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Show 410 The School that has a reputation for Thoroughness and Discipline OGDEN BUSINESS COLLEGE (Incorporated) Bell Tel. 794 LEWIS BLOCK, 2447 Washington Ave. Ind. Tel. 925 G. C. GILL, Secretary. Day and Evening Ses¬sions. School all the year. Enter at any time Western Land & Investment Co., Limited Ind. Phone 657. RENTALS, INVESTMENTS. Notary in Office 415-416 Eccles Building R.L. POLK & CO’S Pingree-Anderson Co, W D Brown sec and treas, grain, 319 First Nat Bank Bldg. Pingree Beatrice, student, b 712 25th. PINGREE BROS CO, Joseph Pingree Pres and Mgr, Law¬rence Taylor Sec and Treas, Wholesale Shoes, Hats and Caps, 261-263 25th, Bell Tel 518. Pingree David M, field supt Amal Sugar Co, res Wilson's la 3/4 mile s of Weber river. Pingree David R, clk First Nat Bank, b e s Wilson's la 3/4 mile s of Weber river. Pingree Earl, student, b 3065 Washington av. Pingree Earl, student Weber Academy, b 119 28th. Pingree Elda I, b 2604 Jefferson av. Pingree Esther, b 2604 Jefferson av. Pingree Mrs Esther H, r rear 105 28th. PINGREE HYRUM, Mgr Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, 2422- 2434 Washington av, r 2870 Wall av, Bell Tel 670-K. Pingree James, cashr Pingree Nat Bank, r 2604 Jefferson av. Pingree Job, pres Pingree Nat Bank, gen field supt Amal Sugar Co, r 119 W 28th. Pingree Job jr, groceries and meats, 2616 Washington av. r 2861 Pingree av. PINGREE JOHN, Cashr First Nat Bank, Pres Western F & M Co, Sec and Treas Wyoming Coal Co, r 712 25th, Bell Tel 1479. Pingree John jr, student, b 712 25th. PINGREE JOSEPH, Pres and Mgr Pingree Bros Co, r 652 26th, Bell Tel 634-Z. Pingree Louis W, student, b e s Wilson's la 3/4 mile s of Weber river. Pingree Mrs Mary, r 2820 Wall av. Pingree National Bank, Job Pingree pres, Joseph Scowcroft James Mack and J W Abbott v-presidents, James Pin¬gree cashr, T D Ryan asst cashr, 2487 Washington av. Pingree Mrs Sarah, r 3065 Washington av. Pingree School, 30th cor Pingree av. Pingree Verdi L, student, b 2604 Jefferson av. Pingree Zina S, student, b 2604 Jefferson av. Pingree Zylpha S, student, b 2604 Jefferson av. Pinkham Ora, emp Ogden S Laundry, b 2534 Wall av. SEALS We make them OGDEN OFFICE SUPPLY CO. 355 24th St. 411 Do not fail when hungry or thirsty to call at the ELITE CAFÉ OR BAR When in town 2415 Washington Ave. COMPLETE CASH AND CREDIT HOME FURNISHERS BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES, GRANITEWARE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Pinkham Ruth, emp Ogden S Laundry, b 2534 Wall av. Pinnock Fred, fireman U P R R, rms 427 25th. Pinyon Marion (wid John), r 224 W Patterson av. PIONEER COAL & LUMBER CO, H P Randall Pres, Sec, Treas and Mgr, J A Randall V-Pres and Director, 345 2d, Bell Tel 1408-Y, Ind 345. PIONEER FRUIT CO, John Derrig Mgr, Fruit Packers and Shippers, 369 24th, Bell Tel 567, Ind 281 Piper, see also Pyper. Piper Fred H, cook, rms 341 27th. Piper George H, r 166 W Patterson av. Piteheos John P, interpreter, r 214 27th. Plain City Amusement Hall, Plain City. Plain City Canning Co, A L Brewer pres and mgr, 334 24th. Plain City Cemetery, Plain City. Plain City School, Plain City. Plain City Ward Meeting House (L D S), Plain City. Planz Philip, barber, 364 25th, r 2526 Lincoln av. Planz Philip F, clk, r 2536 Lincoln av. Platfoot Etta, student Sacred Heart Academy, b 2243 Adams av. Platfoot Henry J, foreman, r 2243 Adams av. Platfoot Inez, b 2243 Adams av. Platz Clarence E, b 256 23d. Platz Fred W, mill hd, b 256 23d. Plyer Charlotte I, b 2139 Lincoln av. Plyer C Percy, clk Reese Howell & Sons, r 2871 Lincoln av. Plyer Edwin P, appr S P Co, b 2139 Lincoln av. Plyer Joseph T, lab, b 2139 Lincoln av. Plyer Thomas, r 2139 Lincoln av. Pogue Warren N, switchman, r 361 28th. Pohlzon Florence M, tchr Pingree School, b 614 24th. Police Department Headquarters, e s Hudson av bet 25th and 26th. (See p 28.) Polk James B, fireman, r 2729 Hunter's ct. To Find a Name You Should Know How it is Spelled When You Think of FURS, Think of ELSEN, The Furrier 423 24th St.-Peery Annex Bell Tel. 737-Y |