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Show 182 J. F. Everett & Co., Livery, Sale and Boarding Stable 2219 Washington Ave. Phones: Bell 876, Ind. 500 Up-To-Date Rigs Abstracts of Title D.W. Ellis Abstract Co. (Licensed and Bonded) Under First National Bank R.L. POLK & CO’S Dye Richard, farmer, r Burch Creek. DYE SAMUEL G, County Clerk, Court House, Sec Riverdale Canning Co, Both Tels 101, r rear 632 23d, Bell Tel 1194-K. Dykeman Charles O, driver Hub C & D Wks, b Sullivan and Van Buren av. Dykeman Luther W, lather, r Sullivan and Van Buren av. Dykeman Mrs Martha, clnr Hub C & D Wks, r Sullivan and Van Buren av. Dykeman Robert, lather, b Sullivan and Van Buren av. Dykstra Henry, bottler Becker B & M Co, r 180 W 20th. E Eagan, see Egan. Eagelston James W, ins agt, r 726 23d. Eager Harvey W, fireman Calvert & Leek, r 3592 Adams av. Eagle Hall, 427 25th. Earl Gertrude, tchr Weber Academy, b 2031 Jefferson av. Earl Robert H, clk S P Co, r 2539 Adams av. Earle Oliver, troubleman Utah Ind Tel Co, r 2760 Jefferson av. Easley Elizabeth, b 2313 Lincoln av. Easley Henry P, emp Davenport & Co, r 2313 Lincoln av. Easley Lydia, b 2313 Lincoln av. Easley Nettie, b 2313 Lincoln av. Eastman Adam E, cond, r 173 Poplar av. Eastman Mrs Ellen F, r rear 2234 Washington av. Eastman Ephraim, lab, r 2227 Moffit av. Eastman Heber, plstr, r 566 23d. Eastman Leonore, stenog E A Stratford, b rear 2234 Wash¬ington av. Eastman Nina I, clk Last & Thomas, b 163 Poplar av. Eastman Rebecca (wid Charles), r 163 Poplar av. Eastman Wm E, fireman U P, b 566 23d. Eatinger Charles H, insp U P R R, b 381 22d. Eaton E Henry, emp Eccles Lbr Co, r 756 W 24th. Eayrs, see also Ayers. Eayrs John, watchman, r 728 25th. Ebeling Carl A, clk Ragan Grocery Co, b 667 23d. E.J. JONES & CO. Yard, 2830 Wall Ave. Phone, Bell 753-X DEALERS IN LUMBER, LATH, DOORS AND SASH 183 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. THE ECCLES PAINT & GLASS CO. 323-325 24th St. Ind. 40 “A Good Place to Buy Good Paint” Bell 88 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Ebeling Rudolph, butcher, r 667 23d. Eberhardt John, brewer Becker B & M Co, r 282 E 21st. Eberle Jacob, jeweler J S Lewis & Co, r 2249 Madison av. ECCLES BUILDING, Wm Moyes Mgr, Offices For Rent (Room 322), 24th s w cor Washington av. Eccles Celia S, student Weber Academy, b 2555 Jefferson av. Eccles Charles S, student Weber Academy, b 2746 Madison av. ECCLES DAVID, Pres Eccles Lumber Co, First Nat Bank, Ogden R T Co, Utah Constn Co, Amalgamated Sugar Co, Pres and Mgr Oregon Lumber Co, 154 24th, r 2580 Jefferson av, Bell Tel 204. ECCLES DAVID C, Mgr Eccles Lumber Co, Pres Eccles Paint & Glass Co, Sec and Treas Utah & Oregon Lbr Co, Treas Oregon Lbr Co, r 607 25th, Ind Tel 478. Eccles David H, student Weber Academy, b 2746 Madison av. Eccles Erma E, student Weber Academy, b 2555 Jefferson av. Eccles Jack, student Weber Academy, b 2580 Jefferson av. Eccles Joseph M, student Weber Academy, b 2580 Jefferson av. Eccles Le Roy, gen supt Amal Sugar Co, r w s Eccles av 3 s of 25th. Eccles Lila, student Weber Academy, b 2580 Jefferson av. Mailing Lists of All Kinds Furnished by R. L. POLK & CO Salt Lake City J.P. O’Neill Construction CO. CONTRACTORS Street Paving Sewers and Walks 423 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. Bell Tel. 621 Ind. Tel. 908 |