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Show NIGHT SCHOOL Ogden High School I Second Semester Registration Dates: January 11, 14, 18 and 21, 1926 Meal Planning and Table Service Cooking Dressmaking and Millinery Commercial Subjects- Auto Mechanics Electrical Subjects The Steel Square and Woodwork Mechanical Drawing Clay Modeling Show Card Writing and Lettering English (Business and Third Year H. S.) Oral Expression Business Arithmetic Commercial Law English for Foreign Born Classes meet Monday and Thursday Evenings at 7:30 o'clock. For additional information phone 457 OGDEN TAKES U. OF U. WORK Several Study Courses Organized At First Meeting What was declarer to be one of J the largest and mosT-interested croups of university extension workers ever assembled in Ogden met. at the Ogden High school Monday night and decided to organize, a number of classes, W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent of schools, I commenting today, said: "Two courses that will be of t special interest to Ogden citizens generally will be given by Dr. Adam Bennion and Professor Levi Edgar Young. "These courses "will not begin until October 28 and will run for 12 weeks each. Dr. Bennion couse, 'The Bible in Character: Building,' will meet on that date at' 7:30 p. m., in the Central Junior High school auditorium and every; K Wednesday thereafter for 12 weeks. "Immediately following this course, Professor Young will give 12 lectures on 'Western Hislory. ENGIJSH COURSES. "Beginning Monday. October 12, at 7 p. m., at the Ogden High school, Dr. Fisher will give a courpe in English, 'The Short Story,' H while at the same time Professor Grant from the University of Utah V will organize a class in English 1 and 2. "Classes in Spanish and French will ho organized at the same hour. "On Thursday, October 15, at 7 p. m., at the Ogden High" school. Dr. Elbert Thomas of the University of Utah will organize a class in American History and at 8 p. m. a class in education will be given, the instructor to be chosen later. FOR BUSINESS MEN. "Besides the above courses. Professor E. C. Lourensen of the University of Utah, under the direction of the local credit men's association, will give a course in economics on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p. m. at the Ogden High school." Heavy enrollment for all of the B courses Is anticipated, Superintendent NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES OPEN Twenty-one Subjects On List; Others May Be Added j Twenty-one. subjepts will be of- fered at the Ogden High night J school during the fall and winter semesters, F. T. Wiggins, princi- j pal, announced today. Registration for this work will close on October 12. Subjects offered nd the in- . j structors assigned for the year ; are as follows: Typewriting,' i Ethel Franke; bookkeeping, William Abplanalp; stenography, Elizabeth Stephenson; office machines, j Edith Glick; penmanship, Florence Brown; commercial law, I Parley Xorseth; auto mechanics, Georgr- Beigstrom; electrical construction, Devere. Child; mechanical drawing, J. W. Connell; bea) planning and service, Helen Pixton; Dressmaking and millinery. Etta Nelson: teachers' methods in [ art. Sarah Wilson; physical edu- j i cation for women, .Claudia Roberts; business arithmetic, Keith I 1 I Walquist; third year high school ! j English, A. M. Merrill; show card j writing and lettering, J. A. Packer. History, modern language, alge- j bra, geometry, economics, oral ex- j pression and other subjects will be offered if 10 or more students apply. . Principal Wiggins said today 1 that all previous attendance records will be bettered this year. !The initial registration was dou- J ble that of last year. ' ' iae" last week end. Two hundred students were en- rolled Monday night at the Ogden High school for night study work, F. T. Wiggins, principal, announced j today. This is an increase of j nearly 100 over the same period of last year. Complete high school credits will j ! be offered in all subjects. Class j work will be held every Monday I i and Thursday. . CO Corn production in Hungary for ! j this year is forecast at 94,916,000 1 bushels against 80,088,000 bushels 1 nro'ir-pH in FOWLER TO TEACH EXTENSION COURSE 1925 1 Corruplying with a request from 'the department of education of the ! Utah Agricultural college, Superintendent B. A. Fowler has agreed n to teach an.extension course for the college this winter. It will be a course in the science ' of education # for which college " ; credit will be 'given leading toward " ; a. deigree or for the renewal of cer- tifioates. Higher certification credit is also available. ? The course is designated as ; i foundations of method, following the summer schooj course outlined by W. H. Kilpatrick of Columbia, and using the text which Dr. Kilpatrick has just issued from the i i press. It is a similar course to the j one which he gave at Logan dur- ! ing the national summer school held last sum,m,er in Logan. rQ ! Teachers and those desiring to v investigate or register for this course should be at the Ogden High school on the evening of Monday, October 5, at 7 o'clock. The day of the week and the exact hour the course will be given will depend ) upon the wishes of the majority who register, Mr. Fowler added. Hopkins said. |