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Show 50 SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Ogden Lodge No 2—Meets in K of P Hall every Monday even¬ing at 8 o'clock. F E Grant, C C; A E Pratt, V C; A J Thon, Pre¬late; L E Somerville, M at A; W G Kind, M W; W L Underwood, K of R and S; W W Crossman, M F. Pythian Sisters—Calanthe Temple No 1—Meets Saturday after¬noons at 2:30 at K of P Hall. Mrs Iola Blackman, M E C; Mrs Lottie McGaw, M of R and C; Mrs L M Hodge, Treas. Uniform Rank—Meets Mondays at K of P Hall. H C Wardleigh, Col; A M Hodge, Captain. Lincoln Co No 2—A M Hodge, Capt; Amos Hudson, Rec. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Utah Camp No 9990—Meets every Tuesday at 8 p m at Eagle Hall. P A Farris, V C; J H Shafer, Clerk. NATIONAL UNION. Wasatch Council No 520—340 25th. Regular meeting third Mon¬day of each month. A A Wenger, Pres; Edward Auth, Fin Sec; Joseph Baumeister, Treas. ORDER OF OWLS. Ogden Nest No 1218—Meets 2d and 4th Wednesdays in I O O F Hall. Thomas Leslie, Pres; J M Marshall, Sec. ROYAL ARCANUM. Rocky Mountain Council No 637—Odd Fellows Hall. Instituted Jan 14, 1882. Meets 2d and 4th Thursdays of each month. P A Herdti, Regent; J B Roberts, Sec; Wallace Foulger, Treas; J W Wotherspoon, Collector. ROYAL HIGHLANDERS. Ogden Castle No 25—Meets 1st and 3d Mondays in Eagle Hall J B Grace, I P; Alice Collins, Sec. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. Excelsior Camp No 3240—Meets 2d and 4th Mondays in Eagle Hall. Mrs India Sawyer, Oracle; Miss Lillian Newton, Recorder. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Weber Camp No 74—Meets every Thursday evening in K of P Hall. Samuel Kline P C; A T Wykes, C C; R B Paine, Matthew Gait and Wm Piggott, Managers; Edward Auth, Clerk; George Huss, Banker. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. Sego Lily Circle No 174—Meets 2d and 4th Mondays evenings in Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs Kate Heyman, Clerk; Mrs June Macbeth, Banker. 51 Street Railways-Trades and Labor Unions. Ogden Circle No 581—Meets every Wednesday evening at K of p Hall Mrs Sarah Ranson, G N; Mrs Marie Crites, Clerk; Mrs Mamie Planz, Banker. street railways. Ogden Rapid Transit Co—2378 Washington av. David Eccles, Pres; M S Browning, V-Pres; G H Matson, Sec; H H Rolapp, Treas; J W Bailey, Supt. Theatres. Globe Theater—2530 Washington av. H A Sims, Mgr. lsis Theater—2512 Washington av. H A Sims, Mgr. Joie Theater—2410 Washington av. J B Ellis, Mgr. Lyceum Theater—269-271 25th. J R Nuckolls, Mgr. Ogden Theater—420 25th. Wm Allison, Mgr. Oracle Theater—2476 Washington av, H A Sims, Mgr. Orpheum The—2520 Washington av. Trades and Labor Organizations. Central Trades and Labor Assembly—Meets 2d and 4th Monday in Union Labor Hall. Wm D Watson, Pres; Joseph Oliver, Sec. Amalgamated Assn of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America No 418—Meets 2d and 4th Mondays in Union Labor Hall. Arthur Ramsden, Pres. Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers International Alliance No 341—Meets 2d and 4th Tuesdays in Union Labor Hall. John Quinn, Sec. Bartenders Union No. 643—Meets 2d and 4th Sunday in Union Labor Hall. W H Wright, Sec. Brick and Stone Masons' International Union of America No 3— Meets in Union Labor Hall Fridays. W B Jones, Sec. Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron Ship Builders of America No 198— Meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays in Union Labor Hall. W E Sackett, Sec. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. American Desert Divi¬sion, No 55—Meets in K of P Hall Mondays. E A Peck, C E; G H Wardleigh, F A E. Brotherhood of Railway Car Men of America. Wasatch Lodge No 370—Meets in Union Labor Hall 2d and 4th Fridays. Sherman Hudson, Sec. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Ogden Lodge No 68—Meets Thursdays in K of P Hall. R A Irvine, Sec. Carpenters and Joiners of America No 450—Meets Wednesdays Union Labor Hall. Thomas Haley, Sec. |