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Show C a | i oN oe. | iT gore \ po oe Dears I | ' Feme oead ue } Rlabby, hive me. two tI have Someone girls my eye Denar Editor: Was the sand that was dumped between the south wings of the school to playin, OP whet? Beachcomber after on else, They keep pestering What should I do? Pestered Dear me. Dear The Pestered, Beachcomber: sand was dumped to Dont, bother me; .1 have the same problem, Flabby raise the ground and make the “Soil “richer: 66 the roses will grow better, Kditor Dear Det, Pddtore Most of my teachers are finding things wrong with everything I. do. Are they getting meiner? Pieced « Flabby, I am always swamped with 500 word reports, L, con 't..ge%. «them. in, .on time, What should I do? IFIC Gum Chewer Dear IFIC Gum Chewer, Try Double-Bubble; It's quieter, Flabby Dean walk to Sheil: £ class. What da? Lonesome Dear Lonesome, Consult Paula Rhees,. It down look To look is on ensy to others. down on ourselves is dif Ti cule, , -~~Peterson The true nations is ities which grentness of in those qual- the greatness dividual. constitute of the in- --Summer One more week of school WOW! How sad for teachers! ty. They aren't getting meaner, They're just petting piek ar you, kditor Dear Flabby, I am lonesome. I don't hove a. girl friend, to fe ic BBY" te pg ; 4 HOME JORK My son is helping Advance my knowledge -~He's letting me work His way through college. ~-leonard K. Schiff Joe Quintana was very much disturbed. Mr, Wyatt h-d stopped him in the hall -and asked him to..d0 dn enprand just .as the last bell was ringing. Now his teacher, My... Griffin, vineisted.on -for moinking him ote class, "I've never been late before," Joe pleaded, "And I had a good reason this time.!! "The fact is you were Uo aia! |. Noes: Gani ni: oe aed. "b gheve: Lo report. tine brug! Next day the principal visited Joe's class and asked. each, puyid: .bo sted1 Something of special interest that happened that day. When it came Joe's. 4urnm, ihe. said brightiy,,...!'Mr,. Griffin was on time today." A wealthy man invited his friends on an African safari. “A few days’ after they arrived at their TUMpOLT Bort in the jungle, the man hired a native guide to take them As 2 policeman was up the Congo in canoes, walking nlong Main Street An hour after they late one night he saw started they heard jungle. | Lorraine Davis on her drums beating. All along hands and knees, tie Toute, ob Trequent ‘Lose something?" the intervals, the sounds cop asked. were repeated, Lee. cs Cropped: a Wheat ere they saying?" dollsr on Maple Street,'"' esked the weclthy man Lorraine answered, Peoeraliy, eo OR Eroeped. ma. -. The netive listened to dollar on Maple Street,” the drums for 2 moment | said. the. cop, "why sre and then tronslated: you looking for it on “Drums gay, ‘American. Main Street?i! Very rich, Raise prices "Because," said of everytHing!!" | Lorraine, "There's more light here,!! Several |