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Show 300 VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS CRAWFORD SHOES 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. R.L. POLK & CO’S KENNEDY COFFEE HOUSE CO (Angus Kennedy, George Monayhan), 330 25th, Bell Tel 339. Kennedy Daniel, grocer, 258 25th, r 2151 Grant av. Kennedy Elliott W, clk W W Kennedy, b 2258 Grant av. Kennedy H C, clk, rms 202 23d. Kennedy John, boilermkr S P Co, r 152 23d. Kennedy Julia (wid Frank), r 2832 Pacific av. Kennedy Leota S, b 2910 Washington av. Kennedv Maurice, clk S P Co, rms 202 23d. KENNEDY OLIN A (Hunter & Kennedy), Sec and Treas Hunter Investment Co, 211-212 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 115, r 2910 Washington av, Bell Tel 1110. Kennedy Peter, lab, rms 257 25th. Kennedy Rose P (wid Benjamin B), r 2910 Washington av. Kennedy Theodore J, porter Weber Club, r 172 24th. Kennedy Wm C, lather, rms 268 29th. KENNEDY WYATT W, Mgr Union Central Life Ins Co, 2468 Washington av, r 2258 Grant av. KENNEDY'S CAFE & BAKERY, Angus Kennedy Propr, A Good Place to Eat, 2454 Washington av, Bell Tel 185, Ind 424. Kenneth Mining & Milling Co, W N Peirce sec, 413 24th. Kenney, see also Kinney. Kenney Mrs Emma, b 2469 Van Buren av. Kenney James, eng U P R R, r 2614 Monroe av. Kensler Myrtle E, musician, b 2564 Washington av. Kent Alice M (wid Wm), r 339 E Patterson av. Kent Effie A, stenog A G Horn, b 339 E Patterson av. Kent Mrs Grace, rms 321 24th. Kent Ray H, lab, rms 321 24th. Kenyon Fred L, eng Shupe-Williams C Co, r 121 26th. Kenyon Grace, student, b 121 26th. Kenyon Iris L, b 121 26th. Kenyon Margaret, b 244 E 21st. Kenyon Mary, boxmkr John J Olsen & Bro, b 244 E 21st. Kenyon Thomas, lab, b 244 E 21st. Keogh Hannah (wid Thomas), b 2566 Orchard av. Keogh Stephen A, b 2566 Orchard av. Keogh Thomas J, stockman, r 2566 Orchard av. Kern, see also Kearns. We buy everything in carload lots, direct from the factory. That's why we sell so cheap We buy everything in carload lots, direct from the factory. That's why we sell so cheap Ogden Furniture & Carpet Co. 2422 to 2434 Washington Ave. 301 OGDEN MAIL ORDER CO., Box 128, Ogden, Utah We Will Save You Money On Anything From a Pin to an Automobile Utah Stationery Co. SCHOOL SUPPLIES WASHINGTON AVE., S. W. COR. 24th ST. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Kern Mrs Hazel C, rms Cottage Hotel. Kerr, see also Carr and Karr. Kerr Andrew A, moved to Salt Lake City. Kerr Belle A, b 2112 Adams av. Kerr Eliazbeth C (wid James), r 628 E 12th. Kerr Jane A (wid George M), r 2112 Adams av. Kerr Walter A, tchr Weber Academy, b 2112 Adams av. Kerr Wm A, farmer, r Plain City. Kersey C W, emp Amal Sugar Co. Kershaw Abraham W, hlpr J C Slade, rms 2374 Washing¬ton av. Kershaw Marjory, emp Shupe-Williams C Co, rms 371 22d. Kershaw Samuel M, collr, r 3061 Grant av. Kershaw Mrs Sarah, died June 17, '09, age 80. Kertz, see also Kurtz. Kershaw Bros (Samuel and Herman), pawnbrokers, 160 25th. Kertz Herman (Kertz Bros), rms 160 25th. Kertz Jacob, pawnbroker, 310 25th, r same. Kertz Samuel (Kertz Bros), r 2310 Grant av. Kerwin, see Kirwan. Keseling Wm, carp, r 2015 Jefferson av. Kesler Delia V, stenog, b 3021 Lincoln av. Kesler Essie P, clk, b 3021 Lincoln av. Kesler Jacob, eng, r 3021 Lincoln av. Kessell, see Kissel. Kessner Edward E, agt Prudential Ins Co, r 354 4th. Kessner Jemima, emp Shupe-Williams C Co, b 2110 Wash¬ington av. Ketchum Charles, brkman, rms 204 25th. Ketchum Clifford E, foreman, r 2964 Grant av. Ketchum Ernest B, switchman S P Co, r 706 29th. Ketchum L D, brkman S P Co, rms 204 25th. Keyes, see also Kyes. Keyes Mrs Delia, died July 17, '09, age 63. Keyes Earl F, fireman, r 2150 Reeve av. Keyes Francis M, tmstr, r 2522 Quincy av. Keyes Junius W, clk Ry Mail Service, rms 437 Herrick av. Keyes Wm F, driver H E Taylor, b 2522 Quincy av. Keyes Wm H, emp S P Co, b 186 W 28th. Keys Mrs Gwendolyn, tchr Dee School, r 583 25th. Lambert Paper Co., Both Phones 151 No. 380 23rd St., Ogden Wholesalers of Paper, Bags, Stationery, Printers’ Supplies, etc. |