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Show 448 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047. P. O. Box 80. OGDEN, UTAH Allen’s Baggage, Hack and Bus Line Office, 412 25th St. Both Telephones 22 R.L. POLK & CO’S Ryan Rev John, asst pastor St Joseph's Catholic Church b 510 24th. Ryan John J, b 858 22d. Ryan John W, lab, rms 169 25th. Ryan Kate, waiter Union Depot Hotel. Ryan Louise, student, b e s Washington av 6 n of city limits Ryan Nellie A (wid John J), r 858 22d. Ryan Raymond H, student, b 2362 Adams av. Ryan Mrs Sophie J, r e s Washington av 6 n of city limits. Ryan Timothy D, asst cashr Pingree Nat Bank, r 2362 Adams av. Ryan Timothy T, r 2661 Lafayette av. Ryane John E, cond D & R G, rms 2671 Wall av. Rynearson Wilford, cook Healy Cafe, r 245 34th. S Sackett Fritz, messr Pac Exp Co, r 2457 Lincoln av. Sackett Ward E, boilermkr S P Co, r 2653 Lincoln av. Sacred Heart Academy, conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross, 940 25th. Sailor Mrs Cecilia, b 947 21st. Sailor Jesse, driver J C Slade, r 947 21st. ST GEORGE RODNEY L (Ogden Tent Co), r 2140 Royal av. St John Alexander, carp, rms Lincoln Hotel. St John Wm F, insp City Eng, City Hall. St Joseph's Catholic Church, 24th n e cor Adams av. St Joseph's Day School, 353 26th. ST LOUIS SALOON, D McCarty & Co Proprs, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Club Rooms in Connection, 286 25th, Ind Tel 286. ST PAUL FIRE & MARINE INS CO (of St Paul), J M. Forristall Agt, 413-414 First Nat Bank Bldg. St Paul Hotel, Mrs Fanny Egginton propr, 431 25th. St Paul's Episcopal Church, Plain City. St Paul's Evangelical Church (German), 575 23d. Salmon Wm J, dist mgr Beneficial Life Ins Co, 421 Eccles Bldg, r 2121 Adams av. J.C. GALE GRADING EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of TeamWork. 715 28th St., Bell Tel. 1036-Y 449 P. A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete. Estimates Furnished REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET FALSTAFF CAFÉ Wines, Liquors and Cigars Dining Rooms for Ladies “A Little Better Than Good Enough” C.M. Leedom, Propr. 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Salt John W, foreman, r 650 W 21st. Salt Lake Building & Loan Assn. E F Bratz local treas, 410 25th. Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 366 25th. SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, V G Gill Mgr, 2438 Washington av, Both Tels 322. SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, V G Gill Mgr, 2438 Washington av, Both Tels 322. Salt Lake Valley Canning Co, W W Craig pres and mgr, 300 Walnut. SALT LAKE & OGDEN RY, S F Halverson Agt, 3121 Washington av, Ind Tel 2000. Salt Ruby, emp Shupe-Williams C Co, rms 427 25th. Salter Clarence E, clk A Kuhn & Bro, rms 570 25th. Salter Erma C, b 2415 Jefferson av. Salter Herbert, brklyr, rms 570 25th. Salter John W, music tchr, 2746 Adams av, r same. Salter Leah, knitter Utah Knitting Co, b 2933 Childs av. Salter Maude E, domestic, 2322 Jefferson av. Salter Wm D, brklyr, r 3133 Jefferson av. Salter's Orchestra, J W Salter leader, 2408 Washington av. Salvation Army, 257 25th. Salvation Army Hall, 2585 Grant av. Salavtion Army Hotel, Wm Lamont mgr, 257 25th. Sam Lee, gardener, s s 12th 1 blk w of Washington av. Sam Wo, laundry, 2466 Lincoln av. Sampel Otto M, fireman U P R R, r Evanston, Wyo. Sample George, student, rms 2236 Grant av. Sampson Joseph, lab, rms Chapman House. Sampson J Lorraine, clk Geo A Lowe Co, rms 381 E 22d. Sampson Samuel, farmer, r Plain City. Sampson Samuel, lab, rms Chapman House. Samuelson Carl, moved to Salt Lake City. Samuelson Egjild, carp, b 2516 Jefferson av. Samuelson Mrs Olalia, r 2516 Jefferson av. Sanborn Ella, clk G W Stevenson, b 478 W 24th. Sanborn Fred F, v-pres C J Herrick & Co, r 928 22d. Sanborn George B, springmkr S P Co, r 478 W 24th. Sanborn John, lab, b 478 W 24th. Sandberg George L, driver Allen Trans Co, r 2554 Lincoln av. Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West. Bell Phone 781 Ind. Phone 355 O.M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Always in the Market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l Nat, Bank, Ogden, Utah Office and Warehouse 2263-2269 Wall Ave. |