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Show DP Pee ep S Mrs. teacher. She now in; her home her eyes..pop .bvO8,qWareh favorite Skijjme 16 sport, Her sewing piano, Mee. the .ALLeOr quist and are @mat things from This {| eo new | Wahl- well-behaved she MR are the Thinks of can .learnn .vwnem, wee year we have He is living in said? Wi @aink eyed Linda hails from Lives ah @ Prencu, Cor. 12vert.e foods are “Svanish foods, Pale pink a6 the *oolor she “thinks te beautiful, AV] sopts cof hiketer fts are her her her favorite favorite hobbies, be 5 Mire, thet Jenkins is “(There o- goed “os really sie likes both the teachers and the students. enetatrnegensT he IDEAL SEVENTH GRADE mnetpingana:+ BOY at am THOUGHT When [3 you OR’ set to and HARL, she likes, get even with a fellow, why not Start with the one who has done you a favor?-Anonymous dislikes then don't WHAT +LSi& Small of Boy's definition conscience: of but work in Something thrit mzkes you teil“ your mother before your sister does. we all’? LITOLE -GIRb A TI ¢EE LS tei Po oc am sweeter and badder than tbe anyone else in the world. Arbitiwlie, @hyb ss part. ef many things. She has the song of a bird, the Saueal,of -a pig..the curbosaty..o f ajscat.. and, the nysterious mind of a woman. A. 28. Pgs) i nec ene.c-’ pleying van the mud, beeuty standing on its heed TODAY out sports oftener that Haar of =, Mork Tadtey Wahlquist is a school Eyes of - Lynn Clarke that keeps its halls Physic of ~— Tim, Ghetian Cte, Lo eli be S& Lot Clothes of - Fred Masters less crowded and a nicer Smile of - Don Tucker school when the new Brains of - Greg Shaw section is Tinishted.™ | Personility of = Harold Mr.~« Dabp*s' pet peeve Jacob is (of course) people If you have all these who are untidy. Quplity's you will be an idezl Seventh Grade Boy. <> a top Snook and:most of all homework, / But, tileke school,” the School She a-tonnection " smout at the teacher list, Her hobbies include number and sport is Wahterist Stratford Wilson. A charming smile and two cute dimples will go with the’ help. the: students and teachers ask from her, Phys. Ed. and homemnoking are favorite classes with Mrs, Chatlin' and Mrs. Oeden, somewhere,) is Ogdem City. When asked what he thought2or' Wahlquist,. "Blue-eyed S2hpyve deo sayin nbybes ‘OLS the expression heard frou the boys going to the office. fourth period. The reason is the efface pirdycer course. Brown-haired, blue SMOUT Woanlovist., must a a jolly fellow named Mr. Dab. fe dis comi ginally from Harrusvigh! e, <but he — basse se baskét-ball’; custodian. presently —— DUT In a Tittle walle will move to SlaterVilteé Although she teaches laLorite playing students scaler = Chardier eic number. hobbies and ac te.e1e60 mer Be ko Aon eee teacher Mrs Smout say. She formely taught at Lomond View Hlementary. ecnool, Durenow she 16 Pisa te oe Coaching Lfremonton. tacthe..color makes her 0 wae "Coument allez-vous?" are words that’ you often hear our new French outs..Ginnimen .rolles.ane the food that she takes by O = MES Qut..formerly lived ian Byeown that. ——— Shauna have a knglish | mékes Oggen, -by ALLEN This yearywe ninth grade .ew ven tan — rw ‘eee = , re be tare ond motherhood dragging 2, dod by.ats foot. Thank goodness for little eLrils,. Widhout them what would lattle.: boys. :do-?: |