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Show Ogden- Weber Advance To Second Round Contests Tigers Win Easily; Warriors Gain Close Victory Over Moroni Murray Falls Out of Championship Bracket; Kinner Shows Splendid Ability; Pleasant Grove Is Impressive in One-Sided Victory By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor D ESERET Gymnasium, Salt Lake City, March 17.—Eight polished hoop teams remained in the running for the 1932 Utah state scholastic title here today as the result of triumphs in the opening round games Wednesday. Murray, 1931 cham¬pions, one of the early favorites, were out of the picture as contenders, but stand out as a serious threat in the consola¬tion series. Ogden, Weber, Pleasant Grove and Parowan stand out now as the seri- . ous contenders for the gonfalon. Pleasant Grove, 1931 runner - up, holds the inside track as the fav¬orites. Murray, state champions, suf¬fered a 27 to 22 defeat after dead- : locking the score at 22-all late in the third period with Lehi. Ogden walloped Uintah 40 to 23 and Weber High rallied late in the KAPPLE fourth period to trim Moroni, 35 to 31. I Other first day results were as fol¬lows: Pleasant Grove 63, Bicknell 22; Jordan 23, Hinckley 20; Granite 35, Logan 26; Nephi 31, Heber 22, and Parowan 35, East 22. The second round of the championship flight and the opening drive in the consolation race are on the schedule today and tonight. Championship flight: Nephi vs. Weber, 3:30 p. m.; Lehi vs. Parowan. 4:30 p. m.; Ogden vs. Jordan, 8:30 p. m.; Granite vs. Pleasant Grove, 9:30 p. m. Consolation flight: Logan vs. Bicknell, 1:30 p. m.; Uintah vs. Hinckley, 2:30 p. m.; East vs. Mur¬ray, 6:30 p. m.; Heber vs. Moroni, 7:30 p. m. Tomorrow the winners of both flights jump into the semi-finals with the finals scheduled Saturday evening. IN FINE FORM Ogden High gave an impressive account of themselves by turning back the polished Uintah five. The Tigers jumped into a 16 to 4 lead at the quarter and held a 25 to 9 mar¬gin at half time. Uintah came back strong in the third period to play the Dick Kap- plemen on even terms, each scoring eight points. kinner at center played bang-up ball for the Tigers, while Weir and Lehman sparkled at forwards. An-derson and Fowler played their usual high class ball on the guard line. In the waning minutes of the game Coach Dick Kapple used his re¬serves. Alexander, Oaks and Noel stood out for the Uintah five. Mark Ballif's Weber High athletes were given a man-sized scare in their contest with Moroni, but were equal to the task. The Warriors jumped into a 12 to 3 lead at the quarter and were out in front, 21 to 10, at half time. Cahoon, brilliant star of the Moroni five, started the game at guard and was switched to forward in the final half, and it was the sharp shooting of this chap that pressed the Warriors to the limit. Late in the final period Cahoon drogped in three long shots with one" hand to deadlock the score at 29 all Chard, Greenwell and Lam¬bert dropped in the deciding buckets for the Ogden entry. _ Wade, Weber center, was assigned the task of guarding Cahoon, and as a result failed to play his usual colorful game. Greenwell and. Mc¬Lean were outstanding on the guard line. Lambert and Chard sparkled at forwards. Moroni's entire team is built around Cahoon. Logan, the other northern entry, fell before the fine team play of Granite. The Loganites resorted to long shooting and this proved their undoing. Ryan was the outstanding per¬former for the Loganites. Kramer played sensational ball on the guard line for Granite. COLORFUL STARS Petty of Nephi, Kinner of Ogden, Lambert of Weber, Gourley and West of Pleasant Grove, Erickson of Murray, M. Allred of Lehi, Larson of Jordan, Blake of Hinckley, Clark of Parowan, and Murdock of Heber were the outstanding players in th- first round games Wednesday. Spirited competition is promised today in both the championship and consolation .and championship brackets. The writer picks Ogden and We¬ber, runner-up and champion of the Ogden division, to advance to the semi-final round with victories to¬day. Attendance Wednesday was splen¬did, but was below that of other opening day crowds, statistics re-veal. Ogden Piles Up Early Lead to Defeat Uintah Mar. 19, 1932 Coach Dick Kapple's Ogden high five, runnerup in the Ogden dis¬trict, piled up a big lead against Uintah and coasted to victory in the i second half Wednesday afternoon in the opening game of the state high school basketball tournament. The final score was 40-22. With Kinner, Weir and Lehman working cleverly under the basket, Ogden ran up a 16-4 lead at the end of the first quarter, and. the half end¬ed, 25-9. Coach Carl Davis' young¬ster, obviously bothered by the large crowd, missed nine-tenths of their shots and fumbled considerably. But they came back in the second half and played on even terms with the Tigers. The losers still could lo¬cate the hoop, however, in spite of the fact that they broke away for a number of shots. Kinner, with his brilliant tip in shots, was the shining light for the victors. His teammates, with un¬usually good passing attack, fed him the ball well. Alexander, Noel and Oaks played good ball for the losers. OGDEN (40) LS.M. SS.M. G. T. F. P. Pr. Weir.rf ........ 5 096611 13 0 Lehman,If 0094400 81 Kinner,c 5 1 16 5 6 0 0 12 1 Fowler,rg 4 0 3 2 2 0 0 4 3 Anderson,lg..,. 1 0 2 0 0 1 .1 1 2 Ellis,rl 0 0 000000 0 Boerens.lf 1 0 7 1 1 0 0 2 0 Williams,rg ..... 00000000 0 Totals 16 1 36 18 19 2 2 40 7 UINTAH (23) LS.M. SS.M. G. T. P. P. Pr. Alexander.rf ... 929 133060 Siddoway.lf .... 20 7223261 Fox.c ......... 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 Noel,rg 6 1 4 1 3 3 1 7 1 Oaks.lg 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 Bingham,If .... 6 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 Anderson,c ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cotton,lg ....... 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hardy,rg 00000000 0 Totals 27"3267 10Tl"323l Referee, Watts; umpire, Burmester. Local Machines Picked To Win Court Games Ogden to beat Granite and Weber to trim Lehi! Those are the predictions at the state basketball tournament and semi-finals at Salt Lake City today by the Standard-Examiner bas¬ketball expert. Eleven out of sixteen is the record to date. "Pot" Shot called five out of eight correct Thursday to lead the field of critics. Murray, Parowan and Pleasant Grove, favorites with "Pot Shot" suf¬fered defeats. The expert called the Logan total score on the nose with 37 points. Today's guesses follow: Ogden 26, Granite 23. Weber 29, Lehi 24. Logan 28, Hinckley 23. Parowan 24, Nephi 19. Wasatch 31, East 21. Pleasant Grove 29, Jordan 17. |