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Show 350 WATERPROOF TENTS Ogden Tent Co Modern Tent Builders 421-427 23d St. Bell Tel. 233 N.O. OGDEN CO. Shoes for the Whole Family Nettleton Shoes 236 25th St. R.L. POLK & CO’S Maw Elwin H, farmer, b Plain City.. Maw Eva P, cashr I L Clark & Sons Co, b 2154 Jefferson av. Maw Henry T, farmer, r Plain City. Maw Jessie, smstrs Paine & Hurst, b 2232 Moffit av. Maw John, farmer, r Plain City. Maw Pauline J, b Plain City. Maw Robert, farmer, r Plain City. Maw Robert jr, farmer, b Plain City. Maw Robert H, farmer, r Plain City. Maw Robert W, farmer, r Plain City. May Ruby A, b Plain City. Maw Vernon O, student, b 2154 Jefferson av. Maw Victorine (wid Edwin), r Plain City. Maw Willmer J, farmer, b Plain City. Maxwell Charles, carp, r 1791 Center av. Maxwell Charles, opr Globe Theatre, b 2166 Adams av. Maxwell Mrs Christina, rms 573 26th. Maxwell James, lab Corey Livery, 2566 Washington av. Maxwell Maria (wid David A), r 364 34th. May F M, brkman O S L, r 246 Patterson av. May Martha E (wid Charles), r 427 28th. May Mary E, student, b 427 28th. Maycock Elizabeth, clk Marshall Merc Co, b View. Maycock Elizabeth P (wid George; Rhees & Maycock), r View. Maycock Ethel, opr R M Bell Tel Co, b 2409 Lincoln av. Maycock Herman, farmer, b View. Maycock James A, farmer, r View. Maycock John E, farmer, r View. Maycock Mary J (wid Amos), r View. Maycock M Helen, tchr View School, b View. Maycock Rhoda, b View. Mayer, see also Meyer, Mires and Myers. Mayer John, fireman S P Co, r 141 W 27th. Mayer Thomas O, tailor Peter Anderson Tailoring Co, r Grant av. Mayers Wm, rms Lincoln Hotel. Mayes Henry T, b Jefferson av s w cor 36th. Mayes Wm R, b Jefferson av s w cor 36th. Mayes Wm T, lab, r Jefferson av s w cor 36th. CALVIN STUART Contractor and Builder Shop and Residence, 2952 Wall Ave. Estimates Furnished on Application. First-class Repair Work of all Kinds a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. Bell Phone 373-X 351 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. BADCON PHARMACY A.R. McINTYRE Propr. Post Office Station No. 2 2421 WASHINGTON AVE. U.S Weather Bureau A COMPLETE DRUG STORE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Mayflower Cigar Store, E A Munsey propr, 348 25th. Maynard Wilbur L, insp U P R R, rms Union Depot Hotel. Mayor's Office, City Hall. Mazel Charles, millman Riverside Milling Co, r 1720 Washing¬ton av. Mazel Dora, stenog O R T Co, b 1720 Washington av. Mazel Mary (wid Albert), r 1720 Washington av. Meal Mrs Florence E, tchr Madison School, r 1517 24th. Meal Henry W, carp, r 1517 24th. Means Roy, farmer, r Riverdale. Measures James, farmer, r W Weber. Measures John, farmer, r W Weber. Measures Wm, farmer, r W Weber. Meckes Otto P, cashr Fred J Kiesel Co, rms 2454 Adams av. Medcraft John F G, fireman, r 2479 B av. MEEK ALFRED W, Plumber, Steam and Hot Water Heat¬ing and Ventilating, 2574 Washington av, Ind Tel 746, r 2660 Jefferson av, Ind Tel 3717-D. (See adv.) A.W. MEEK Plumbing Steam and Water Heating 2574 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN, UTAH Meek Milton A, trav agt, b 2660 Jefferson av. Meeker Charles A, waiter Elite Cafe, r 619 21st. Meenderink Benjamin, clk Ogden Furn & C Co, r 36th bet Washington and Adams avs. Meeters Wm, clnr Pullman Co, rms 160 1/2 25th. Meid Louis N, contr, 718 23d, r same. Meidlein John, cigars, r 227 27th. Meighan, see also Main. Meighan Charles, abstracts, 2484 Washington av, r 321 24th. Meighn Mrs Laura M, moved to Devil's Slide, U. OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO. SASH, DOORS, TURNING, STAIR WORK 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK PHONE 666 IND. 25 |