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Show 0GDEN CITY SCHOOLS. W. Karl Hopkins, Supt. ight Night School Dept. F. T. Wiggins, Prin. Grace Atkinson, Secty. Jan. 10, 1922. The second semester of Night School begins J an. 16, 1922, and ends Apr. 6, 1922. Registration closes Jan. 19, 1922. A registration fee of $3.00 is required of those registering for the second semester, except students who have paid for the full term. Students may register for any two courses offered. New students will register on a card and have the card signed by the teachers whose courses they desire to take before card is presented at the office for registration. An early registration is desired, especially for the new subjects offered the second semester, such as Sociology, Economics, Civics, or Commercial Arith. No course will be given for fewer than ten students. High School credit will be given in proportion to attendance and the work completed during the course. Please state on your registration card if High School credit is desired. Ogden City Public School teachers will receive free registration in Gymnastics, Fold Dancing, Art and Penmanship. Gymnastics and Fold Dancing registration is free to Girl Scout captains. Subjects. Room. Typewriting: 2 sections-7:30-8:30 &.8:30-9:30 Room 106. Miss Mary Eva Shea. Stenography: 2 sections--7 :30-8:30 & 8:30-9:30 " 204. Miss Elizabeth Stephenson. Bookkeeping: 2 sections-7 :30-8:30 & 8:30-9:30 " 116 Mr. W. L. Peterson. Penmanship: 2 sections--7:30-8;30 & 8:30-9:30 " 305 Miss Florence Brown. Comptometer: 3 sections--6:30 - 7:30- - 8:30 " 202 Mi ss Celena Beaulieu. English: 2 sections --7:30-8:30 & 8:30-9:30 " 301. Mr. Sidney Winter. Spanish: Advanced--7 :30-8:30 " 302. Spanish: Beginning--8;30 -9;30 (Offered) " 302. Miss Ada Walcott. Oral Expression: 8:30-9:30 " 206 Mrs. Blanch McKee. Salesmanship: 7:30-8:30 " 219 Economics, Sociology or Civics; 8:30-9:30(0ffered) " 219 Mr. Warren M. Leigh. Art: 2 sections-7 :30-8:30 & 8:30-9:30 " 220 Miss Ida Anderson, Common School Branches: 7:30-8:30 " 205. Commercial Arith: 8:30-9:30 (offered)- " 208 Mr. Sumner Hatch. Domestic Science: 2 sections-7:00-8:30 &8:30-10:00 " 101 Miss Nadine Foutz Domestic Art: 2 sections--7:30-8:30 & 8:30-9:30 " 112 Miss Etta Nelson Gymnastics for Women (See teacher for time) " Gym. Folk Dancing (See teacher for time) " Gym. Mrs. Sophie W. Reed. Auto Mech; 2 sections -7:30-8:30 & 8:30-10:00 " 114 & Shop, Mr. George Bergstrom. Armature Winding: 7:30-8:30 " 103 " " Practical Elect. Const: 8:30-10:00 " 103 " " - Mr. George Sanders. Blue Print Reading ; 8:00-9:30 " 111 Mr. J. W. Connell, |