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Show CHATTER AND CHAFF P t'a a great asset letic personality, I it and become r O. H. S. surely gave ty of association I splendid dance, B.ll.bov! Can that Bert Black j? ttte I kicked stomp. Cling on, t ilk Bob Hetzel, Harmon Williams i 0 Wes Green why they've got Big City b-l-u-e-s? rfbh thine called L surely ; Into Russ Hoffman Greave. " 1 Striking friendship: Bill Thompsonikewpie Bennett, John Evans-lenox Badger, officer-his men, J chuck woods-everyjhing in general, I lilt Grace's last name is. : I U Aunt Jane is a faculty member, ii I iSf meone doesn't get the 1 nwr barons'' a vacuum cleaner. ?'Ibat became of those orange and ; Itfaek berets of last year. J F1 chuck" Woods is going to be ; ft erttie, an author, or a reporter Ska he "grows up/' I Is B&cy read them and wept. J ! tot will be a civil war over 1 If Mr. Taggart could teach French bMj hand.-Louise Allen. ' A PERFECT DANCE Hta pj as love's young dream, i Ota aofl with silken sheen— : (tar tad satin and dancing feet, ; ildaf Sow with rhythmic beat, ; yfcf tut with reckless grace, _ ; gadatmylng thru dream lit i OnctV -' a misty gleam, Shadows in a silvery beam, flffjkfc and handsome men; WMm is gone again. REPORT CARDS Ute i solution! These down- iMittd lots? can be from no other Wttttu a bad cold or a drop in 1ate, To write solace or condol- B roid be noble, but think how Hgoritudents who raised their ' Mb raid feel. So on account of IM iH I can say is: "There is a i lor the weary, and good to the less fortunate." Jan. 29, 1932 O.H.S. news Editor; Virginia Hunter, Bob Hetzel, Associates; Beatrice Allen. Phyllis Isakson, Typists. SENIOR CLASS At kK here is a notice of interest aWr to the members of the senior tin We hope that at least it IMmtlng enough to bring a kK attendance at the meeting to held Monday, February 1. The An request your presence and H as promise you that there will it roethlng of vital interest to mtj upper classman. NOTICE II elub reports must have their I quarterly Classicum reports in by; monday, February 1. The members rfttf staff will greatly appreciate immediate co-operation. In: Lie might add that if we don't lit immediately, we won't need it -fe report will be omitted with orij the names of the clubs that hra taLed to hand in reports. Ftae give material to Arleen The Staff. GAME TONIGHT Is the night of the Ogden-box Elder game, and we want My person in the whole student! a4j, Deluding the teachers, to com to this game and support the '4BL This game promises to be a mj dose and exciting game and it a necessarv that the student body sboc that kind of spirit they have. Tbe team has been doing very well tc tbe practices every night, and !h art in the prime of condition.! The admission will be your student botij tickets, so come out and give the team the support that is neces-: mrs. Be there! REVIEWING SEMESTER Hw that the terrors of the ex- aalnatioc inquisition and the envel¬oping bear of report cards are a Itnue memory, we may find time to ljhBK back over the past semester. Mr to our hearts are, and will for¬mer remain, the experiences of our IflHt wester at Ogden High. First Sum u registration day, filled Imfa tearing, chasing and didging, !pd bit but far from least, initia- tKB activities; then we settled down Ip ll weeks of grinding toil, var- 1 El M Intervals by assemblies, foot- fljM naee, Columbus' discovery of llBtnT and that salvation of the 1 Matt, the teachers' convention. Ita followed the Thanksgiving holidays and later the Christmas holidays, Holly Hop, parties, etc. sfow as we peer back into this past j semester we may begin to truly ap- Dreciate the fond friendships and memorial experiences which have narked our first semester at this jreat institution. GUM I wonder how many of us can give j i reason for chewing gum. Many Df us might chew gum because of the flavor, but that doesn't last long. Then we might chew it because it sweetens the breath, but that sweet Ddor doesn't stay long either. Now if we were to become telephone op¬erators, we might chew gum as a means of keeping our mouths in practice, or else we could use it to keep from going to sleep. If we should suddenly become gangsters, we could chew gum in order to ob¬tain a hard-boiled look. A gangster might also chew gum in a certain manner, so as to designate the gang he was fighting for. When we were young we used to like to chew gum, so that we could be like mama and papa. But in the end this all leads us to nothing but sorrow, because at the age of sixty we have formed the habit of chewing gum; then we lose our teeth. We can not chew gum; we are left in misery, pin¬ing away our later life; wishing that we might chew one more stick of gum before we die. A THUMBNAIL SKETCH "Herm" Lehman is one of the more modest and backward of the school heroes. I've never seen him talk much, but then, I've never seen him drunk, either. He isn't married. He was quarter back on the foot¬ball team, and he is a forward on the basketball team. He has big feet and I think he is going to be a policeman. He favors "Rudy" Vallee over Ted Lewis. He thinks Piccolo players ought to be exter-minated, and he reads "Believe It or Not." The next time you go to a game, look for him. He'll be the man with the ball. CHATTER AND CHAFF Edgar says: "Get a date to the Cadet Hop, but don't ask a spon¬sor! Don't forget, this might be the last dance the army holds, that is if the disarmament conference goes through." Bring a dime to assembly Friday! Be sure! Dorothy Paine wants to be a big- time dancer—you know, to the spring, to the breeze, to the nymphs, in fact to and fro. Good luck, Dot. Duncan did it, why can't you? Tiger Courtiers Run Loco Against Brigham Five Bill Kinner Leads Attack; Ogdenites Show New Strength Ogden Machine Clicks and Hands Box Elder 51 to 13 Lacing; Passing Attack Is Beautiful; Jensen Sparkles For Northern Machine By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor O GDEN High hoopsters handed the Box Elder Bees an artis¬tic lacing in an Ogden division court contest at the Weber ; gymnasium last night. The count was 51 to 13. The improved Tigers led from the start and offered a sensational brand of ball. Dick Kapple's athletes turned in one of the best performances in years. The:.7 passed with marvelous precision, broke fast, and made their shots count. I gg The "Orange Streaks" scored 13 points in the opening period as -j against two for Ferguson's charges. At half time the Ogdenites a 26 to 5 lead. Box Elder spurt- Wf Jag ed for a short w!wm time in the early Mmm part of the third Jtf! period, but once WWM?- more the Tiger machine hit its KAPPLE stride, the Bees were outclassed. For nearly four minutes of this period Box Elder played the Og¬denites on even terms. Late in the period the Ogdenites increased their margin of points. At the close of the third period Ogden led 35 to 11. The Bees collected only two points in the last period as against 16 for the Tigers. Ogden's team of last night was a much improved outfit over the Og¬den five that dropped a 36 to 23 ver¬dict to Weber the previous week. Elongated Kinner controlled the tip from the start and played a whale of a game. He was ejected late in the contest on personals. Kinner was the big star for Og¬den with 19 points. He tossed in eight buckets and added three scores from the foul line. Weir and Lehman turned in cred¬itable performances as did Fowler and Anderson on the guard line. Fowler recorded the best perform¬ance of his career and collected sev¬en points during the contest. Jensen at center played the best game for the Brigham machine. This chap collected three of the six field goals registered by the Bees. The visitors could not hit the hoop and appeared bewildered before the clever passing attack of the Ogden¬ites. Box Elder's team of 1932 is one of weakest Earl Ferguson has ever turned out. Late in the contest Coach Dick Kapple used a number of reserves. Boreans and Ellis, reserves, both sparkled with colorful floor play. Score: BOX ELDER G. T. F. P. Rasmussen, rf 1 1 0 2 Harris, If 1 2 0 2 M. Jensen, c 3 2 0 6 Walker, rg 0 3 1 1 Hess, lg 0 0 0 0 Tingey, If 1 2 0 2 Hone, lg 0 0 0 2 Totals !6 10 1 13 OGDEN G. T. F. P. Weir, If 4 1 0 8 Lehman, rf 3 2 2 8 Kinner, c 8 3 5 19 Anderson, rg 4 3 1 9 Boreans, rg ..0 0 0 0 Fowler, lg 3 2 1 7 Clark, rf 0 0 0 0 Ellis, If 0 0 0 0 Hendricks, rg 0 0 0 0 Williams, lg 0 0 0 0 Totals 22 13 7 51 Referee, Peterson; umpire, G. Glenn. |