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Show 512 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047. P. O. Box 80. OGDEN, UTAH Allen's Baggage, Hack and Bus Line Office, 412 25th St. Both Telephones 22 R.L. POLK & CO’S Torgeson Carl, bottler Becker B & M Co, b 314 E 21st. Torgeson Gilbert, cutter Ogden Overall & S Co, r 314 E 21st. Torgeson Lorin G, bkbndr A T Hestmark, r 453 Stuart's la. Torgeson Orson A, brkman U P R R, b 314 E 21st. Torrey George A, painter, r 638 24th. Torry Archie B, clk C W & M Co, r 2377 Jefferson av. Totten Mrs S G, clk U S Forest Service, r The Virginia. Tout Fred M, saloon, 377 24th, r 2874 Adams av. Tout Glen L, student, b 2874 Adams av. Tout Samuel F, b 2874 Adams av. Towatari Takematu, barber, 205 25th, r same. Tower Edward M, mgr Golden Rule Merc Co, 2275 Wash¬ington av, r 1015 22d. Tower Harry K, clk S P Co, rms 2457 Lincoln av. Tower Philo A, clk Golden Rule M Co, b 1015 22d. Towle J L, fireman U P R R, r Evanston, Wyo. Towles Andrew, porter, r 134 W 28th. Towne Edna, b 1036 24th. Towne Frank F, trav agt, r 1036 24th. Towne Helen A, b 1035 24th. Towne Robert, hostler, e s Washington av 1 n of city limtis. Townsend Ernest W, mgr Gray News Co, Union Depot, rms 59 Orpheum Blk. Townsend Susanna, b 949 22d. Toy Robert M, eng, rms 856 25th. Toy Wm J, asst supt S P Co, r 856 25th. Toyodo George Y, porter Arlington Hotel. Tracy Aaron W, prin Marriott School, r w s S P Tracks nr 12th. Tracy Austin W, famer, r Wilson's la 2 w of Meeting House. Tracy Charles B, farmer, r n s 12th 2 w of S P Tracks. Tracy Charles B, eng O R T Co, r n s Wilson's la 1 mile w of D & R G Tracks. Tracy Dan, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Warren, U. Tracy David S, carp, r 241 21st. TRACY D THEODORE, Asst Bus Mgr The Standard, r 3228 Lincoln av, Ind Tel 3696-A. Tracy Ensign L, insp S P Co, r 2964 Pingree av. Tracy Florence, b Wilson's la 2 w of Meeting House. Tracy Helon H, carp, r n s 12th 3 w of O S L Tracks. J.C. GALE GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of TeamWork. 715 28th St., Bell Tel. 1036-Y 513 P. A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete. Estimates Furnished REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET FALSTAFF CAFÉ Wines, Liquors and Cigars Dining Rooms for Ladies “A Little Better Than Good Enough” C.M. Leedom, Propr. 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Tracy H Walter, bartndr Reed Hotel, r 2130 Royal av. Tracy Irma E, b 2627 Washington av. Tracy John M, ydman D & R G, r 349 26th. Tracy Joseph M, student, b 241 21st. Tracy Laura, laund Amer Linen Supply, b n s 12th 2 w of S P tracks. Tracy Mary E, b Wilson's la 2 w of Meeting House. Tracy Mary J (wid Wm W), nurse, n s 12th 1 w of S P tracks, r same. Tracy Mary J B (wid Henry H), r e s S P tracks 1 n of 12th. Tracy Pearl E, student, b 241 21st. Tracy Peter F, cond U P R R, r 1325 25th. Tracy Ray P, carp, b 241 21st. Tracy Royal C, carp, b 241 21st. Tracy Sarah, student, b N Ogden. Tracy Silas H, cond, r 2627 Washington av. Tracy Thomas A, herder, b e s S P tracks 1 n of 12th. Tracy Thomas W, student, b Wilson's la 2 w of Meeting House. Tracy Vera N, student , b 241 21st. Tracy Vina, student, b n s 12th 2 w of S P tracks. Tracy Warren F, b n s 12th 2 w of O S L tracks. Trades and Labor Organizations. (See pages 51-52.) Trainer Bernard, hlpr S P Co, rms 2515 Lincoln av. Trask A F, fireman U P R R, rms Union Depot Hotel. TRAVELERS INS CO (of Hartford, Conn), B H Goddard Agt, 412 Eccles Bldg. TRAVELERS INS CO (of Hartford, Conn), J M Forristall Agt, 414 First Nat Bank Bldg. TRAVELERS INS CO (of Hartford, Conn), W N Peirce Agt, 413 24th. Treseder Albert C, clk Watson-Tanner Clo Co, b 2610 Monroe av. Treseder Mrs Emily, r 2228 Lincoln av. Treseder Florence, clk O D Rasmussen, b 2228 Lincoln av. Treseder George, r 749 30th. Treseder George E, r 749 30th. Treseder Malcolm, carp C J Humphris, r 2350 E av. Treseder Richard M, carp, b 2610 Monroe av. Treseder R Raymond, student, b 2273 Jefferson av. Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West. Bell Phone 781 Ind. Phone 355 O.M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Always in the Market at top market prices. Reference. Com’l Nat. Bank, Ogden. Utah Office and Warehouse 2263-2269 Wall Ave. |