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Show Top, Wayne Carver, Jack Davis, LaMar Buckner, Mr. Monson, Mr. Handley, Rex McEntire, LaVon Earl, Sophie Reed, Daniel Drumiler, Maurice Richards, John Vernieu. Center, Front Row: Don Johnson, Mr. Peterson, Dean Stevenson, Miss Jones. Lola Smedley, Mr. Osmond. Back Row: Mr. Anderson, Marion Bader. Bottom, Front Row: Sophie Reed, Joyce Lutz. Back Row: Ray Kerr, Dee Linford, Maurice Richards, Editor. BOARD OF CONTROL Composed of the student body officers, two class presidents, three faculty members, and two freshmen, the Board of Control eternally seeks justice by the application of what they fondly describe as democratic principles. Appropriation of funds and cutting of budgets seem to be the main duties of the board, aside from settling arguments and petty grievances. Student government is efficiently handled through this group of students, officers and instructors. STANDARDS COMMITTEE Those students who are hailed before the Standards Committee are soon relieved of their misgivings by the consideration and helpfulness of this group of people. Although their decisions at times may be necessarily grim, students need not fear that they will not be given more than fair indulgence. HANDBOOK COMMITTEE Innocent freshmen who foolishly display money during the fall quarter are likely to become the owners of handbooks, storehouses of campus information. After the first glance at wrong telephone numbers, the purple and white volumes come in handy only when a Signpost staff member wants to see how not to spell a name. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE The members of the Assembly Committee have an eye for talent, and an essential sense of humor. During their previews of assemblies, they witness many exhibitions, which, for the good of all, do not eventually appear on the stage. They are now considering a Thursday assembly program to be given over entirely to "short" announcements. ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Despite the versatility of Weber College students, the powers that be thought it improbable that said students could attend a dance, a lyceum number, and a party in one evening. Even distribution of social activities over the year is the work of the Activities Committee. AWARDS COMMITTEE One of the hardest tasks in the college belongs to this group-that of choosinq which few of an accomplished and versatile student body shall receive awards and also in considering cases involving questions of scholarship and eligibility. The Awards Committee spends much energy in calculating honor points, determining the winners of gold and silver medals, and selecting the members of Orion. Top: Dr. Young, Mr. Childs, June Rose, John Piers. Center, Front Row: John Vernieu, Elaine Grow, Joyce Lutz, Sue Boyle. Daniel Drumiler. Back Row: Mr. Gray, Mr. Handley, Mr. Baddley, Rex McEntire, Mrs. Hall. Left: Lorraine Aldous, Robert Bischoff, Fred Tingey, Mr. Wilson, Miss Denning, Miss Grandy. |