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Show 40 CHURCHES—CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. EVANGELICAL. St Paul Evangelical Church (German)—575 23d. Services alter¬nate Sundays, 11 a m; Sunday School, 9 am. Rev P P Tester, Pastor; res 2739 Madison av. LUTHERAN. Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church, 575 23d. Services Sunday, 11 a m (Swedish) and 8pm (English). Sunday School, 10 a m (English). Rev J E Barrington, Pastor; res 2305 Jefferson av. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First M E Church—24th bet Washington and Adams avs. Ser¬vices Sundays; Sunday School, 10 a m; preaching, 11 a m; class meet¬ing, 12.00 m; Epworth League, 6:30 p m; preaching, 7:30 p m; prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7:30 p m. Rev G W McCreery, Pastor; res 454 24th. PRESBYTERIAN. Central Park Presbyterian Church—Washington av s w cor 31st. Preaching Sundays, 11 a m and 8 pm; Endeavor, 6:30 p m; Sunday School, 12 noon; prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7:30 p m. Rev. S C C Hickman, Pastor; res 3338 Washington av. First Presbyterian Church—Adams av s e cor 24th. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a m and 8 pm; Sabbath School, 12:30 p m; Society of Christian Endeavor, Sabbath evenings at 6:30; prayer meetings every Wednesday at 8 p m. Rev John E Carver, Pastor; res 729 25th. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. 1501 Washington av. No regular pastor or services. MISCELLANEOUS. Japanese Mission—324 23d. Rev Tadachige Suzuki, Pastor. Margaret Taylor Memorial Union Sunday School—519 W 24th. Sessions 3pm Sundays. Mrs H W Pratt Supt. Salvation Army—255 25th. Services daily, 8 pm; Sunday, 2:30 and 8 pm; Sunday School, 3 p m. Joseph R Pettit, Captain;res 582 25th. Industrial Dept and Hotel, 257 25th, Wm Lamont Mgr. W C T U—Meets alternate Wednesdays at homes of members. Mrs N F Craig, Pres; Mrs G A Muller, Sec. CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Assembly Club—149 25th. L W Fair, Pres; W H B Smith, Sec and Treas. Associated Press—360 24th. A D Gould and W A Kelly, Oper¬ators. 41 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. Association-of Ogden Ministers—Meet alternate Mondays. Rev J E Carver, Pres; Rev N S Elderkin, Sec. Bachelor's Club—M E Maurer Sec, 2539 Adams av. Catholic Knights of America (St Joseph's Branch, No 420)— Meets first and third Thursdays in each month, at home of Secretary. J E Clausse, Pres; W J Dermody, Sec. Elks' Club—2416 Washington av. J H Knauss, Sec. Epworth League (in connection with First Methodist Church)— H A Seip, Pres; Bertha Laird, Sec. Fruit Growers' Assn of Weber County—E G McGriff, North Ogden, Pres; C A Hickenlooper, View, V-Pres; John Farr, Ogden, Treas; J E Wright, Ogden, Sec; Grand Army of The Republic—See pages 43-44. Idle Hour Duck Club—214 First Nat Bank Bldg. J C Davis, Sec. Inter-Mountain Fair Assn—360 24th. D T Tracy, Sec. Iowa Association—2411 Washington av. John E Bagley, Pres; Mrs Walter Richey, V-Pres; O A Kennedy, Sec; Mrs Mary Griffin, Treas. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Congregational Church)—Meets at church every Thursday. Mrs H A Foster, Pres; Mrs W A McGaw, Sec. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First M E Church)— Meets 3d Thursday at 2:30 p m; Mrs Frances E Craig, Pres; Mrs T C Smith, Sec. Ladies' Mission Circle (in connection with First Baptist Church) —Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at homes of mem¬bers. Mrs H W Pratt, Pres.; Mrs A A Burt, Sec. Ladies' Missionary Board (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets second Friday of each month at 2:30 p m in church parlors. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs T Bradley, Sec. Mountain View Cemetery Association-—409 Eccles Bldg. J H Knauss, Sec. Musical History Club—Mrs R P Hunter, Pres; Miss Gertrude Biddell, V-Pres; Mrs J M Bishop, Sec; C A Smurthwaite, Treas. Ogden Caledonian Club—Meets 2d and 4th Tuesdays in Union Labor Hall. Wm Purdy, Chief; Wm McClure, Sec. Ogden Fruit Growers' Association-—413-414 First Nat Balk Bldg. J M Forristall, Mgr. Ogden Gun Club—2414 Washington av. Shooting grounds at Madison av cor 35th. Target practice every Wednesday. G L Becker, Pres; A L Brewer, Vice-Pres; A P Bigelow, Sec and Treas. Ogden Methodist Brotherhood—Meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays at First M E Church. W L Underwood, Pres. |