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Show 40 GROUPS - HUMANITIES Honors Hnrs CA1530 Perspective in the Creative Arts (3) An thropology Anthro HU/DV2300 Language & Culture (3) Music Music CA1013 Intro to Music (3) Art Music CA 1023 Evolution of Jazz (3) Art HUl 115* Humanities on the Internet (3) Music CA 1033 Intro to American Music (3) Comm unica ti on Music CA 1053 Music of World Cultures (3) Comm HU 1020 Principles of Public Speaking (3) Music CA 1063 Music in Religion (3) Comm HU 1050 Intro to Interpersonal & Thea tre Small Group Communication (3) Theatr CA 1013 Intro to Theatre (3) Comm HUl 115* Humanities on the Internet (3) Theatr CA 1023 Intro to Film Studies (3) CommHU2280 Mass Media and Society (3) Theatr CA 1033 Intro to Acting (3) Foreign Language Theatr CA 1043 Intro to American Music Theatre (3) ForLngHU1851 Study Abroad (3) orForLngHU2851 Study Abroad (3) Social Sciences ForLngHU2010 Foreign Language Second Year I (4) Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Honors Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, HnrsHU1530 Perspectives in the Humanities (3) Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Ba ch elor of In tegra ted Studies HnrsHU2110 Intellectual Traditions: Select six (6) credit hours in addition to the American Great Ideas of the West in the Institutions requirement. Classical and Medieval Eras (3) HnrsHU2120 Intellectual Traditions: Each course must be from a different program (e.g. have a different course Great Ideas of the West abbreviation), with the exception ofHnrs - Honors courses. in the Modern Era (3) HnrsHU/DV2130 Intellectual Traditions: Associate of Applied Science Great Ideas of the East (3) Select three (3) credit hours. Library Science LibSciHU1115* Humanities on the Internet (3) GROUPS - SOCIAL SCIENCES Literature An thropology ForLngHU2700 Intro to Foreign Lit in Translation (3) Anthro SS/DV1000 Intro to Anthropology (3) Engl/ForLngHU1115, Humanities on the Internet (3) Anthro SS/DV2000 Peoples and Cultures of the World (3) Engl HU2320 Intro to Fiction (3) Anthro SS2100 Principles of Archaeology (3) Engl HU2330 Intro to Drama (3) Child and Family Studies EnglHU2340 Intro to Poetry (3) ChFam SS 1500 Human Development (3) Engl HU2500 Intro to Literature (3) EnglHU2510 Masterpieces of Literature (3) Criminal Justice EnglHU/DV2710 Perspectives in Women's Literature (3) CJ SS1010 Criminal Justice (3) Engl HU3500 Introduction to Shakespeare (3) Economics EnglHU3510 World Literature (3) Econ SSI010 Economics as a Social Science (3) Engl HU3520 Literature of the Natural World (3) Econ SSI 100 Environmental Issues & Engl HU3750 Themes and Ideas in Literature (3) Economic Policy (3) Music Econ SS2010 Principles of Microeconomics (3) Music HU 1043 Music, the Arts & Civilizations (3) Econ SS2020 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) Philosophy Geography PhiloHUlOlO Intro to Philosophy (3) Geogr SS/DV1100 Places & Peoples of the World (3) PhiloHU1120 Contemporary Moral Problems (3) Geogr SS/DV1520 Geography of the U .S. and Canada (3) PhiloHU1150 Critical Thinking (3) Gerontology Theatre Geront SS 1010 Intro to Gerontology (3) TheatrHU1115* Humanities on the Internet (3) Health Promotion and Human Performance * HUl 115 is cross listed in Art, Communication, English, Foreign Health SS 1030 Healthy Lifestyles (3) Languages & Literature Library Science and Theatre. History Hist SS1010 World History to 1500 (3) GROUPS - CREATIVE ARTS Hist SS/DV 1020 World History Since 1500 (3) Art Honors Art CAIOIO Intro to the Visual Arts (3) Hnrs SS1520 Perspectives in the Social Sciences (3) Art CA1030 Studio Art for the Non-Art Major (3) Hnrs SS2110 Intellectual Traditions: Art CA1090 Art & Architecture of the World: Great Ideas of the West in the Paleolithic - AD 1000 (4) Classical and Medieval Eras (3) ArtCAllOO Art & Architecture of the World: Hnrs SS2120 Intellectual Traditions: Great AD 1000 to Present (4) Ideas of the West in the Modem Era (3) Hnrs SS/DV2130 Intellectual Traditions: Dance Great Ideas of the East (3) Dance CA/DV 1010 Intro to Dance (3) Weber State University 2004-2005 Catalog |