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Show 6 Perfect Utah Service PROVO TRAINS TOOELE TRAINS TINTIC, FRISCO, MERCUR, MILFORD Trains That Run on Time Parties desiring information regarding Utah's Fertile Fields, Irrigation Pro¬jects or Lands, write the under¬signed, who will cheerfully furnish same. T. C. PECK, General Passenger Agent, Los Angeles J. H. MANDERFIELD, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City 7 IND. PHONE 1992 BELL, 1992 All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory California Expert Cleaning Company Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to. Write us for Prices Gents Clothes Cleaned and Pressed by the Month French Dry Cleaning Ladies' Work a Specialty 375 S. STATE ST. SALT LAKE CITY THE OLDEST THE LARGEST THE BEST ESTABLISHED 1841 OVER 200 OFFICES FOR THE PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF TRADE. The Mercantile Agency of R. C. DUN & CO. The Outcome of Enterprise, Experience and Expenditure. THIS INSTITUTION POSSESSES A NUMBER OF EXCLUSIVE ADVAN¬TAGES, AND ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE FOLLOWING FEA¬TURES, VIZ.: 1st The Largest and Oldest Agency—Established in 1841. 2nd Operating Our Own Offices in Principal Cities Throughout the Civilized World. 3rd State Maps-—Correct in minute details. 4th Postal and Shippers' Guide—Unequalled in Accuracy. 5th Strongest Financially—Employs Largest Capital. 6th Trade Classification—Only Publication with this Feature. 7th Failure Statistics—Only Complete Report. 8th Collection Department—A Thorough System. 9th Bonded Agents—A Special Feature. 10th Reference Book—The Only Complete Book—Including State Maps, Trade Classification and Combination Key. GEORGE RUST GENERAL MANAGER UTAH, IDAHO. WYOMING AND NEVADA. Tribune Building, 149 S. Main St., Salt Lake City |