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Show MEduc 6680. Chemistry for Secondary Teachers (3) A background in the basic concepts related to matter, its properties, and its reactions is provided. Laboratories investigate concepts applicable to secondary classrooms. Activities associate science content with appropriate activities designed to develop process skills, laboratory skills, and positive attitudes toward science. MEduc 6690. Earth Science for Secondary Teachers (3) A background in basic concepts relating to the information, development, and history of the earth is provided. General concepts of the structure, composition, and modification of the planet (atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere) are investigated through laboratory activities applicable to secondary classrooms. Activities emphasize inquiry and appropriate activities for developing content, process skills, laboratory skills, and positive attitudes toward science. Utah Center of Excellence for Chemical Technology Director: Dr. Edward B. Walker Location: Science Lab Building, Rm 503M Telephone: 801-626-7444, FAX: 801-626-7445, Email: ewal ker@weber. edu I he mission of the Center of Excellence for Chemical Technology is to enhance the learning environment at Weber State University. The Center involves students and faculty in applied research activities that concomitantly provide extra-curricular learning opportunities, service to the community, and productive relationships with local and regional industries. Director: Dr. Keith Harrison Location: Lind Lecture Hall 104 Telephone: 801-626-6653 I he Museum of Natural Science is an educational facility available to students in elementary and secondary schools, college students, and members of the community. Exhibits of interest include Plate Tectonics, Valley Glaciation, Continental Glaciation, The World of Neanderthal Man, the Grand Canyon District, Edward S. Curtis Indian Photographs, the Ichthyosaur, Dimetrodon, Allosaurus, Sabertooth Tiger, Petroglyphs, sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, minerals, fossils, and geological models. Teachers wishing instructional materials and/or activities concerning the Museum's exhibits should contact the Director of the Museum of Natural Science, 801-626-6653. The Museum is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on holidays. Student group visits are encouraged in the afternoon. Planetarium Director: Dr. Stacy Palen, SL 209 Telephone: 801-626-6871 Web Page: physics.weber.edu/planet/ott.html I he Planetarium, featuring a 30- foot hemispherical dome, is used for instruction in undergraduate astronomy classes. It is also a science education facility featuring programs of interest to elementary students, secondary students, and the general public. For the general public, a program featuring some topic of current interest in astronomy is given one evening a week. Any teacher wishing instructional materials or wanting to set up an appointment for a class visit should contact the Director of the Planetarium, or the Director of the Center for Science & Mathematics Education, 801-626-6855. PREMEDICAL PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS For information call Julie Baker, Secretary, Department of Zoology, SL402, 801-626-6165. Students pursuing one of the following programs should satisfy the pre-professional requirements while completing a bachelor degree within the College of Science. Students should work closely with both their pre-professional advisor and their academic major advisor. Since course loads are typically heavy, and requirements and application procedures vary among post-graduate programs, students should plan their academic strategies early and with full information. Advisement Students should be familiar with requirements in the Weber State catalog and consult with the pre-professional advisor and an advisor in their major department. Advisor Emphasis Pre-Dentistry Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical & Pre- Occupational Therapy Pre-Physician's Assistant Dr. Karen Nakaoka Pre-Veterinary Medicine Dr. Ron A. Meyers Room Telephone Dr. Glenn Harrington SL308M 626-7299 Dr. Kent Van De Graaff SL403 626-7486 Dr. Kent Van De Graaff SL403 626-7486 Dr. J. Neil Jensen SL405M 626-6587 Dr. Bobby Herrera SGI 18 626-6211 SL306M 626-7509 SL409 626-6170 ia General Education Refer to pages 36-41 for general education requirements. Any general education course taken as part of a pre-medical/profes- sional program may also be counted toward general education requirements. Engl ENIOIO and Engl EN2010 fulfill the English competency requirement. Math QL1050 fulfills the Quantitative Literacy requirement. Course Requirements for Pre-Medicine The goal of the pre-medical program is to prepare students for a national competitive examination (the MCAT) and for medical school admission and courses. The pre-medical program is compatible with a variety of majors. Pre-medical classes and/or emphases exist within several departments of the College of Science. Courses Required (74-75 credit hours) Zool SI 1110/SI1120 Zool 2100 Zool 2200 Zool 3200 Zool 3300 Micro LS/SI2054 Principles of Zoology I & II (8) Human Anatomy (4) Human Physiology (4) Cell Biology (4) Genetics (4) Principles of Microbiology (4) Chem PS/SI1210/SI1220 Principles of Chemistry I & II (10) Chem 2310/2320 PhsxPS/SI2010/SI2020 Engl ENIOIO &EnglEN2010 Engl 2100 or Engl 2250 or Engl 3210 or Comm HU 1020 Organic Chemistry I & II (10) General Physics (10) Intro to Writing (3) Intermediate Writing (3) Technical Writing (3) Creative Writing (3) Advanced College Writing (3) Principles of Public Speaking (3) WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY 2004-2005 CATALOG |