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Show 140 VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS PARAGON TROUSERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. R.L. POLK & CO’S Chugg Nathan, student Weber Academy, b Farr West. Chugg Orley J, carp, b Farr West. Chugg Ray R, farmer, b Farr West. Chugg Victor, farmer, b Farr West. Church George L, electr S P Co, rms Arlington Hotel. Church of Jesus Christ of L D S, Tabernacle and Ward Meeting Houses. (See pages 38-39). CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Rev Wm W Fleetwood Rector, Grant av n e cor 24th. Churnes Joseph, miner, rms 2220 Lincoln av. Cigarmakers International Union of America No 367, Union Labor Hall. CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, 301 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 207, Ind 97. City Cemetery, R D Brown sexton, Jefferson av and 20th. City Courts, criminal div, Hudson av bet 25th and 26th, civil div City Hall. City Crematory, Richard Douglas mgr, 29th nr Park av. CITY DIRECTORY OFFICE AND LIBRARY (R L Polk & Co), with Carnegie Free Library, Washington av n w cor 26th. City Estray Pound, e s Washington av nr Ogden River bridge. City Feed Store (C T and Winslow Farr), 2214 Washington av. CITY FLORAL CO, Desmond J Barker Propr, Office and Store 413 24th, Bell Tel 1603, Ind 234. City Hall, Washington av s w cor 25th. City Hall Square, bet 25th and 26th, Washington and Grant avs. City Jail, Hudson av bet 25th and 26th. CITY LOAN AGENCY, Salary Loans, 316 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 193, Ind 1152. City Officers, City Hall. (See pages 26-30). City Pest House, 39th nr Washington av. CITY TRANSFER, H C Hall Propr, Baggage and Express, Coal, etc, 233 25th. Ind Tel 474. (See adv). CITY WATER WORKS, C H Kircher Mgr, Office City Hall, Bell Tel 137. Cizek Charles, tailor E C Christiansen, rms 437 24th. RELIABLE GOODS, PRICES RIGHT Ogden Furniture & Carpet Co. 2422 to 2434 Washington Ave 141 OGDEN MAIL ORDER CO., We Will Save You Money On Anything From a Pin to an Automobile Box 128, Ogden, Utah Utah Stationery Co. COMPLETE LINE OF MORMON PUBLICATIONS WASHINGTON AVE., S.W. COR. 24TH ST. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. CancyAgnes M (wid Thomas W), r 2923 Childs av. Clancy John H, carrier PO,b 2923 Childs av. Clancy Thomas W, clk Ry Mail Service, b 2923 Childs av. Clancy Viola M, tchr Mound Fort School, b 2923 Childs av. Clapp Campbell W, r 2328 Jackson av. Clapp Claude M, bkpr, b 2328 Jackson av. Capp James V, b 2328 Jackson ay. Clapp Lucy L, b 2328 Jackson av. Clare David F, r 3065 Lincoln av. Clare Josephine (wid David S), r 3065 Lincoln av. Clark Alice (wid Charles), b 2312 Lincoln av. Clark Alonzo, farmer, r 2 miles s w of Amal Sugar Co. Clark Alva E, potter, r 3136 Euclid av. Clark Carl D, tinner R L Smith, b 440 27th. Clark Cecil C, plumber Ogden Plumbing Co, r 22d bet Adams and Jefferson avs. Clark Charles, lab, r 2004 Madison av. Clark Charles A, livestock, b 2126 Washington av. Clark Clarence W, cond U P R R, r 440 27th. Clark Claude R, electr, b 355 28th. Clark Clyde S, student, b 2752 Washington av. Clark Edna, student, b 3136 Euclid av. Clark Edward C, paper hngr, r 2940 Pingree av. Clark Elmer J, rms 2320 Grant av. Clark Emma E, b Burch Creek. CLARK EZRA T, Dentist, Suite 219 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 1577. Hours 9 to 12 a m, 1 to 5 p m, r 2818 Grant av, Bell Tel 1300. Clark Florence, b 503 Lincoln av. Clark Frances H, b 2940 Pingree av. Clark Fred, lab, b 503 Lincoln av. CLARK FRED G, Physician and Surgeon, 217-218 First Nat Bank Bldg. Hours 10:30 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 p m, Bell Tel 401. r 3072 Washington av, Bell Tel 1635-Y. Ind 399. Clark Fred R, ball player, r 147 W 28th. Clark Isaac G, v-pres and treas I L Clark & Sons Co, b 2375 Madison av. CLARK ISAAC L, Pres and Mgr I L Clark & Sons Co, r Madison av, Ind Tel 3736-D. Clark Isabelle E, rms rear 447 27th. Lambert Paper Co., Both Phones 151 No. 380 23rd St., Ogden Wholesalers of Paper, Bags, Stationery, Printers’ Supplies, etc. |