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Show 32 STATE OFFICERS—STATE JUDICIARY. EXECUTIVE. Governor—Wm Spry. Secretary of State—Charles S Tingey. State Auditor—Jesse D Jewkes. State Treasurer—David Mattson. Attorney General—A R Barnes. District Attorney—F C Loofbourow. Superintendent of Public Instruction—A C Nelson. Librarian—H W Griffith. State Bank Examiner—C A Glazier. Coal Mine Inspector—John E Pettit. State Engineer—Caleb Tanner. State Fish and Game Commissioner—F W Chambers. State Dairy and Food Commissioner—Willard Hansen. State Chemist—Herman Harms. STATE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT. 250-253 City and County Bldg., Salt Lake City. Judges—D N Straup, Chief Justice; Joseph E Frick, Wm M McCarty. Stenographer—J S Rollo. Clerk—H W Griffith. Terms—The Supreme Court shall be held at the Capitol of the State and shall convene and hold three terms in each year, viz.: On the second Monday of February, May and October. The Court may adjourn from time to time, as it may deem proper. DISTRICT COURTS AND ATTORNEYS. First Judicial District—W W Maughan, Judge; B C Call, At¬torney. Second Judicial District—J A Howell, Judge; N J Harris, At¬torney. Third Judicial District—M L Ritchie, G G Armstrong, C W Morse, T D Lewis, Judges; F C Loofbourow, Attorney. Fourth Judicial District—John E Booth, Judge; H H Cluff, Attorney. Fifth Judicial District—Joshua Greenwood, Judge; E H Ryan, Attorney. Sixth Judicial District—John F Chidester, Judge; J H Erickson, Attorney. Seventh Judicial District—A H Christensen, Judge; F E Woods, Attorney. JUVENILE COURT. Second Judicial District—Volney C Gunnell, Judge. 33 STATE INSTITUTIONS—U. S. OFFICERS. STATE INSTITUTIONS. Located at Ogden. Utah Industrial School—Washington av north of Five Points. Instituted March 22, 1888, and opened for inmates on October 31, 1889, under the name of the Utah Reform School. It is supported by appropriations made by the State Legislature according to needs. Officers—H S Joseph, President; John. Walsh, Vice-President; H J Peery, Treasurer; Charles R Hollingsworth, Secretary; Dr E G Gowans, Superintendent. Utah School for the Deaf and Blind—Monroe and Jackson avs, bet 20th and Ogden River. Maude M. Babcock, President; Mrs E F Corey, Secretary; R A Moyes, Treasurer; F M Driggs, Superinten¬dent. UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Located in Utah. UNITED STATES COURTS, DISTRICT OF UTAH. Federal Building, Salt Lake City. Sessions are held in Ogden on 2nd Mondays in March and September each year. Hon John A Marshall, District Judge; Hiram E Booth, Attorney; Wm M McCrea, Assistant Attorney; Jerrold R Letcher, Clerk; Mar¬garet B Connell, Deputy Clerk; J H Anderson, Marshal; Lucian H Smyth, Chief Deputy Marshal; Julian Riley, Office Deputy Marshal; J W Christy Examiner; Chas Baldwin Master in Chancery; W J Barnett, Jury Commissioner. UNITED STATES COMMISSIONERS. Charles Baldwin, Salt Lake; A B Patton, Ogden; William Howard, Huntington; F L Daggett, St George; M L Larsen, Manila: L L Crapo, Moab; R W Crockett, Price; C C McWhinney, Green River; John Merkley, White Rocks. REFEREES IN BANKRUPTCY. Charles Baldwin, Salt Lake; A B Patton, Ogden; E E Corfman, Provo; George Christensen, Mt. Pleasant. U S MARSHAL'S OFFICE. Federal Building, Salt Lake City. J H Anderson, Marshal; Lucian H Smyth, Chief Deputy; Julian Riley, Office Deputy. |