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Show 464 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047, P. O. Box 86. OGDEN, UTAH Allen’s Baggage, Hack and Bus Line Office, 412 25th St. Both Telephones 22 R.L. POLK & CO’S Shipp Margaret J (wid Joseph), r 956 23d. Shipp May L (wid J Edward), r 304 33d. Shipp Wm M, electr Ogden Elec S Co, b 956 23d. Shiramizu Frank, domestic Utah School for the D and B. Shirk Clarence J, cook E A Munsey, b 2234 Monroe av. Shirk John F, r 2657 Lincoln av. Sholl Horace J, clk, b 640 24th. Shontz Harry O, barber G W Hill, r 2455 Grant av. Shore Arthur, lab, r 3191 Grant av. Short Cynthia A, b Farr West. Short Edgar D, mgr Congress Dancing Academy, 2442 Grant av, rms Reed Hotel. Short Ira T, farmer, b Farr West. Short Irene T, tchr Utah School for the D and B. Short Joseph, fireman, rms Cottage Hotel. Short Joseph, wheeler Ogden P Brick & T Co, b Harrisville Short Margaret M, b Farr West. Short Radna, student, rms 260 24th. Short Reuben L, farmer, r Farr West. Short Temple, farmer, r Farr West. Short Willis, electr S P Co, rms Arlington Hotel. Shorten D George, floorwalker W H Wright & Sons Co, b 521 27th. Shorten Elsie E, student, b 521 27th. Shorten George, Sanitary Insp, City Hall, r 521 27th. Shorten Mabel M A, cashr W H Wright & Sons Co. b 521 27th. Shorten Norman E, salesman, b 521 27th. Shorten Ralph E, student, b 521 27th. Shreeve Edgar T, fireman, b 2546 Madison av. Shreeve Mrs Emma C, r 2548 Madison av. Shreeve Ivena M, stenog Ogden Whol Grocery Co, b 2626 Barlow av. Shreeve Mrs Mary W, r 2626 Barlow av. Shreeve S Arthur (Shreeve & Madsen), b 2546 Madison av. Shreeve Thomas A, grocer, 2546 Madison av, r same. SHREEVE & MADSEN (S Arthur Shreeve, D Leo Madsen). Architects, 405-406 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 809-Y Shriber Carl C, embalmer A F Richey, rms 2552 Washington av. J.C. GALE GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of TeamWork. 715 28th S., Bell Tel. 1036-Y 465 P. A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete. Estimates Furnished REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET FALSTAFF CAFÉ Wines, Liquors and Cigars Dining Rooms for Ladies “A Little Better Than Good Enough” C.M. Leedom, Propr. 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Shrider Daniel O, foreman, r 3002 Wall av. Shrider Stanley, student, b 1951 Grant av. Shugrue Thomas T, driver Volker-Scowcroft Lbr Co, b 809 27th. Shugrue Timothy, died Aug 17, '09, age 54. Shuler Leroy D, mach S P Co, rms 239 22d. Shuman Benjamin, fireman, rms Cottage Hotel. Shumway Roy B, mgr Ogden Turf Exch, 326 25th, r 583 31st. Shupe Alexander P, blksmith P R Shupe, b 722 26th. Shupe Andrew C, driver, b 722 26th. Shupe Andrew J, wool buyer, r 1834 Washington av. Shupe A Raymond, lather, r 3208 Washington av. Shupe Brigham, motorman O R T Co, r 1840 Adams av. Shupe Bros (S C and P G) blksmiths, N Ogden. Shupe Clora E, b 1834 Washington av. Shupe David C, agt, r N Ogden. Shupe Etta (wid Daniel W), b 2121 Adams av. Shupe Hyrum A, contr, 3181 Adams av, r same. Shupe Isaaac L, welder S P Co, r N Ogden. Shupe John W, ice, r 1820 Washington av. Shupe Lettie, student, b N Ogden. Shupe Louisa C (wid James W), r N Ogden. Shupe Myrtle A, b 3181 Adams av. Shupe Parley G (Shupe Bros), r N Ogden. Shupe Peter R, blksmith, 2634 Washington av, r 722 26th. Shupe Royal J, student, b 1834 Washington av. Shupe Ruby N, b 3181 Adams av. Shupe Sarah L (wid Thomas C), r N Ogden. Shupe Solomon C (Shupe Bros), r N Ogden. Shupe Walter, student, b 1820 Washington av. SHUPE-WILLIAMS CANDY CO THE, W H Williams Pres and Treas, Manufacturing Confectioners, Wall av s w cor 26th, Both Tels 225. Shurtliff Albert D, r 570 25th. Shurtliff Almeda (wid Louis C), r 360 18th. Shurtliff Charles J, tmstr Ogden P Brick & Tile Co, r Harrisville. Shurtliff Clyde, student, b 530 31st. Shurtliff Cora M, tchr, b Harrisville. Shurtliff Cornelia (wid Noah), r Harrisville. Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West. Bell Phone 781 Ind. Phone 355 O.M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Always in the market at top mark prices. Reference: Com’l Nat. Bank, Ogden Utah Office and Warehouse 2263-2269 Wall Ave. |