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Show 360 HALVERSON BROTHERS SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING Motto "Satisfaction" NUMBER 425 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. BELL PHONE 1322 STEWART FULLER-WARREN CO. RANGES STOVES HEATERS Best Made C.W. & M. CO. 23rd and WASHINGTON AV. R.L. POLK & CO’S Montgomery Nathaniel, pres N Ogden Irrigation Co, r N Ogden. Montgomery Roy A, baker, b 1965 Washington av. Montgomery Tillman M, driver, r 1965 Washington av. Montgomery Wm, farmer, r N Ogden. Montgomery Wm, farmer, b N Ogden. Moody Alice F (wid Flavius J), r 928 Capitol av. Moomaw Philip O, sewerlyr James Macbeth, rms 2710 Wash¬ington av. Moon Helen E, student, b 2209 Washington av. Moon Mabel (wid Herbert), r 2209 Washington av. Moore Agnes H (wid Goff), r 126 W 28th. Moore Mrs Anna L, tchr Smithsonian Bus Coll, r 258 24th. Moore Charles W, motorman O R T Co, r 434 E 3d. Moore David M, propr Moore's Nurseries, r 420 E 13th. Moore Don E, bkpr Ragan Grocery Co, r 319 26th. Moore Earl, carp, r 2035 Ballantyne av. Moore Edna M, b 420 E 13th. Moore Ernest, brklyr, r 3119 Adams av. Moore Felix T, chf U S Forest Service, rms 480 27th. Moore Frances S, b n s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G tracks. MOORE FRANK C, County Commr, Court House, r N Ogden, Ind Tel 3738-A. Moore Frank E, emp U P R R, b 856 Washington av. Moore Franklin C, student, b e s Moore's la 4 n of 12th. Moore George L, student, b 962 E 12th. Moore George M, r 3153 Pacific av. Moore Gordon, emp Amal Sugar Co, r n s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G tracks. Moore Hattie, student, b 544 E 4th. Moore Henry, farmer, b Riverdale. Moore Henry D, clk T L Clark & Sons Co, r 141 N Washing¬ton av. Moore H Arnold, driver Blackman & Griffin Co, b 141 N Washington av. Moore Irvin D, motorman O R T Co, res Moore's la 4 n of 12th. Moore James, lab, rms Chapman House. Moore James M, lab, r 34th s e cor Woodland av. JOGALONG TRANSFER CO. Compressed Air Vacuum House Cleaning. Moving Vans 328 ½ 25th St. Phones 283 361 Excavating, Pipe Laying, Sewers, Water Systems, etc. The Wheelwright Construction Co. 2476 Washington Avenue B.H. GODDARD INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. MOORE JESSE L, Groceries and General Merchandise, 1266 Washington av, Bell Tel 555-Y, Ind 582, r 1265 same. Moore Joseph, lab, b n s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G tracks. Moore Joseph B, fruit grower, res Moore's la 4 n of 12th. Moore Mrs Julia A, r n s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G tracks. Moore J Lawrence, clk S P Co, r 455 E 20th. Moore Laura, smstrs, b e s Moore's la 4 n of 12th. Moore Lawrence T, trav agt, r 2535 Orchard av. Moore Lester J, fruit grower, r 962 E 12th. Moore Lillian E, b 141 N Washington av. Moore Mabel A, student, b 544 E 4th. Moore Martha, janitor Riverdale School, r Riverdale. Moore Mrs Martha J, b s s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G tracks. Moore Mary E,. stenog U S Forest Service, rms 539 23d. Moore Millard F, emp Amal Sugar Co, r n s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G tracks. Moore Nora, student, b 141 N Washington av. Moore N Thomas, asst chief Fire Dept, r 2531 Orchard av. Moore Orville M, student, b 856 Washington av. Moore Robert E (Moore & Walker), rms 2966 Adams av. Moore Sunnie M, driver Becker B & M Co, r 332 18th. Moore Vincie R, b n s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G tracks. Moore Wallace, driver Evans Bros Gro Co, b e s Moore's la 4 n of 12th. Moore Walter E, cond S P Co, r 258 24th. Moore Wm B, farmer, b e s Moore's la 4 n of 12th. MOORE & WALKER (R E Moore, T C Walker), Proprs The Alamo Cafe, 246 25th, Ind Tel 414. MOORE'S NURSERIES, D M Moore Propr, 1266 Washing¬ton av, Bell Tel 555-Y, Ind 582. Moran Ada F, b 2728 Madison av. Moran Daniel, student, b 165 26th. Moran Ellen M, asst librarian Carnegie Free Library, b 3025 Adams av. Moran George L, clk Ry Mail Service, r 2747 Madison av. Moran John F, b 3025 Adams av. Moran Joseph clk, rms 268 1/2 25th. Wm. Doyle, Contractor All Kinds Cement Work and Cement Bridges Foundations and Sidewalks a Specialty. 3229 Ogden Ave. |