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Show International Student Center Learning Support Services Coordinator: Dorothy Hill Location: Stewart Library, Room 004 Telephone: 626-8613 The mission of Learning Support Services is to assist students in becoming more independent, self-confident and efficient in the learning process. The services are designed to support students in meeting the university's academic standards, graduation requirements, and personal, educational and life-long learning goals through participation in the following educational activities: • Leaning Support Labs/previously called Supplemental Instruction • Tutoring • Mentoring • Learning Strategy Workshops Technological Support Services Coordinator: Jim Felt Location: Annex 13 Telephone: 626-7414 The mission of Technological Support Services (TSS) is to facilitate the use of educational technology by students during their college experience. TSS is a research, development and support unit in the Student Development Division designed for energizing the successful use of computer technology by students in all facets of university life. This office also provides support for the development of technological programs that assist "high risk" students in the development of "persistence" in their coursework and at the institution. Research Support Services Coordinator: Marilyn Olsen Location: Education Building, Rooms 11A-C Telephone: 626-6552 This unit has the responsibility of developing research studies within the Student Development division that assess departmental effectiveness. In addition, data regarding student achievement, retention and social progress are collected and then appropriate reports are generated that assist directors, deans, and the Student Services Vice President in making appropriate management decisions. Student Support Services Coordinator: Jennifer Grandi Location: Stewart Library, Rooms 20-25 Telephone: 626-7009 This unit provides academic support services for selected students. Support activities provided participants are: Mentoring, basic skills development, tutoring, critical reasoning development, science support and graduate school preparation. Upward Bound Coordinator: David Trujillo Location: Annex 10 Telephone: 626-6798 Upward Bound Support Services is designed to provide compensatory educational experience for selected high school students in Davis and Weber Counties. Program personnel offer both a summer residential component at Weber State, and a follow-up academic year component at six target high schools. The purpose of the program is to increase the number of non-traditional students who enter and graduate from Weber State. Veterans/Military Support Services Coordinator: Anthony Camerano Location: Stewart Library, Room 004 Telephone: 626-6041 Veterans/Military Support Services is the liaison between Weber State and the VA Regional Office. All veterans and dependents eligible for benefits under the G.I. Bill are certified for pay through this office whose responsibility it is to monitor their progress. Veterans/ Military Support Services also coordinates with various campus departments to provide veterans and their dependents with a support system for successful educational experience and the achievement of their goals. Veterans Upward Bound Support Services Coordinator: James Kopecky Location: Annex 2 Telephone: 626-7173 Veterans Upward Bound Support Services is designed to increase the number of veterans who enter and graduate from college. It provides targeted veterans in Weber, Davis and Salt Lake counties a series of academic support services that assist them in developing the academic skills necessary to be successful in their post-secondary training experience. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER Director: Diann Stewart Location: Building 1, Room 147 Telephone: 626-6853 The International Student Center offers a variety of services to students from countries other than the United States. These services include cultural orientation to help students adjust to Weber State, Utah, and the United States, as well as academic advisement, social and cultural events, and personal counseling. All new international students are required to bring their passports and immigration documents to the International Student Center before registering for classes. Learning & Testing Centers • General Information J. FARRELL SHEPHERD UNION Telephone: 626-6367 The J. Farrell Shepherd Union is the social, cultural, and recreational center of the campus. It offers a variety of services to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community. The Union is staffed with a team of professionals whose primary mission is to facilitate the learning process by helping students with their intellectual, interpersonal, and leadership development. In addition, the staff works to maintain an environment which fulfills many University and community needs through: • The Information Center, located in the main lobby of the west wing of the Union, provides information about all programs and special events that take place in the Union and throughout the campus. • Conference Rooms, a large ballroom, and a 280-seat auditorium which are available for on campus use or off campus use on a rental basis. • Dining Service facilities including the Skyroom, the Snack Attack, the Gallery, and Junction City. University Dining Service also caters banquets, receptions, etc. in the Union and elsewhere on campus and off campus for the University community. • Student Activity Center houses the Department of Student Activities, which includes the Associated Students (ASWSU, Student Government), the Campus Activities Board (CAB), Greek Affairs, Volunteer Involvement Programs (VIP), Association of Registered Organizations (ARO), Open Hour and Convocations. • Wildcat Lanes offers bowling, billiards, and video games. Other services include: student ID cards, bus passes, candy and cigarette sales. The entire area may be rented to groups. • Art Services provides a variety of professional graphics possibilities at reasonable prices. Some include the production of posters, banners, silk screening of shirts, hats, towels etc., buttons, plastic name tags, etc. • The Bookstore sells all books and supplies needed for classwork at Weber State. Paperback books, stationery, art supplies, calculators, clothing, and many other items are also available. The Student Life Business Office, located in Room 230, provides services and support in the areas of purchasing, accounts payable, and accounts receivable to all administrative units within Student Life and the Union. Student Services The Shepherd Union Ticket Outlet, located adjacent to the Wildcat Theater, is a satellite office the Dee Event Center Ticket Office and provides interdisc. tickets for theater, athletic, and student activities Programs events. LEARNING CENTERS Locations: Library, Room 45, Science Laboratory Bldg., Room 228, Social Science Bldg., Room 40; Computers only: Education Bldg., Room 15, Wattis Building, Room 203. Telephone: 626-6409 The Learning Center incorporates student services of testing, tutoring, reserve library and computer labs conveniently located in several areas around campus. • Tutoring is provided for most academic courses and is designed to help students at all ability levels. Service is provided without cost to students currently enrolled at Weber State. • Computer Labs offer a variety of computer types, software and trained assistants to support academic, work of students, faculty, and staff. • Individualized Learning Programs are developed by academic departments in cooperation with the Learning Centers. • Reserve Libraries allow additional information to be placed by instructors for use by the students without additional cost to the student. • Testing Centers offer a variety of standardized tests for the purpose of placement, evaluation of achievement and granting of credit. In addition, aptitude, interest, personality and intelligence tests are given as aids to counselors relevant to college adjustment. Further information is available by calling the Library Testing Center 626-6802. The following national testing programs are also administered by the center. Applied Science & Technology Arts& Humanities Business & Economics Education Health Professions Science Social & Behavioral Sciences 36 37 Continuing Education |