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Show Oct. 2, 1931 O.H.S. news Editors: Bob Hetzel, Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. VICTORIOUS SENIORS g Well, juniors, how did you like the big wetting you received Wednesday th afternoon? Too bad, but the seniors p must show their superiority in some way. Next year you will have your turn. For the first time the mighty seniors outnumbered the juniors. A little more support from the juniors : might have helped the few poor for-i : lorn few who did not have the en- ne couragement to put up a bigger an fight. Cheer up, it was a grand show while it listed. foi FORUM ; The usual Forum meeting was called to order Monday evening, September 28, by President Bill Alsup. The roll was called and the month minutes were read. Earl Reeve and Bill Alsup, two shining members of , Forum, challenged Congress to a debate to be held October 19 on the question: "Resolved, that the United States should cancel its al- -, lied war debts." The main business , of the evening was a debate held'P" between three visitors of Forum,!mc Paul Bramwell and Boyd Hopkins, are upheld the affirmative and Ed Shaw the negative. Due to the absence .1 of one debater, Shaw gave two vie speeches and two rebuttals. After a discussion and criticisms were given on the debate, Forum was ad- a journed. —Bob Junk. IA AUNT JANE'S CORNER j ™ Dear Aunt Jane: . j Do our student body cards admit I us to all out-of-town games, or do we have to pay? —Junior. _ Dear Junior: The student body cards admit you to all games played in Ogden and all the junior high school games, but! at out-of-town games you must pre- sent your cards and 25 cents. —Aunt Jane, l11 jnj MILITARY DEPARTMENT Special Orders; No. 2. jeti 1. The following promotions are da hereby announced in the reserve of- fleers training corps, Ogden Senior High school, Ogden, effective October 1: no Band: Captain, Frances Burton.be First lieutenants—Drew Peterson, el Errol Patrick, William Demik, Lee Richards. Second lieutenants—Vego Chrisman, Brent Robinson, Paul Gilgen, Wilkie Newman, John Kross James Carr, Frank Austin, William Reeve, Jack Harris. Warrant officers—LeRoy Christensen, William Allen, Glen Bullough, Lewis Dudman Wayne Hewes, Fred Irey, Tommy Kaneko, Clyde Moore, Charles Moen, Max Wheelwright, David be Wright, George Redfield, Harold Crane. , w 2 The wearing of boots is not re- n quired, but is left to the option of h the individual concerned. b; ROY SPARKS, M Captain,U.S.A. (Ret.), g! P. M. S. & T. BIG TIME AHEAD Dear Ed: V Have you ever been to a dance If when all is quiet and serene. Well, C I am going to one tonight at nine o'clock. I nearly missed going be- E cause I didn't get my student body ticket until last night. But anyway, H I am going for sure now, I am go- ing to have a fine time and also a , fine date, I am also going with a t( fine girl, and I am going to drink lots of fine punch. . Now my friend, imagine yourself in this big dance room. Luscious music and bewitching entertain-'e ment. Eddie, my love, I sure like si luscious music because I am some-t what of a musician myself. Well, Ed, I am going to get ready now. I have got a new pair of sec¬ond hand shoes, my brother's hati and I have swiped my brother's new bow necktie, so I am well ready for my ride in the street car. n Yours, lovingly, BILLIE. GIRLS' ASSEMBLY For the first time this year one ofr high schools' strongest organiza- tions, namely the Girls' association, met together in an assembly Wednesday morning. Ruth Hawkins, our capable presi¬dent, introduced Mary Walker, vice president, and Holley Arthur, secre¬tary. Winona Olsen, accompanied by Mr. Hansen, played in her usual nfine way a violin solo, "Songs My Mother Taught Me." Mrs. Irwin gave an instructive and interesting talk on the ideals and aspirations T of our girls. Miss Schofield. our u other advisor, spoke to us about the a organization and its work. v Edna Williams sang two delightful songs with Eva Nickson accom¬panying, and MaLou Dobbs pleas- v ingly read "The River of Stars," by d Alfred Noyes. It was then announced that as the first event on this year's pro¬gram, next week would be "Big Sis¬ter Week," and you'll hear more t1 about the Girls' association later. v CHATTER AND CHAFF Mary Walker: I see hair on the back of your coat. Bob O'Neil: Oh, that's caused by new hair tonic. It grows hair on anything. Cannibal Chief: Son, you are late for dinner. Son: Am I too late? Chiefie: Yes, everyone is eaten. Jack Harris: What is the best month to get married in? Ed Smith: Octembuary. Jack: Why, there is no such month. Ed Smith: I know it. In attempting to steer clear of v sprofanity, something worse has de- e Iveloped. Wait and see if the fa- fi mous last words of Norm Dokum a arent "After all, pi ee ze." ! Thank you. u Edgar says: Radiator love soon tl vinishes with the heart. f; Oct. 5, 1931 O.H.S. News Editors:. Bob Hetzel, Elpha n Morse, Virginia Hunter. The girls' physical education class- es are conducted this year on a dif- ferent scale from last year. Monday and Wednesday the classes have t gymnastics and games; Tuesday and I Thursday, dancing, and on Friday,, hygiene. Just now they have been t. (talking about charm and the means of acquiring it, and of manners and " etiquet. One class is taking natural dancing, others folk dancing and I others clog dancing. Later they ' .change so that all will have some knowledge and skill in each type. 1 The service ball tournament is now in full swing. The classes have 0 .been divided into squads, captains s , elected, names, symbols and colors s ; chosen. The results of the first t i round in each class were: First period—June Lee's Lucky Strikes vanquished June Folkman's Poisons $ .with a score of 20 to 12. The Nine Nifty Knights, captained by Bea Lindquist, scored 17 to Barbara Kimball's Cougars 4. Second period— c Francis Woodcock's Blackies cham- pioned Ruth Cross's Wildcats 21 to c - 9. Arleen Davis's Dare Devils beat 1 Barbara Lindquist's Royal Darts 1t with a score of 16 to 9. Fourth period—Marion Cheesman's Cheese : Hounds scored 14 to 9 points, made j by Lois Bischoff's Panthers. Frances Mortenson's Fortunas scored 18 ' points to 14 points, made by Irva j . Shurtliff's Dynamos. Fifth period j —Veda Van Buren's Giants played Lenna Naedy's Comets with a final score of 21 to 18. Ellen Glines's Wild Cats scored 14 to Hazel Lewis's 5 16. Sixth period—Cleone Walker's 1 I Cyclones scored 21 to Dorothy " Paine's team 6. Jeannette Johnson's Warriors made 25 points while " Erma West's team scored 3 points. ; Seventh period—Holley Arthur's Holley's Hoppers scored 19 to Elpha " Morse's fast E's 10. The Spartons, . captained by Sylvia Flora, made 17 to Phyllis Aardema's 24 points. [f CARPE DIEM 1S Again Carpe Diem is up and at 1-'em for another year. The enthu¬siasm and spirit so far disclosed throws a bright forecast on what lythis year's Carpe activity will mean.; 5- Already we have met with prodig¬ious appetites and abundant spirit -at the home of Miss Elaine Stevens,1 r where for three solid hours we dined most sumptuously, after which, our appetites being well on the wane, we departed with cheerful smiles and buoyant spirits, having a firm con¬viction that this will be one of the f most outstanding years ever for dear old Carpe Diem, n, —Helen Tanner, Reporter. I JOIE FRANCAISE 1 y Meeting was called to order by a s President Jean Danvers. The min- 2 r utes were read and approved. After t ; all of the business of the meeting a was transacted, Kathleen Wilson t . gave a report on French artists, t . It was moved and seconded that s . we wear our uniforms next Monday. Meeting then adjourned. t —Virginia Leavitt, Reporter. FOR GIRLS' PARTY Today is the beginning of good ' times for the juniors. During this , week the senior girls introduce their little sisters to the powers that be, ' treat them, and show them a good time in general. Little seniors, be sure to get acquainted with your junior girl. Juniors, this is your bigi opportunity. Don't be bashful. If! - 1 there is any senior who will not be able to come to the party it would j .be nice for her to see that her little j sister gets to the party with some- I one else or see someone on the , committee. ! The Girls' association wishes to j express thanks to the following girls for their work in typing the long s lists of seniors and their little sis¬ters: Beatrice Allen, Mildred Larson, Adele Young, Genevieve Lavin, 1 Ellen Halgren, Virginia Leavitt, } : Wanda Austad, Veone Lamoreaux, Vonda Black, Ila McKell, and Florence Bond. To these girls and our , fine officers who spent much time in ' arranging lists ,thanks are due. j This spirit of service and friend- ; liness is the spirit which has made ' the Girls' association such a fine i factor in the school life. COUNCIL Regular Council meeting was call- 1 j ed to order by President Stone. The : roll was called; the minutes were : read and approved. Mr. Hopkins re- ' ported for the tennis court committee, offering details and answer¬ing questions. By a motion this re¬port was accepted. Miss Evans re¬ported that the following clubs had handed in their constitutions; A. D. M., Beta Zeta Tau, Carpe Diem, ; D. A. C., S. O. S., Stellae, Tau Eta ; ; Nu, Zeta Phi Xi, Forum, Gregg Artists, I-Wannan-O, Joie Francaise, ' and Phi Lambda Tau. It was moved j I and seconded these clubs be recog- ? nized by Council. By a motion the } report was accepted. , It was moved and seconded that , ) we table further proceedings on the . s emblem committee until after the ' "Get Acquainted" dance. The mo¬tion was passed. 3 Following a discussion on whether . or not we should charge an admis¬sion price or let the students in on 5 student body cards to dances other : 'than the Get-Acauainted dance, it1 . was moved and seconded that the ; question be left to the social commit- tee, who will render a decision to 1 1 Council after tlje dance. Council . will then either accept or reject this decision, in either case notifying the . advisory groups. Mr. Farr reported on the annual water fight situation.; ;j By a motion the report was accept- 31 ed. It was moved and seconded aj " committee of three be appointed to j e [obtain a school stationery. The e motion was passed. Miss Bingham f and Mr. Iannone were appointed. 8 Council then adjourned by a mo- a tion. —Earl Reeve, d q CHATTER AND CHAFF s Dubious Compliments: She is a rarely beautiful girl—very rarely indeed. She is the kind of a woman who talks on and on about the things that leave her speechless. She is as pretty as she can be. 's I — a 1 Safe driving at a moderate speed s' requires nothing but self-control and 7 a strong rear bumper. Edgar says: Don't be a pansy, lt the flower season is over. l- AUNT JANE'S CORNER d Dear Aunt Jane: ,t How soon will we know who our big sisters are? If we_ don'tJiave a 1 ; big sister, can we come to the par- ty anyway? it —a Little Insignificant Junior, s, Dear Little (Not So) Insignificant Junior: The senior girls will know who ir their little sisters are next Monday, e, second period. If you don't have a id big sister or you fail to make con- 1- nections, you are wanted. So come te anyway. We'll see you there. or —Aunt Jane. Dear Aunt Jane: What will the admission fee be for the big sisters' and little sisters' par¬ty? Is it also customary to take our little sisters somewhere after the party? —Three Worried Seniors. Dear Worried Seniors: Don't worry, it causes gray hair, and besides the admission is only 25 cents per senior. If you take three juniors the cost will still be a quarter. No, it is not necessary to take your little sister anywhere to eat after the party. You will be served filling if not lasting refresh¬ments. Be sure to look up your lit¬tle sister. —Aunt Jane. Oct. 6, 1931 O.H.S. News Editors: Bob Hetzel, Elpha Morse, Virginia Hunter. The School Executive Magazine for October contains a very excel¬lent article by our principal, A. M. Merrill, on the need of a national policy in education. The above mag¬azine is one of national importance in the school world and we are pleased to see Ogden High school so ably represented. VICTORY Saturday afternoon our second practice game brought glorious vic¬tory to Ogden High. Granite High, the state champions of last year, were defeated by the Tigers with a score of 14 to 2. Ogden's two touch¬downs and goals were made by Pe¬terson and Sneddon. The team has shown remarkable ability in the two practice games and we are expect¬ing great things from them Friday in our first league game. A bigger attendance is expected and needed from the student body. Make every effort to attend the game with Bear River Friday. Best wishes, team. Here's hoping you show as much vim and vigor in our next game as you did in the last two. TALENT RECOGNIZED Just before school started this year a popular young lady left for California to attend school. She is Kay Moyes. We just had news of her good fortune at the Oakland Technical High school. Miss Moyes was fortunate in winning the lead in an opera the school is giving. DRAMATIC ART CLUB A meeting of the Dramatic Art club was neld last Thursday at which Hermese Broadbent gave an interesting reading. A week from next Thursday will be the open meeting for all the ju¬niors and seniors who are interest¬ed in becoming a member of our club. We are sure that anyone who 1 is interested in dramatics would en¬joy the club very much and we ex¬tend an invitation for you to come and visit us at our open meeting.— 1 Gladys Jones. BETA ZETA TAU Beta Zeta Tau is going full speed , now. A special meeting and the ,! regular Monday meetings have been . held. Some very interesting art projects have been outlined for the i coming year. Keep your eyes opn 1 in the near futur? for our dashing ! uniforms in our outstanding colors, 1 orange and brown. You will hear a great deal from Beta Zeta Tau this year.—Margaret Betts, reporter. FIRST LEAGUE GAME O. H. S. has had two unofficial football games and has won both 1 of them. Our first league game will 3 be held this Friday in Ogden, and 3 our opponent will be Bear River. Al¬though two games have been won, one can never tell what will happen i at the next, but we always hope for i the best. The team has shown up J very well this year, and it is one that we should be proud of. The team alone isn't the only thing in a r football game, it is the. support that ' the student body gives it that helps out immensely. At our game Sat¬urday the support from the student body was far from what it should r have been. The team needs your a I support and therefore you should come out and yell with all the pep ' you have and a little more to spare. Now as we said before, our first league game is next Friday, and we 6 want everyone of you to be out there as one group. Bring all your whistles, and be sure you have the pep '' that is necessary. Come and yell a 1 as you have never yelled before andj " maybe you will get something as a' e reward. |