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Show Historian Historians, let’s be original in the compiling of our history. We : to be standardized throughout the state. don’t want You all know how important records and histories are to any organization. It is your duty to compile and keep a record of the activities and achievements of the association, and make historical facts available on request. The history binder is $2.60 plus $.50 for postage if you want it mailed. orders to the state P.T.A. office. These are the chief responsibilities of the new type Send your historian: 1. To act as custodian for all records and other materials pertinent to the history of the association. It is especially important that early records be kept intact. The following details appear in a permanent record: a. Name of association, date, and place of organization. b. Names of organizers, with photographs if possible. c. Bylaws adopted at the first meeting. d. List of first officers and committee chairmen. -&, List of special activities carried on during the early years. £ 2/To compile and keep a record of current association events and activities, _ to Be’presented in the form of an annual history. These details should be included: a. Names of officers, ‘chairmen of committees, and delegates. b. Program and study group outlines. c. Activities and projects emphasized during the year. d. Special business activities, such as amendments, to bylaws and creation of new committees. e. Social f. Annual and entertainment affairs of importance. budget. Where a P.T.A. is fairly new, past history could be gathered without too much research. Past officers, chairmen, and school officials should be contacted for in- formation, pictures, etc. Where the unit has been organized for any great length of time, it might be well to leave material as it has been compiled for the new volume of history would merely be a continuation following the-same outline as given herein for new units, with perhaps the addition of a brief history or foreword bringing the reader up-to-date as it were: A suggested outline follows: A brief story of the building and dedication of the school could preface the history work along with a story of the inception of P.T.A. work, its objectives and procedures. Following should be the date of charter and installation of officers. Copy of original bylaws are a must in each history, with revisions being added as they are made. A general outline could be followed from this point on and might include the following: Aor |