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Show 306 The School that has a reputation for Thoroughness and Discipline OGDEN BUSINESS COLLEGE (Incorporated) Bell Tel. 794 LEWIS BLOCK, 2447 Washington Ave. Ind. Tel. 925 G. C. GILL, Secretary. Day and Evening Ses¬sions. School all the year. Enter at any time OGDEN MUSIC CO. "Everything in Music" 2370 Washington Ave. R.L. POLK & CO’S Knight Marion, farmer, r Plain City. Knight Richard, student Utah School for the D and B. Knight Sarah E (wid John), r 2262 Monroe av. Knight Shepherd, cook E A Munsey, rms 2712 Lincoln av. Knight Stephen, farmer, r Plain City. Knight Wm, farmer, r Plain City. Knight Wm A, tmstr, r 2228 Monroe av. Knight Wm L, student, b 2228 Monroe av. Knight Wm T, farmer, r Plain City. Knighton D Wm, millman, b 1142 Farr's av. Knighton Eliza (wid George), b 1142 Farr's av. Knighton Melvina, clk, b 1142 Farr's av. Knighton Samuel H, carp Newton & Burnham, r 1142 Farr's av. Knights of Pythias Hall, 409 24th. Knisely Philip W, salesman Geo A Lowe Co, r 2513 Adams av. Knocke Emil, painter, r 3239 Wall av. Knocke Louis E, cigarmkr Henry Wessler, r 2916 Hudson av. Knoder Charles W, fireman U P R R; r 2220 Read av. Knoder Edward, eng U P R R, r 2220 Read av. Knotts Sulser A, carp, r 2364 Van Buren av. Knowles Bert, painter, b 2758 Lincoln av. Knowles Elizabeth, nurse, Reed Hotel, b same. Knowles Ida. domestic, 660 26th. Knowles M Easton, clk S P Co, b 2517 Gramercy av, Knowlin Charles A, painter, b 354 23d. Knowlton Viola, tchr Weber Academy, b 2031 Jefferson av. Knudsen Nels, mgr Riverside Milling Co I790 Washington av, r 468 E 17th. Knudson Clarence, wheeler Ogden P Brick & T Co, b Harrisville. Kobayashi Chiyo, clk Wakimoto & Nishimura, r 2231 Adams av. Koch, see also Cook. Koch Christian, student, b Farr West. Koch Glenn D, plumber W J Dallimore, b 2331 Adams av. GARRISON, FOSTER & GARRISON PHONES: BELL 393, IND. 671 2411 WASHINGTON AV. Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Insurance 307 ELECTRIC SUPPLY & FIXTURE CO. Phones—Bell 346; Ind. 346 Wholesale and Retail CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS 2448 Washington Ave. “HOME OF THE OUTFIT” BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. KOCH JOHN B, Mgr Ogden Planing Mills Co, 2160-2170 Washington av, Ind Tel 666, r Farr West (R F D 3), Ind Tel 3607-A. Koch Margaret C, loans, rms 437 24th. Koch Peter, emp Amal Sugar Co, b Wilson's la 3 w of Wil¬son Ward Meeting House. Koepp George W, mgr, r 2368 Tyler av. Koepp Verna A, tchr Dee School, b 2368 Tyler av. Koer Antony E, moved to Rupert, Ida. Koerner Carlene, b 521 24th. Koerner Mrs Grace G, b 521 24th. Kohl, see also Cole. Kohl Stanley E, clk Ry Mail Service, r 1035 22d. Kohler, see also Coler. Kohler Ernest, clk, rms 128 25th. Kohn, see also Cohen. Kohn A Leon, liquors, 2348 Washington av, r 2363 Jefferson av. Kohn Bernice, b 2363 Jefferson av. Kohn Philip A, cashr D & R G, r 878 23d. Kohn Siegmund, clk A L Kohn, r 579 24th. Kokolas Arris, emp Amal Sugar Co, b same. Kokolas Louis, emp Amal Sugar Co, b same. Koldewyn Arend, farmer, r 929 Canyon rd. Koldewyn Arend M, clk Watson-Tanner Clo Co, b 929 Cay- yon rd. Koldewyn Derk, salesman Lambert Paper Co, r 1 s of 3299 Stephens av. Koldewyn Henry, ydman George A Lowe Co, r 1879 Park av. Riverside pk. Koldewyn Herman, clk L H Becraft, b rear 825 28th. Koldewyn Wm A, emp Ogden S Laundry, r rear 825 28th. Kolios George, candy mkr Olympia Candy Co, rms 2313 Washington av. KOMADA TAUNESABURO, Pres Continental Supply Co, r San Francisco. Koning Ida, dressmkr Las & Thomas, b 2332 Harrison av. Koning John, appr Wasatch Ptg Co, b 2332 Harrison av. Koning Joseph, emp A L Scoville Press, r 2332 Harrison av. Koning Susan, dressmkr Last & Thomas, b 2332 Harrison av. Watson-Tanner Clothing Co. “NEWPORT” Union Made Overalls 376 24th St. Shoes, Hats and Furnishings |