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Show Idaho Falls-Ogden Will Clash Here For Title Series Will Open Here Friday; Fine Attendance Looms Weber Contest Cancelled; Ticket Sale To Open Wednesday Morning Ogden high hoopsters, cream of Utah's scholastic quints for 1932, will oppose Idaho Falls, Idaho titlehold- ers in a three-game series for the intermountain championship this week-end. The first two games will be played Friday and Saturday at the Weber gymnasium in Ogden and the third game will be played if necessary at Idaho Falls next Mon¬day evening. Details for the intermountain championship series the first to be staged in years were completed last night by Superintendent W. Karl Hopkins of the Ogden city schools. The joust will be directed by Mr. Hopkins. A previously arranged fifth game between the Weber and Ogden ag¬gregations for Friday night was cancelled today. It is probable that Weber high will face Logan high in the two-day series here to provide additional col-or for the mammoth attraction. The Idaho Falls team is tall and rangy and is said to be the fastest aggregation ever turned out in the state of Idaho. Reed Naylor for¬ward was named all-state last sea¬son. This year Greene and Wat¬son were recognized as all-state players. By a rather odd coincidence the Idaho Falls machine is also known as Tigers. Ogden and Idaho Falls will meet for the second time in athletics. Two years ago the Ogdenites invaded Idaho Falls for a grid game with Joe Maddock's ath¬letes. Maddock at one time coached at Utah university. A. C. "Art" Barringer former all- around athlete at the University of Southern California is the coach in charge of the Idaho Falls machine. He received much of his training under George Koegan, head hoop coach at Notre Dame and Sam Bar¬ry at South California. Barringer has been at Idaho Falls five years and has annexed the state championship on two occasions. In 1930 the Tigers led the district but suffered a close defeat at the hands of Rexburg in the state final. The regular Idaho Falls team is composed of the following players: Reed Naylor, right forward; Walt Greene, left forward; Eldon Watson, center; Jud Williams, right guard, and Stewart Hodge, left guard. Re¬serves named for the Ogden trip are as follows: Wendell Jorgenson, center; Bob Shaw, forward; Holmes McCleary, guard, and Blaine Hart, forward. Coach Dixon Kapple in 1921 pilot¬ed his Logan high machine to an intermountain title and hopes for victory in the Idaho Falls series. Idaho and Utah scholastic teams play a different brand of ball and the competition is sure to wax warm at all stages. The Tiger squad was permitted to rest today but prac¬tice will be resumed Wednesday. Games Friday and Saturday are scheduled for eight o'clock. In 27 games this season the Idaho ' Falls Tigers have won 25 and lost ; two. They have scored 1237 points [ as against 549 for their opponents. ; The Idaho Falls record for the season, including the district and ! state tournaments follows: j Idaho Falls 29, Grace 27. . Idaho Falls 22, Montpelier 26. Idaho Falls 38, Rexburg 31. j Idaho Falls 57, Sugar City 17. I Idaho Falls 55, Grace 21. 5 Idaho Falls 52, Blackfoot 9. [ Idaho Falls 51, St. Anthony 4. Idaho Falls 48, American Falls 23. . Idaho Falls 25, Pocatello 27. Idaho Falls 68, Blackfoot 14. Idaho Falls 60, Montpelier 20. Idaho Falls 58, St. Anthony 4. Idaho Falls 43, Rexburg 24. Idaho Falls 33, Pocatello 23. Idaho Falls 49, Rigby 22. Idaho Falls 35, American Falls 26. Idaho Falls 49, Burley 15. Idaho Falls 37, U. of I. S. B. re¬serves 28. Idaho Falls 46, Sugar City 23. Idaho Falls 35, Oakley 30. ; Idaho Falls 66, Ucon 19. 1 Idaho Falls 52, Sugar City 18. 3 Idaho Falls 55, Ammon 20. 1 Idaho Falls 34, Boise 19. " Idaho Falls 38, Coeur d'Alene 28. 1 Idaho Falls 40, Twin Falls 17. j [; Here's How Ogden Scored in 1932 Court Play I Ogden 28, Payson 12. I Ogden 24, Davis 23. Ogden 40, Davis 24. 5 Ogden 44, Morgan 24. Ogden 36, East 16. p , Ogden 40, Logan 33. m. . Ogden 23, Weber 36. u Ogden 24, Logan 35. Ogden 33, Weber college 19. ' Ogden 49, Box Elder 13. ' Ogden 40, Bear River 30. j Ogden 50, Weber 22. ; Ogden 47, Box Elder 28. " Ogden 38, Bear River 17. 5 xOgden 27, Weber 29. Ogden 26, North Cache 25. Ogden 49, South Rich 7. Ogden 40, Uintah 23. Ogden 28, Jordan 12. Ogden 33, Granite 32. B xxOgden 29, Weber 27. x—Extra period game, xx—Three extra periods for Utah state championship. Ogden played 21 games during the season, winning 18 and losing three. Two of the contests were lost to Weber High, Utah state runnerup. Ogden Machine In Splendid Form for Idaho Falls Series Kapple Wins Spurs as Col¬orful Coach of Court Quints Eighteen victories and three de¬feats is the record for the 1932 cage season for the "Orange Streaks" oJ Ogden High school, Utah state champions. The Tigers suffered twc defeats at the hands of Weber High one in an extra period of play, ana the other in a pre-season contest with Logan High. Dick Kapple, one time all-around athletic great at Utah State Agri¬cultural college, is the director oi athletics at Ogden High. He has held this position for ten years. Kapple directed the Logan High five to a state and intermountain title in 1921 and has had the Tig¬ers of Ogden in seven state tourna¬ments since coming to Ogden. In 1926 the Ogden five lost a 17 to 16 decision to Latter-day Saints High school hoopsters of Salt Lake in the state final. Both teams, how¬ever, landed positions in the na¬tional tournament at Chicago that year. Mark Ballif of the 1926 Ogden: five was named All-America guard. Ogden's team of 1925 won the big three title of Utah when Ogden, East and West withdrew from the state association. The Tigers jour¬neyed to Boulder late in the season and won the Rocky Mountain schol¬astic title. Ogden opened her regular season minus the services of Johnny Weir, forward, and suffered a 36-to-23 de¬feat at the hands of Weber. The next time the teams met in league play Ogden more than doubled the score on the Warriors. In the playoff for the Ogden di¬vision title Weber nosed out Ogden, 27 to 29, but only after an extra period of play. This, incidentally, was the score of the three extra period battle between Weber and Ogden last Saturday for the Utah championship, with Ogden the vic¬tor. Logan High, winner of the Utah state consolation title, divided an early season series with the Ogdenites. Ogden played on the same card with the Henrys of Wichita,1 Kansas, national A. A. U. champions, and downed Logan, 40 to 33. Later in a game at Logan the Tigers were defeated. The Utah champions have scored 748 points in 21 games as against 487 for opponents. Dale Anderson is captain of the Tigers. He holds down the right guard position. Joe Fowler, all-state selection, is the other regular guard. Bill Kinner, towering center, is the pivot performer for the Ogdenites. He was named unanimously for the first team all-state job last week. Herm Lehman, the chap who won the hectic three extra period battle for Ogden, and Johnny Weir, are the regular forwards. The forwards are rather small, but they are as fast as greased lightning. Lee Boerens, Herm Wil¬ liams, Glen Hendricks, Jack Patter¬son and Frank Ellis are the other members of the team. W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent of the Ogden City schools, will be in charge of the games in Ogden, the best two out of three games being necessary to determine the cham¬pionship of the intermountain states. Ogden and Idaho Falls are re- . suming an athletic relationship this week that started two years ago when the locals invaded Idaho Falls for a football game. Sid Spencer, Lawrence Spencer and Vadal Peterson are the offi¬cials under consideration to handle the series. The Idaho Falls players will be quartered at the Hotel Bigelow dur- ing their stay in Ogden. |