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Show 144 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bel. 1047, P. O. Box 88. OGDEN, UTAH Allen’s Baggage, Hack and Bus Line Office, 412 25th St. Both Telephones 22 R.L. POLK & CO’S Clegg Stella b 2629 Hudson av. Clegg Wm D, emp S P Co, r 2850 Childs av.. Cleghorn Ivy, tchr Weber Academy, b 2670 Monroe av. Cleland Alexander J, farmer, r 895 Canyon rd. Clements Charles E, checkman Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, r 2346 Lincoln av. Clenny Mrs Kate, furn rooms, 336 24th. Cleveland George E, instr Industrial School. Cleveland Henry A, moved to Gooding, Ida. Cleveland Walter N, r 1062 24th. Clifford Archibald F, farmer, r N Ogden. Clifford Chloe, b N Ogden. Clifford Frank T, farmer, r N Ogden. Clifford Harry, moved to Salt Lake City. Clifford Joel, farmer, r N Ogden. Clifford John W, carp, r 3343 Washington av. Clifford Maude, clk O D Rasmussen, b 2209 Washington av Clifford Rosetta (wid Franklin G), r N Ogden. Clift Fred (Rollow & Clift), rms 10 M E av. Clifton Alexander J, canner, r 2832 Nye av. Clifton Alice J, stenog, b 2832 Nye av. Clifton George A, switchman, r 2325 Jefferson av. Cline, see also Kline. Cline John W, foreman, r 704 23d. Cline Mrs Nellie M, tchr Five Points School, r 704 23d. Close Albert E (Close & Jenkins), r 3011 Wall av. Close Hezekiah, cigarmkr Close & Jenkins, b 2136 Reeve av. Close Tames W, insp, r 2136 Reeve av. Close & Jenkins (A E Close, G W Jenkins), cigars, 208 25th. Closson, see also Clawson. Closson Benjamin F, clk, b Windsor Hotel. Clothier Marshall M, r 1684 Cahoon av. Cloudman Lulu, stenog, b 507 Douglas av. Cluster Augustus, barber, rms 368 24th. Coalter, see Coulter. Coates P C, fireman U P R R, r 160 23d. Coates Ray, trunkmkr D I Gallacher & Co, rms 2406 Wash¬ington av. Coath Frederick, died Nov 23, '08, age 55. Coats John J, eng, r 2515 Lincoln av. J.C. GALE GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of TeamWork. 715 28th St., Bell Tel. 1036-Y 145 P. A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete. Estimates Furnished REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET FALSTAFF CAFÉ Wines, Liquors and Cigars Dining Rooms for Ladies A Little Better Than Good Enough” C.M. Leedom, Propr. 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Coats Robert L, repr D& R G, b 2106 Washington av. Cober Benjamin A, clk W U Tel Co, b 125 James ct. Cober Frank A, brkman, r 123 Poplar av. Coburn Abbie I, stenog J G Read & Bros Co, b 462 E 17th. Coburn Franklin L, student, b 462 E 17th. Cochran Ellen (wid Daniel), r 2313 Grant av. Cochran Jacob L, porter D A Smyth, rms European Hotel. Cochran Sousa, hostler W E Williams, rms 239 25th. Cochran Wm C, mach, b 2313 Grant av. Codd Frank C, brkman, r 129 Shorten's av. Cody Arthur, brkman U P R R, r 269 33d. Cody Henry, clnr S P Co, rms 2679 Wall av.. Coen Frank, clk, rms 336 24th. Coen Mrs Rose, ironer Superior S Laundry, rms 336 24th. Cohen, see also Kohn. Cohen Benjamin, clothing, 162 and 252 25th, r 255 27th. Cohen Jacob, peddler, b 354 23d. Cohen Ethel (wid Morris), b 2363 Jefferson av. Cohen Rebecca, student, b 255 27th. Colant Winifred, student, b 2563 Grant av. Colby Blanche E, music tchr, 2626 Quincy av, b same. Colby Emma S (wid George), b 2626 Quincy av. Colby J Burns, opr W U Tel Co, r 2626 Ouincy av. Cold Water Creek Irrigation Co, G S Dean sec, N Ogden. Cole, see also Kohl. Cole A L, fruits, 2267 Washington av, r same. Cole Charles M, r 240 26th. COLE CHARLES R (Cole & Butts; Compressed Air Vacuum House Cleaning Co), r 2821 Grant av, Bell Tel 581-K. Cole Edward, lab, b Wilson's la 1 w of Wilson Ward School. Cole Ida, domestic, 505 27th. Cole Joseph, porter Small & Rogers, r 122 22d. Cole Leonard B, shoer Peter Ernstrom, r 2220 Washington av. Cole Margaret, laund Ogden Gen Hospital. Cole Otto A, driver H L Griffin Co, b 240 26th. Cole Rachel, domestic, 2720 Adams av. Cole Samuel P, carp, r rear 240 26th. Cola Viola (wid Ulysses G), b 358 E 11th. Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West. Bell Phone 781 Ind. Phone 355 O.M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Always in the Market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l Nat. Bank, Ogden, Utah Office and Warehouse 2263-2269 Wall Ave. |