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Show 224 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047, P. O. Box 86. OGDEN, UTAH CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Allen's Baggage, Hack and Bus Line Office, 412 25th St. Both Telephones 22 R.L. POLK & CO’S Gilchrist Alexander, pop corn, r rear 2356 Grant av. Gilchrist Bernard, eng U P R R, r 2818 Washington av. Gilchrist Thomas, b rear 2356 Grant av. Giles Afton, student, b Plain City. Giles Charles, farmer, r Plain City. Giles E S, eng U P R R, r Evanston, Wyo. Giles Geneva, student Weber Academy, r Morgan, U. Giles Joseph, tailor, r 499 1/2 E 2d. Giles Oliver, b 499 1/2 E 2d. Gill Beulah B, b 3174 Washington av. GILL GROVER C, Sec and Treas Ogden Business College, r 2317 Jefferson av. Gill James A, clk S P Co, r 2517 Gramercv av. Gill Thomas, lab, b 141 W 21st. GILL VINCENT G, Mgr Salt Lake Tribune, 2438 Washing¬ton av, r 3174 Washington av. Gillam Katie, waiter Union Depot Hotel. Gillenbeck Frank C, died July 13, '09, age 45. Gilles Elizabeth (wid Mathias), r 438 E 22d. Gilles Gertrude, student Weber Academy, b 438 E 22d. Gilles Joseph J, carp, b 269 31st. Gilles Myrtle, bkpr Evans Bros Gro Co, b 438 E 22d. GILLETTE B FRANK (Gillette Coal Co), r 2856 Wall av, Ind Tel 297. GILLETTE COAL CO (A G Fell, B F Gillette), 153 W 27th, Both Tels 1074. (See adv.) Gilmore Mrs Amanda M, died Sept 24, '09, age 52. Gilmore Charles F, clk U P R R, b 2029 Madison av. Gillette Coal Company DEALERS IN All Kinds of Good Coal OFFICE AND YARDS BOTH PHONES 1074 153 W. TWENTY-SEVENTH ST. J.C. GALE GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of TeamWork. 715 28th St., Bell Te. 1036-Y 225 P. A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete. Estimates Furnished REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET FALSTAFF CAFÉ Wines, Liquors and Cigars Dining Rooms for Ladies “A Little Better Than Good Enough” C.M. Leedom, Propr. 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Gilmore Edward J, blksmitb T C Williamsen, b 2029 Madison av. Gilmore Mary M (wid John C), r 2029 Madison av. Gilmore Richard, driver E A Olsen, b 2029 Madison av. Gilmore Ruby L, emp Woody Ptg Co, b 2029 Madison av. Gilmore Wm J, driver Bnrgi & Linderman Co, b 2029 Madison av. Gilpin W R. emp U P R R, rms 2468 1/2 Washington av. Gilson, see also Jilson. Gilson Alice, nurse, Industrial School. Gilson Osborne B, asst mgr Union Portland Cement Co, r 821 25th. Gilson Willard G, student, b 821 25th. Gimlin John F, cond S P Co, r 233 23d. Gittins, see also Giddings. Gittins Fannie, housekpr, 1257 24th. Gittins Martha (wid Edward), r 2530 Van Buren av. Gittins Sarah, b 2530 Van Buren av. Gladwell Alfred, collr Deseret News, r 146 Wr 29th. Glandt August, cigarmkr Columbia Club C Co, r 667 26th. Glasmann Abraham L, student, b 724 24th. Glasmann Roscoe C, student, b 724 24th. GLASMANN HON WM, Mayor of Ogden, City Hall; Pub¬lisher Ogden Evening and Semi-Weekly Standard, 360 24th, Bell Tel 56-1, Ind 56, r 724 24th, Bell Tel 870. Glazer Bernice, b 327 29th. Glazer Charles T, driver H L Griffin Co, r 327 29th. Gleason D Edward, cond D & R G, b 2585 Fowler av. Gleason George W, switchman, b 2729 Hunter's ct. Gledhill Adam, clk, r 2826 Pingree av. Gledhill James E, mach, b 2826 Pingree av. Gledhill Viola, student, b 2826 Pingree av. Gledhill Wm R, electr, b 2826 Pingree av. GLEN ALEX (Glen Bros Piano Co), r 974 21st. Don’t Lend Your Directory Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West. Bell Phone 781 Ind. Phone 355 O.M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Always in the Market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l Nat. Bank, Ogden Utah Office and Warehouse 2263-2269 Wall Ave. |