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Show INTRODUCTORY The thirteenth volume of R. L. Polk & Co.'s Ogden City and Suburban Directory is herewith presented to its patrons and the public in general, believing it fully merits and will receive the hearty approval of all who have occasion to consult it from time to time. A personal house-to-house canvass has been made throughout the entire city and the suburbs. The several departments or sections of the work have been arranged as heretofore, and attention is directed to same as follows: The Ogden Street and Avenue Guide will be found on pages 15 to 25 inclusive. The Department of Miscellaneous Information (pages 26 to 53) contains lists of Ogden City, Weber County, Utah State and United States Officials; Post Office Information, with rates of postage; Churches, with names and addresses of pastors; Clubs and Societies; Colleges and Schools; Hospitals; Libraries; Musical Organizations; Newspapers; Parks and Pub¬lic Grounds; Public Buildings, Halls, etc; Railroads; Secret and Benevo¬lent Organizations; Theatres; Trades and Labor Organizations; Ogden Ward Boundaries, etc., etc. This is followed by the Ogden alphabetical list of names (pages 55 to 569 inclusive). The lists of business and pro¬fessional people of Ogden and the suburbs will be found, arranged under appropriate headings or classifications, following the Ogden alphabetical list, (pages 570 to 625). There are over 14,000 individual names in this volume; representing a population beyond 30,000, including the city proper and its suburbs. Attention is directed to the General Index (page 11), in which all be noted the number of page on which any desired information can be ob¬tained. This index should be consulted by all. We thank the business and professional men for assistance rendered us in various ways and for their liberal patronage, and beg to announce that the fourteenth revised edition of the directory will be issued by us in due time. R. L. POLK & CO., PUBLISHERS. Ogden Office with Carnegie Public Library, Washington Avenue corner 26th Street. OFFICERS: R. L. POLK, Pres. and Treas. T. F. SMITH, Vice-Pres. W. P. COOPER, Sec. and Mgr. General Offices: 613-616 Dooly Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 11 GENERAL INDEX. Abbreviations 54 Alphabetical List of Names 55-569 Business Directory 570-625 Foreign Patrons 626-628 Index to Advertisements 12-14 Introductory 10 Miscellaneous Information 26-53 Street and Avenue Guide 15-25 Wards and Boundaries 53 INDEX TO MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. Academies, Schools, etc 42-43 Aldermen 26-27 A F & A M 48 Associated Press 40 Associations, Clubs, etc 40-42 Asylums, Hospitals, etc 44 Bands and Orchestras 44 B P O E 48 Bishops—L D S 38-39 Blocks, Halls, etc 45-47 Board of Education (City) 42 Board of Education (County) 31 Board of Park Commissioners 28 Brotherhood of American Yeomen 48 Building and Loan Associa¬tions 37 Bureau of Animal Industry (U S Dept Agriculture) 34 Carnegie Free Library 44 Catholic Knights of America 41 Cemeteries 37 Churches 37-40 City Council 26-27 City Courts 27 City Crematory 29 City Election Precincts 27 City Estray Pound 29 City Officers 26-29 Clubs and Societies 40-42 Colleges and Schools 42-43 Constables 27 County Election Precincts 31 County Officers 31 County Poor Farm 31 Degree of Honor 48 District Courts and Attor¬neys 32 Eagles 49 Eastern Star 48 Election Precincts—City 27 Election Precincts—County 31 Elks 48 Fire Department 29-30 Fraternal Brotherhood 48 Fraternal Order of Eagles 49 Fraternal Union of America 49 General Land Office 34 Good Templars 49 GAR 43-44 Halls, Blocks, etc 5-47 Health Department 28 Hospitals, etc. 44 I O R M 49 I O G T 49 I O O F 49 Industrial School 33 Internal Revenue Office 34 Justices of the Peace Juvenile Court 32 Knights of Columbus 49 K of P 50 K O T M 49 Labor Organizations 51-52 L O T M 49 L D S Societies 38-39 Libraries 44 Loan and Building Associa¬tions 37 Maccabees 49 Masonic 38 Modern Woodmen of America 50 Municipal Court 28 Musical Organizations 44 Newspapers 44-45 Odd Fellows 49 Orchestras and Bands 44 O E S 48 Order of Owls 50 National Union 50 Park Commissioners 28 Parks and Public Grounds 45 Pest House 29 Police Department 28 Poor Farm 31 Post Office 36-37 Precinct Officers 27 Public Buildings, Halls, etc. 45-47 Public Schools 43 Pythian Sisters 50 Railroads 47-48 Rates of Postage 36-37 Rebekah—I OOF 49 Red Men 49 Referees in Bankruptcy 33 Royal Arcanum 50 Royal Highlanders 50 Royal Neighbors of America 50 Salvation Army 40 Schools and Colleges 42-43 Secret and Benevolent Socie¬ties 48-51 Societies, Club, etc 40-42 State Institutions 33 |