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Show Sept. 23, 1931 O.H.S. News Editors: Bob Hetzel, Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. SCRAPBOOK EDITOR Here is your big opportunity al you seniors who have a boundless patience and a love of detail. Six years ago the scrapbook was first introduced into Ogden High. It is the duty of the editor to keep and paste into the scrapbook every article concerning high school life as it , occurs in Ogden High. It is, with¬out a doubt, a very interesting and .worthwhile occupation. Anyone interested in this work and wishing to apply for the posi¬tion may hand his name in at the office, from where it is then pre¬sented to Council for the final de¬cision.—Virginia Hunter. MUSIC DEPARTMENT Every year the music department gains in popularity. Students real¬ize more and more the importance oi musical training. They see the im¬portance of music appreciation and the various other accomplishments learned in the music department. This year this noble department is progressing splendidly. Mr. Han¬sen has more students registered for music than ever before. The band, glee clubs and orchestra are coming along to perfection. A big year may safely be predicted for this depart¬ment.—Elpha Morse. I-W-O REPORT For years I-Wannan-O has dom¬inated the field of boys clubs at Og¬den High, never once relinquishing its hold. In 1927 when the club was i organized it immediately became foremost, due to the efforts of its unusual advisor and splendid mem¬bership. Always I-Wannan-O has been very discriminating in its mem¬bership; due to this fact, it has re¬mained far in the lead. We stand for the highest in .stu¬dent body activity. Scholarship is a requirement. Science is our particu-lar study. Juniors this is the club to watch and to attain to. Watch our green ties and the fellows who wear them. They stand for the Og¬den High that never says die, that fights for the sake of the game re- gardl.js of score, that promotes hard work and good times. We are out for a banner year for the Alma Mammy. Come on, gang, all togeth¬er now, SHOVE.—QUEENIE II. CONGRESS BEGINS BATTLES i Congress was called to order and presided over by President Virginia Hunter on Monday evening at 7:30 I p. m. The calling of the roll and the reading of the minutes were performed by the secretary. After the business of the club was attend¬ed to, the time was turned over to the order of the day, the first verb¬al battle of the year. The affirma¬tive of the question, Resolved: That India be given a dominion status, was upheld by Margaret Thomas j and Kyoka Oda; the negative was1 I supported by Mary Haynie and Cana Williams. No decision was rendered.: ' After spending some time for con¬structive criticism, the club was honored by a short talk.from Doro¬thy Nelson, president of Congress for last year. It was arranged that the program for the meeting of October 5 be a debate by four members of the waiting list upon a subject of their own choice. Congress then ad¬journed.—Helen Lindquist, reporter. S. O. S. REPORT Meeting was called to order at 3:45. All being present the waste paper basket was soon filled with things that are useless in good meetings. All members submitted to Ed Aikens' iron rule and got down to business. All business being completed Vego Chrisnan gave an excellent talk on how he couldn't give his report sooppy work Chrisnan). He was credited with a vote of acceptance and thanks. The depression is over, folks, there is no need to worry any more if you don't believe me ask Bob Rushmer, our secretary and treasurer. Parliamentary rule is hard to find just ask me and have the thing ex- . plained. Our other illustrious mem¬bers Bob H Houtz G Bob R., Clif¬ford W Clair J., Arnold W., Harmon W., Vego C., and myself constitute our club, of nice once Jrs.—Arthur Cartright, reporter. : DON'T FORGET We know it is rather boring of us to insist upon occupying valuable space in this column every night. ( By this time, perhaps, you know our } articles by memory. All of which is juon ao wt utcu-Lc nv iiu each and every student in Ogden High is so familiar with our contest,' ' $ admonitions and prophecies that one ' hundred per cent participation may . , be achieved. We don't want you to ; forget such an important event, and we don't intend to permit this neg- ligence. Therefore: Remember, Juniors and Seniors, ' that competition for the positions J of sports, humor, social and ex- J 11 change editors of the Quarterly ends !S Friday. Hand your articles to Mrs. . Wade or Mr. Robins without fail. ' iS We wish you luck.—Helen Lindquist. BABSON SLOGANS The high school has adopted the I It Roger Babson slogan service for this _ school year. A slogan is furnished ? d for each week of the school year. It is printed in large type and is en- fJ k closed in a nice frame which is hung . in the school library. The slogan e for this week is: ;_ "The world offers its biggest prizes I. to those who do the right thing at the right time without being told. But it also offers prizes to those H who do the right thing after being jM lt told once!" WAHLQUIST SPEAKS i. At Monday evening's faculty meet- d ing Principal Keith Wahlquist p c talked most interestingly on school P problems and school objectives. He 0l it stressed among other things the cy .following points: . i — J 1. Schools are for the pupils.and d J, [ the work must fit both the pupils sj g and the community's needs. p 2. Universal secondary education Vl necessarily lowers standards. A 3. Universal secondary education limits the opportunities of high school graduates in getting the bet- tl ter jobs. q g 4. The value of content or meth- s od of instruction is determined e neither by "newness" nor "oldness." s 5. School punishments, if administered must be in proportion to o s present offense, not as a result of a cumulation of offenses, and must be fi -i administered in cold blood, not in I passion. hi - 6. Students have an accurate '"1 i sense of fairness, and can always be depended upon if they are con- d verted to the justness or fairness of w i the procedure. er ) : COREY HANKS TO SPEAK t Arrangements have been made for Corey Hanks. Utah's famous blind J orator, to speak at high school on! f I Friday, October 5, at 8:30 o'clock. sa 1 . NON-SENSE Now that the radiators are warm- ing up, Oh, boy ! [ Why are there more boys on the t east side of the main floor than on , the west, where they belong? i g Have you noticed the change in;0f ; the opposite sex? Watch the next ,- . time an R. O. T. C. officer starts by or a bruised football aspirant. No. 111 is increasing in popularity I rapidly. Why? Because of the new I typewriters. Perhaps—(?) 1 Aunt Jane: Is there going to be a ban on I club uniforms this year?—A Club- ! member. Clubmember: The clubs have been advised to have as little expense this year as possible. Although uniforms will not be banned, it would be better for ™ the club to have an emblem of some la sort.—Aunt Jane. Sept. 24, 1931 O.H.S. News Editors: Bob Hetzel, Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. COUNCIL REPORT Every Wednesday morning in each it advisory class, the class representa- al tive will give a report on the hap¬penings in Council. This Wednesday they told you that the school budget was proposed for 1931-32 and should have explained it thorough¬ly. Also, that the dates for both the annual water fight and the get- P; acquainted dance have been decided re upon. If a report from your repre- re sentative was overloooked, be sure e to call for one next Wednesday. AT LAST IT COMES For a long time the chief ques- tion anyone has been able to think of is "When is the get-acquainted in dance?" Now we are able to tell ar you when it will be. Prepare your- 01 self! It is a week from Friday, but H another thing need be said, you get rj in on your student body ticket. All ff be therel WEBER ELECTIONS Wednesday morning the freshman; class of Weber college held its an- nual election. Ogden High again1 or n proved its worth by capturing all the t I honors. Three of our most illustri- ous students of last year gained the y official positions. The president is .o Bob Kimball, you all remember the d handsome business manager of the v yearbook; the vice president is Dor¬othy Nelson, the excellent valedictorian; and the secretary is Charles Peterson, senior class representative _ and all-around big noise at high s school last year. 3 Congratulations, students. Ogden High is proud of you.—Virginia Hunter, WATER FIGHT One of the most interesting ous¬el toms of O. H. s: is the annual wa¬iter fight held between junior and .j senior boys. It is most important , because the loser must forever hang his head in deep shame. Last year , the juniors were badly defeated, and I for several years such has been the case, but this year the classes look s pretty well matched. Prepare for a t soaking on Wednesday of next week by wearing old clothes. That is J prepare for a soaking if the water shortage is not too great.—Elpha Morse. "JUST ONE MORE CHANCE" Do you students realize that you ; have "just one more chance" to ' prove your ability and ambition? Friday, twenty-fifth, closes the try- outs for social, sport, humor and ex-j change editors. There is no use to1 j delay longer, if you intend to win I one of these positions. Some on, 5 students, let's have plenty of com¬petition, so that the winners of these i various positions be true winners.— Arleen Sessions. 1 ODDS AND ENDS 1 Phil Bartholomew — Don't you think Erma West looks like Greta Garbo? Darrell Upp—No; like Pola Negri. 1 Speed Cop—You're arrested for driving sixty miles an hour through; 3 Ogden canyon. i Phil—But officer I only left home, 3 fifteen minutes ago. i (Phil has been kind of down 'hearted lately. There must be some 3: "little" reason.) Mrs. Irwin—Russell, if Columbus f were alive now, would you consid¬er him a great man? Russ Hoffman—I'll say! He would be five hundred years old. Pro.—I get so tired of back eaat driving. My wife nags me inces¬santly. Con.—I never hear a word from the back seat. Pro.—What kind of a car do you drive? Con.—A hearse. Horton Smith, noted golf profes¬sional, once was amateur champion jof Springfield, Mo. Sept. 25, 1931 O.H.S. News Editors: Bob Hetzel Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. STELLAE And it happened that on the nine¬teenth of September in this year of our Lord nineteen thirty-one, Stellae held its first meeting at the home ; of Helen Tanner. Meeting was called to order by President Russ Farr, and the debate J commenced. It was a debate. We shall have new pins. We shall not. And so on far, far into the night. Stellae has changed their advisors for the first time in years. The two brave teachers are Mrs. Raymond and Mr. Widdison. Stellae is organized to study the stars, and is the only mixed club in Ogden high. We stand to support all school activities. Stop! Look! Listen! Stellae is on 1 a fast track this year. ' MA LOU DOBBS. COUNCIL Council was called to order by ' President Stone. The minutes were J read and approved. Alice Barker reported for the social committee, ' explaining that the annual "get-ac- quainted" dance would be held one week from Friday in the Berthana ballroom. It was moved this report j be accepted. The motion was pass- } ed. A discussion followed concern- 1 ing whether or not we should charge J an admission or let the students in f on student body cards to said dance, t and where it would be held. After Mr. Abplanalp explained the propos- 1 ed budget for the coming school year c it was moved and seconded that we adopt Miss Evans' plan for having each council representative explain the situation to their second period 1 class after which something more s definite could be decided upon. The 1 motion was passed. President Stone appointed the tennis court .commit- _ e tee, composed by Mr. Bramwell, Mr. Becker and Mr. Hopkins. A chai e committee was appointed compose sof Mr. Oshel, Mr. Harris and Mr. Peterson. It was moved and sec e onded that we elect a club committee member. The motion was pass ed. Miss Morse was elected. Mr. Farr gave a short discussion on thi e water fight after which council ad ijourned. EARL REEVE, i Secretary. DANCE ANNOUNCEMENT For many days you have nervousl; awaited for this bit of news. Th . social committee is working har and preliminary plans have beei [ debated. ; From our point of view the danc ; will be strictly informal, beginning at 9 o'clock, Friday, October 2, in th Berthana ballroom. Admission for persons exhibiting student body cards is unnecessary but persons without cards will be charged 50 cents apiece or 75 centi a couple. (Mr. Abplanalp will b( glad to receive any persons interest¬ed in purchasing student bod cards.) Everybody is full of pep and set¬tled to our dear old O. H. S. ways so we do not need to beg for sup¬port, since everyone is aching for s dance. (For Afflicted Boys) Boys who are afflicted with game legs can now very easily learn the famous indoor sport of dancing Challenge some girl to a dance and follow some good dancer around th€ hall, at the same time doing hi? steps. You must try to keep off oi the girl's toes. (For Girls Only) If you haven't a date for this dance, all you need to do is date some other of your girl friends and come together. There is always ar oversupply of boys hanging arounc the southeast corner. Pleasant surprises will await you and O. H. S. extends an invitation 'to all alumni and to the junior high schools also; anyone interested ii the dance will be welcome. R. O. T. C. The allotment of 370 cadets b; corps area headquarters for the R O. T. C. unit has been filled anc they are now strutting their stuff ir uniforms. Any vacancies caused bj dropping out of school for any reason will be filled by selected stu¬dents who for one cause or anothei have failed to get a uniform since school opened. Captain Sparks stat¬ed that he had asked corps area foi an additional allotment of 20 cadets to take care of those eligible tc take R. O. T. C. but who have not joined as yet. No reply has beer received to date. Temporary officers for the first ten days were: Acting commander Doyle Hales; adjutant, Howard Foulger; captain company A, Joe Fowler; lieutenants, J. Schoonmaker, R. Rushmer, W. Marchel; com-pany B captoin, John Evans; lieu¬tenants, Ken Boyle, N. Dockum, B, Hetzel, R. Colishaw; company C captain, Dee Wangsgard; lieuten¬ants, R. Hoffman, D. Wilkinson, A. Brim. Temporary officers for this were are acting commander, Joe Fowler; adjutant, John Evans; com¬pany A captain, Doyle Hales; lieu-tenants, Pete Fakler, Ross Lynch, P. Goddard; company B captain, Ken Boyle; lieutenants, E. Lynch, W. Hetzel, R. Schoeder; company C captain, N. Dockum; lieutenants, I. Neilsen, S. Holiday, A. Brewer. Francis Burton is acting captain oJ the band with I. Burnett drum ma¬jor and J. Carr first sergeant. An-other group of temporary officers will be given a try next week. A competitive examination foi permanent officers will be held Oc¬tober 5 at 8 a. m. The questions will all be on drill including close and extended order and manual of arms. The results of this exam¬ination combined with the practical tests as temporary officers, etc., will determine who and what the cadet leaders for the year will be. The cadets received rifles for the first time today. While the old- timers took great pride in show¬ing first year men how to do the manual correctly, the 230 recruits did exceptionally well for the first day. Both Captain Sparks and Ser¬geant Holloway are well pleased with the showing of the cadet corps so far this year and are already talk¬ing of first place on the honor list next spring, irrespective of the fact fact that no fault was found with the cadet corps during the last in¬spection except an outdoor rifle range which cannot be avoided with our present building. NONSENSE You can either sleep or study in Mr. Wangsgard's seventh period study hall. Motto: "No snoring al¬lowed." What is it a sign of when a se- nior walks up to a junior, pats him on the back practically ruining his internal machinery and starts chinning with him. Rube Goldbergs. Miss Evans Miss Osmund Sid Gordon Lewis Fountain pen. |