Title |
2004-2005 Weber State University Catalog |
Creator |
Weber State University |
Description |
This collection consists of copies of the annual catalog issued by Weber State University from 1991 to the present. |
Subject |
State boards of education; Universities and colleges--Curricula--Catalogs; Faculty; Ogden (Utah); Weber State University |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA |
Date Original |
2004; 2005 |
Date |
2004; 2005 |
Date Digital |
2015 |
Item Description |
5.6 X 8-11 X 8 inch |
Conservation Notes |
paperback book |
Type |
Text |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Master Quality |
400 PPI |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Public Domain. Courtesy of University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Source |
LD 5893.W5C33 Weber State University Archives |
Format |
application/pdf |
ark:/87278/s62phd7e |
Setname |
wsu_cat |
ID |
19849 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s62phd7e |
Title |
Degree Requirements - Page 37 |
Creator |
Weber State University |
Description |
This collection consists of copies of the annual catalog issued by Weber State University from 1991 to the present. |
Subject |
State boards of education; Universities and colleges--Curricula--Catalogs; Faculty; Ogden (Utah); Weber State University |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA |
Date Original |
2004; 2005 |
Date |
2004; 2005 |
Date Digital |
2015 |
Item Description |
5.6 X 8-11 X 8 inch |
Conservation Notes |
paperback book |
Type |
Text |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Master Quality |
400 PPI |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Public Domain. Courtesy of University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Source |
LD 5893.W5C33 Weber State University Archives |
OCR Text |
Show 37 A student may not use a given course to satisfy both the general education requirements and the above requirement for the Bachelor of Science; however, certain courses used to complete a program of study (major, minor, support/elective) may be used to fulfill the Bachelor of Science requirement. Following is a list of courses approved to be used to fulfill the Bachelor of Science requirement. Students should consult with an advisor before selecting general education courses. College of Applied Science & Technology SI Courses AutoSv SI1320-SI1362 Specialized Electricity & Electronics (4) AutoTc SI4220 Advanced Diagnosis (2) CS SI 1022 Software Development Using Pascal & Delphi (4) CS SI 1023 Selected Programming Language (4) CS SI 1130 Intro to UNIX and C (4) CS SI 1220 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ (4) CS SI2650 Computer Architecture & Assembly Language (4) CS SI2750 Object Oriented Analysis & Design (4) CS SI3200 Data Structures & Algorithms Using C++ (4) CS SI3750 Software Engineering (4) CMT SI2330 Concrete Technology (3) CEET SI3010 Advanced Circuit Analysis I (4) METSI2100 Statics (3) MET SI2300 Strength of Materials (4) MET SI3600 Thermodynamics (3) MET SI4400 Fluid Mechanics (3) MET SI 4600 Heat Transfer (3) MfET SI2300 Statics and Strength of Materials (5) MfET SI2410 Quality Assurance & Improvement (3) MfET SI3310/L Material Selection & Heat Treat and Lab (4) MfET SI4300 Design of Experiments (2) MfET SI 4600 Manufacturing Simulation (3) TBE SI4710 Traffic Technology & Voice Network Design (3) College of Arts & Humanities SI Courses Engl SI3010 Intro to Linguistics (3) Comm SI3150 Communication Research Methods (3) John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics SI Courses BusAdm SI3500 Intro to Business Research (3) IS&T SI2110 Software Development I (4) LOM SI3500 Computer Models/Applications (3) LOM SI4410 Materials and Inventory Management (3) LOMSI4610 Simulation (3) Quant SI2400 Business Calculus (3) Quant SI2600 Business Statistics I (3) Quant SI3610 Business Statistics II (3) Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education SI Courses ChFam SI3850 Current Research Methods in Child & Family Studies (3) Health SI4013 Health Promotion Research & Assessment (3) PE SI3500 Kinesiology (3) PE SI4600 Measurement for Evaluation & Research (3) Educ SI 4530 Principles & Applications of Special Education Assessment (3) Dr. Ezekiel R. Dumke College of Health Professions SICourses CLS SI3302 Advanced Clinical Laboratory Practices I (4) CLS SI3314 Advanced Clinical Chemistry (3) DenSd SI2230 Oral Health Research & Statistics (2) DenSci SI4780 Baccalaureate Thesis (3) DMS SI4143 Quality Assurance (3) HIM SI3200 Epidemiology & Biostatistics (3) NucMed SI4333 Quality Assurance (3) Nursng SI3020 Nursing Research (2) Nursng SI3030/S13031 Nursing Assessment Across the Lifespan with Clinical Experience (2/1) Nursng SI4800 Guided Research (1-3) RadTec SI3443 Quality Assurance in Radiology (3) RadTec SI4943 Baccalaureate Thesis (3) RadThr SI4446 Quality Assurance (3) ResThy SI3900 Clinical Simulation Seminar (2) Honors Program SI Course Hnrs PS/SI 1500 Perspectives in the Physical Sciences (3) College of Science SI Courses Botany LS/SI 1370 Principles of Life Science (3) Botany SI2104 Plant Form and Function (4) Botany SI2114 Evolutionary Survey of Plants (4) Chem PS/SI 1050 Intro to General, Organic & Biochemistry (5) Chem PS/SI 1110 Elementary Chemistry (5) Chem SI 1120 Elementary Organic/Biochemistry (5) Chem PS/SI 1210 Principles of Chemistry I (5) Chem SI 1220 Principles of Chemistry II (5) Chem PS/SI 1360 Principles of Physical Science (3) Geosci PS/SI 1030 Earthquakes & Volcanoes (3) Geosci PS/SI 1110 * Dynamic Earth: Physical Geology (3) & Geosci 1120 * Physical Geology Laboratory (1) * both of these courses must be taken before a student receives credit toward the B.S. degree Geosci PS/SI 1130 Intro to Meteorology (3) Geosci PS/SI 1350 Principles of Earth Science (3) Geosci SI3010 Math SI 1210 Math SI 1220 MathEd SI3060 MathEd SI3070 MathEd SI3080 MathEd SI4040 MathEd SI4100 Micro LS/SI 13 70 Micro LS/SI2054 PhsxPS/SIlOlO Phsx PS/SI 1030 Phsx PS/SI 1360 PhsxPS/SI2010 Phsx SI2020 PhsxPS/SI2210 Phsx SI2220 ZoolSIlllO ZoolSI1120 Zool LS/SI 1370 College of Social & Anthro SI3400 Anthro SI4300 CJ SI4980 Geogr PS/SI 1010 Geogr SI4050 Geogr SI4990 Geront SI3400 Geront SI3600 PolSc SI3990 Psych SI3600 Psych SI3610 Soclgy SI3600 Soclgy SI3660 SoclWk SI3700 Oceanography and Earth Systems (3) Calculus I (4) Calculus II (4) Probability & Statistics for Elementary Teachers (3) Geometry for Elementary Teachers (3) Number Theory for Elementary Teachers (3) Mathematical Problem Solving for Elementary Teachers (3) Intuitive Calculus for Elementary Teachers (3) Principles of Life Science (3) Principles of Microbiology (4) Intro to Physics (3) Intro to Astronomy (3) Principles of Physical Science (3) General Physics I (5) General Physics II (5) Physics for Scientists & Engineers I (5) Physics for Scientists & Engineers II (5) Principles of Zoology I (4) Principles of Zoology II (4) Principles of Life Science (3) Behavioral Sciences SI Courses Archaeological Laboratory Techniques (3) Anthropological Research Methods (3) Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3) Natural Environments of the Earth (3) Quantitative Methods in Geography (3) Research Seminar (3) Methods of Research: Social & Behavioral Research (4) Social Statistics (3) Intro to Political Science Research (3) Statistics in Psychology (3) Research Methods in Psychology (4) Social Statistics (3) Sociological Research (3) Social Work Research (3) General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ- GENED Jnterdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS/BAT LIBSCI INTRD MINORS Applied Science & Technology CEET CS MFET/MET CMT CDGT ENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Ms* Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART Business * Econ MBA MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T Education MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC Health Professions CLS DENSCI PAR AMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2004-2005 Catalog |
Format |
application/pdf |
Setname |
wsu_cat |
ID |
21914 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s62phd7e/21914 |