAY General Craig Will Look Over Ogden High School Cadet Unit Major General Malin Craig, Ninth corps area commander, and his staff, will arrive in Ogden Tuesday morning for a brief visit to the Og¬den Oigh school R. O. T. C. unit. He will stop in Ogden about half an hour and will meet with Cap¬tain Roy Sparks, commander of the local unit, and his officers. He will probably inspect the cadets in drill. On Tuesday afternoon he will visit the Logan unit and that even¬ing go to Bozeman, Mont. Having headquarters at the Presidio of San Francisco, General Craig is in charge of army affairs in the westtern states. On May 4, Colonel J. G. Pitlow, R. O. T. C. officer of the Ninth area, with headquarters in San Francisco, will give the local unit an annual inspection. School Informed Of Hotel Headquarters Apr. 12, 1932 Arrangements Made For Housing Ogden Band At Price OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Elpha Morse, Editor principal A. M. Merrill has re¬ceived a letter from J. H. Braffet, manager of a hotel known as The Tavern, in Price. The letter reads: "We are pleased to advise you that The Tavern will be the head¬quarters for members and friends of the Ogden Senior High school band during the band contest to be held in Price, April 14-16. "Sleeping accommodations are be¬ing otherwise provided for the band members, but we shall be pleased to give your boys all other accommo¬dations and courtesies within our means. "We should like to do some dec¬orating in the Ogden Senior High school colors. To that end we have already planned window decora¬tions. However, we will be pleased to have your co-operation and place whatever pennants, banners, etc., you may have available to send in advance or to bring with the band. We shall endeavor to carry out any suggestions you may have to offer for a fitting Ogden display. "Reservations should be made ! forthwith for hotel accommoda¬tions for non-members accompany¬ing your band." CHEERFULNESS How easy it is to be cheerful with weather like this. An exclamation mark is needed there, but maybe it would not be in the best of taste. Anyhow, when you take a look at the sunshine and the green grass, the tired, grouchy feeling leaves. The little crocuses smile at the warm earth, causing shy little vio¬lets to peep through into the invit¬ing sunshine. It is good to be young, maybe I think that because youth cannot be very severely crit¬icized for writing poor editorials in weather like this. What I have been trying to say, no matter how disconnected, it is great to be alive. A FLOWER FOR EDNA What can I bring to you, my dear, You who had so little use for sor¬row, Who longed to see the robin come again, And baby leaves peep out from bud¬ding trees; Tears have so little place in your tomorrow— What can I bring to you? All the carol of the spring seems part of you, You, who ever saw the sparkle in the sun; The perfume of the lilac and the first pink rose of June, The sunrise, and the springing things that have but now be¬gun. Budding joys were yours, portent¬ous, Wonderment of Life (Shining in her beauty, Keeking hid her strife); In the March-wind's rushing you heard the song of May; Mow fair the cloud of Girlhood dreams in which you fade away! What can I bring to you? Nay, rather it is I who ask the boon; If your clear eyes can see, this sunny morn, The problems worked and neatly writ that now are baffling me, Let your new-found light Shine upon my spirit eyes And give them sight, That I might catch a nearer glimpse of Majesty, And just a little clearer sense Di¬vinity. —Blanche Kendall McKey. COMPETITION RESULTS The band has won the American Legion cup competition for the last month, with D company (good old D company, of which I am a small part and shareholder) second. The cup is for attendance, and both the band and D company have won it for three months. However, with the band going to Price, its attend¬ance has staged a general revival, 'and with the race coming into the home stretch neck and neck it will take the best effort of D company to keep from being nosed out. The other companies aren't conceded a look-in on this prettiest of all cups. (That for you, A, B and C.) The band evidently realizes that it has to win it three times to keep it and so I confidently expect a little kid¬naping to be perpetrated soon.—B. T. YEARBOOKS SOON Have you a yearbook safely ordered? The day isn't far off when one of the main features of the year will be ready. It is very important to order it in advance, however, for no more books than are needed shall be printed. Be on the safe side. See Mr. Kasius for your issue of the Classicum Annual.—Janet Fife. PET PRO'S AND CON'S Pro's: A state championship basketball trophy, even if Russ does call it a medal. A speaker who tries to get us a new high school by pounding the rostrum to pieces. (If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.) Superintendent Hopkins, who can raise $135 for our band despite the1 depression. A little girl and an overgrown fiddle; another little girl and a xylophone. (I believe they call it music.) Con's: Fresh air fiends in assembly, even if it is supposed to be spring. Street cars that meander down Twenty-fifth street in the middle! of complimentary talks concerning our prize baseball team. ! Announcers who can talk faster than the O. H. S. student body can comprehend. Little fish who don't like Ogden High's big puddle.—Susie Seventeen. QUOTATIONS Eroll Patrick—Students, the band is going to Price! Hubert Lynch—Well, of all things! Cleone Walker—Oh, it was just foul! Captain Wangsgard—Think, men, think! Russ Stone—(Liable to say any¬thing, and nevpr fails to say some¬thing.) "Forty long years I've waited for this moment," declared Helen Rogers as Ken Williams bit the dust—which proves that even a new Ford won't tempt some gals. Then there is "Harm" Williams and Louise Peterson, but I guess they like each other. Favorite Antipathies —-Shaking hands for practically no good rea¬son at all. I Running Dorothy Dix in the High School Notes, and someone did a few nights ago. Take that word HOLO and change it to Ho Ho, and then perhaps it would be a good idea to forget the whole thing. Did you know: That Tony Wons gets a good salary for reading as Mr. Kasius does? That some people have all the luck, and I've lost more money to Maurine Shaw than the national debt? That Mien Halgren's eyes are as big as the list of bank failures?— B. T. |