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Show 418 The School that has a reputation for Thoroughness and Discipline OGDEN BUSINESS COLLEGE (Incorporated) Bell Tel. 794 LEWIS BLOCK, 2447 Washington Ave. Ind. Tel. 925 G. C. GILL, Secretary. Day and Evening Ses¬sions. School all the year. Enter at any time PIANOS OF QUALITY Steinway, Sohmer, Estey, Kimball, and others Ogden Music Co. 2370 Washington Ave. R.L. POLK & CO’S Price Robert, emp Thomas & Stone C & I Co, b 1773 Center av. Price Samuel C, r 32d and Quincy av. Price Vinnie L, student, b 196 E 2d. Price Wm, tmstr, r 1773 Center av. Price Wm jr, tmstr, b 1773 Center av. Priest Wm M, switchman S P Co, b 239 27th. PRINCESS MILLINERY CO (Francella Adams), 2374 Washington av. (See adv.) Why Not get that hat you like at the Princess Millinery Co. 2374 Washington Ave. Best Goods Lowest Prices Prindle George, carp, b 141 W 21st. Pringle Robert L, barnman I L Clark & Sons Co, r 2227 Washington av. Probst Edward, lab, r 935 Farley's la. Prochet John, lab, r 678 Sullivan. Prochet Tishia, laund U P R R, b 678 Sullivan. PROGRESSIVE MOTION PICTURE CO, Wm W Hod- kinson Gen Mgr. Motion Picture Machines and Supplies, Films for Rent, 2349 1/2 Washington av, Bell Tel 636-Y, Ind 798. Promontory Point Co. H H Henderson pres, real est, 214 First Nat Bank Bldg. Proudfit Andrew J, pres and sec Proudfit Sporting Goods Co, b 1949 Washington av. Proudfit Robert L, treas Proudfit Sporting Goods Co, r 2305 Jefferson av. GARRISON, FOSTER & GARRISON PHONES: BELL 393, IND. 671 2411 WASHINGTON AV. Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Insurance 419 ELECTRIC SUPPLY & FIXTURE CO. Phones-BeIl 346; Ind. 346 WhoIesale Paid Retail CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS 2448 Washington Ave. COMPLETE CASH AND CREDIT HOME FURNISHERS BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RNAGES, GRANITEWARE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. PROUDFIT SPORTING GOODS CO, A J Proudfit Pres and and Sec, R L Proudfit Treas, Sporting Goods, Phono¬graphs, Bicycles and Sundries, Cutlery, Cameras and Fish¬ing Tackle, 351 24th, Bell Tel 886. Prout George W, clk, r 2946 Porter av. Prout Guy W, clk Ry Mail Service, r 2626 Quincy av. Prout Harriet A, nurse, 2455 Van Buren av, b same. Prout L Jennie, tchr, b 2455 Van Buren av. Prout Ruth E, music tchr, 2455 Van Buren av, b same. Prout Mrs R Ellen, died May 14, '09, age 74. Prout Wm B, carp, r 2455 Van Buren av. Prudential Insurance Co, Wm Munk and G A Dickinson asst supts, 5 Utah Nat Bank Bldg. Public Library, see Carnegie Free Library. PUGH DAN, Dealer in Household Specialty Goods, I Carry Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Albums, Rugs, and Art Car¬pets, Lace Curtains, Tapestry and Rope Portiers, Table Covers, Comforts and Blankets, Fine Clothing, Clothes Wringers, Pictures and Picture Frames, etc, 670 28th, r same, Bell Tel 719-Z, Ind 1147. Pugh David J, clk, b 670 28th. Pugh Irving E, student, b 670 28th. PUGH WM, Mgr Ogden Business College, top floor Lewis Blk, r 2783 Grant av, Ind Tel 1023. Pullas George, rest, 272 25th, r same. Pullas Peter, wiper D & R G, b 272 25th. PULLMAN BAR, W J Wolfinger Propr, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Sole Agt Shawhan Whiskey, 270 25th, Ind Tel 674. (See right bottom lines.) W.J. WOLFINGER, Proprietor IND. PHONE 674 The Best of Wines, Liquors and CIGARS PULLMAN BAR 270 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Opposite Lyceum OGDEN, UTAH Mexican Chili Parlor in Connection Watson-Flygare Hardware Co. Paints, Oils Varnishes and Brushes 2414 WASHINGTON AVENUE |