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Show 106 The School that has a reputation for Thoroughness and Discipline OGDEN BUSINESS COLLEGE (Incorporated) Bell Tel. 794 LEWIS BLOCK, 2447 Washington Ave. Ind. Tel. 925 G. C. GILL, Secretary. Day and Evening Ses¬sions. School all the year. Enter at any time Western Land & Investment Co., Limited Choice Farm and Fruit Lands under the Carey Act. Notary in Office 415-416 Eccles Bldg. Ind. Phone 657 R.L. POLK & CO’S Brooks Samuel P, r 2204 Grant av. Brooks S H, clk Geo A Lowe Co, r 2773 Grant av. Brooks Wilhelmina (wid Wm), r 2119 Grant av. Brooks Winifred A, b 2204 Grant av. Brookshier Leander F, clk S P Co, r 1167 24th. BROOM HOTEL, E B Brown Propr, 376 25th, Bell Tel 793 Ind (Booth) 1113. Brophy Fred A, cigarmkr Columbia Club Cigar Co, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy John, tender S P Co, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy Philip H, brkman, r 3175 Grant av. Brophy Philip H jr, mach S P Co, b 3175 Grant av. Broschensky Louise (wid Ferdinand) r Pacific av cor 35th. Brossard Alfonso, stockman, r 2229 Jackson av. Brostrom Niels P, lab, r 524 E 7th. Brostrom Wilfred, emp Utah Vinegar & Pickle Works, b 524 E 7th. Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron Ship Bldrs of America No 198, Union Labor Hall. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Amer Desert Div No 5, K of P Hall. Brotherhood of Railway Car Men of America, Wasatch Lodge No 370, Union Labor Hall. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Ogden Lodge No 6, K of P Hall, R A Irvine sec. Brotherton Louise S, opr Utah Ind Tel Co, b rear 348 28th. Browder Otis W, adv mgr Blackman & Griffin Co, rms 2620 Monroe av. Brown, see also Braun. Brown Adelbert C, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, b Five Points. Brown Adrian J, roofer, r 644 22d. Brown Albert, tmstr, r 2823 Washington av. Brown Albert J, canner, b 313 Adams av. Brown Alexander, r 306 2d. Brown Alfred, b 118 23d. Brown Almon D, farmer, b Farr West. Brown Alonzo W, propr Brown's Iron & Brass Works, 136 21st, r 639 22d. Brown Anna B, b 644 22d. Best line of Blank Books AT THE Ogden Office Supply Co. 355 24th ST. 107 Want a first-class meal or drinkg? Patronize the Elite Café 2415 Washington Avenue “HOME OF THE OUTFIT” BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Brown Annis B, dep County Recorder, b 2506 Madison av. Brown Arthur B, brkman U & R G, r 172 W 28th. Brown Arthur P, clk T H Carr, b 313 Adams av. Brown Augustus H, cook Stimson s Cafe, r 313 Adams av. Brown Austin C, agt, r 579 Cross. Brown Austin J, baker Ward's, b 579 Cross. Brown Beatrice V, clk Cardon Bros & Co, b 301 Adams av. Brown Bernice, clk, b 2920 Hudson av. Brown Bert L, cond S P Co, r Evanston, Wyo. Brown Charles C, capt Police Dept, r 2579 Madison av. Brown Charles C jr, collr, r 2637 Barlow ay. Brown Charles D, civil eng, r 2257 Moffit av. Brown Christopher J, clk Watson-Tanner Clo Co, r 552 26th. Brown Mrs Clara, clk O D Rasmussen, r 12 W 24th. Brown Clara A, tchr Lewis School, b 2579 Madison av. Brown Clay M, roofer, b 644 22d. Brown C Clyde, trav agt Ogden Paint, O & G Co, b 552 26th. Brown Delliah (wid Wm J), r 173 24th. Brown Dinah M, b 679 22d. BROWN DRUG CO, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Cigars, etc, 2201 Washington av, Bell Tel 475, Ind 490. Brown Edward A, emp Ogden S Laundry, b 118 23d. Brown Edward C, moved to Salt Lake City. Brown Edward F, mason, r 457 26th. Brown Eliza W (wid Thomas B), r N Ogden. BROWN ELLIOTT B, Propr Broom Hotel, 376 25th, Bell Tel 793, Ind (Booth) 1113. Brown Elzy H, farmer, b N Ogden. Brown Emma, stripper Columbia Club C Co, rms Woodman- see Blk. Brown Emmelene A, student Weber Academy, b Five Points. Brown Ernest P, died July 19, '09, age 33. Brown Ethel, b 3065 Washington av. Brown Eva, b N Ogden. Brown Eva E, tchr Central School, b 552 26th. Brown Mrs Eveline C, r 2911 Washington av. Brown Florence, dressmkr I L Clark & Sons Co, b 2920 Hud¬son av. Brown Francis N, lab, b 151 32d. Brown Franklin H, died Aug 3, '09, age 23. FURS Remodeled, Re-dyed and Repaired Stored for the Summer Months Elsen, The Furrier 423 24th St.-Peery Annex Bell Tel. 737-Y |