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Show DID YOU KNOW Did you know that: Andy has decided that he would rather be a janitor than a cheer leader, because the response from the students was so delicate at the last game. That Carpe Diem and I-Wannan- O think that their little pleading song brought the Little Brown Jug home. Aren't they conceited! That unless you little juniors are awfully good, Saint Nick will not leave you a membership card to some exclusive club. OUR GIRLS' CREED Our creed project has been completed, girls. Now in every room there hangs a lovely framed copy of the creed. We are proud of the fine work and wish to thank Mrs. Irwin and everyone else who took part in this project. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Busy Senior: 'Tis true that artificial light on a field at nighty is available, but we just cannot furnish artificial heat; consequently, the majority of our support would be at home by the radio, if we had our games on these cold, crisp, nights. Do hope that you will be able to see the game Friday. We're sorry we cannot please everyone. Thank you! Come again. AUNT JANE. THANK YOU, WEBER In appreciation of the kind letter of sympathy that the Weber Coun¬ty High school student body sent to O. H. S. at the sad death of Grant Moyes, the students of O. H. S. wish to thank you, Weber, and say that we recognize you as the best of sports. Thank you again, Weber. Ogden High School Student Body. A MUCH APPRECIATED GIFT When Dr. A. F. Blanko of the University of California was at the high school on Friday last he pre¬sented the school with a handsome volume of "Phi Beta Kappa Ora¬tions" since 1820. The gift is much appreciated as it contains many of the most scholarly orations delivered during the past one hundred years. TO PARENTS Parents are advised that school opens at 8:30 o'clock and all stu¬dents are expected to report regu¬larly at that hour, as if they were at a regular job. The roll is called at that time and students not pres¬ent are reported as absent for the day, the same as they would be in regular employment. THE GAME OF THE YEAR Our game Friday is the most im¬portant one to be played this year. Box Elder is as yet undefeated and so if he can beat them it will send their hones for region chamoionship a-glimmering, and will intro¬duce any number of interesting sit¬uations. Let's make it interesting. KEEP THEM OUT Ogden has built a wonderful sta¬dium—but she hasn't a suitable fence around it. An entrance fee is supposed to be paid but youngsters and many grown-ups refuse to pay admittance so long as they can scale the fence and enter free. We think the fence should be pa¬roled during the entire game and none admitted wtihout payment. Ogden High School Notes October 30, 1930 GARNET BRADSHAW Editor Pro Tem "So enjoy your own rights and not injure those of others." ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Attention, all of you young Apollos and fair Cleopatras! Although, our football dance has been cancelled, you do not need to be down-hearted, because on November 21, Ogden High is going to have a Thanksgiving dance. The teachers want us to have something to be thankful for. So kind teachers—thank you. Fellows, now is the time to get your date. "First come, first served." If you want the pick of the lot get your dates NOW. Girls, you'd better be awfully nice, because the dance is going to be one of the best ever given. HALL OF FAME We nominate to the hall of fame: Helen McKay, because lately she has become "air-minded"; because she thought Miss Chesney was cruel to give her such a low mark as A- plus. Jack Hilton, because he feels sor¬ry for "that line" when it is hit so hard; because he is "Flaming Youth" in all its glory. Roland Corry, because if he were as experienced in studying as he is in using the "little hammer," he might be sn "all A" student. Be¬cause he says he is "too bashful to ask a girl to the Thanksgiving dance. Poor Roland. ALL SET Now we are all set. One of these bright mornings we shall be receiv¬ing a certain little book called the Classicum. The associate editors for the Classicum have been chosen. They are: Helen Lindquist and Arleen Sessions. They are both fine students and with Helen McKay as editor we can certainly expect an unusual quarterly. CARPE DIEM Tears, laughter, friendship, roses, a lovely ceremony ,and the result— ten thrilled pledges and ten even happier members to congratulate them. Yes, we have pledged , some of the finest girls in Ogden High school, namely, Annita Van Dyke, Elaine Evans, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Helen Tanner, Kate Heiner, Elaine Stevens, Irene Gilmore, Annabelle Barker, Echo Vaughn and Beth Carr. All of these girls, we are certain, will be true to Carpe Diem and co-operate with us in making our school a better and happier place for ev¬eryone. Our only regret is that we cannot take in all the lovely girls, but whether you are in "Carpe" or not please remember that every day is the best day of the year and en¬joy it with us.—L. M. CONGRESS The meeting of Congress held Monday was a momentous one. A new precedent . was established. Congress challenged Forum. The latter seemed a bit stunned at first, but we trust that they will recover. The debate is to take place the lat¬ter part of November or perhaps the early part of December and will be one of the proposed subjects for state debate. After the challenge had been giv¬en and accepted, Congress proceed¬ed to the order of the day—a debate on the subject: "Resolved: That hain stores are a detriment to the community." The affirmative was upheld by Marion Ensign and Mick¬ey Wedell, the negative by Virginia True and Dorothy Nelson. The de¬cision was in favor of the negative. After criticism and discussion on the debate the meeting was adjourned. Z-Z-Z-Z! Z-Z-Z-Z! The Brigham Bees are buzzing loudly. They are coming down here to Ogden Friday to try to sting the Tigers. Gang, are we going to let them do it? , Well, if we're not we shall ALL have to go out to that stadium Fri¬day and yell for all we're worth. Is that much? Perhaps our teachers will say no—NOT MUCH. Anyway, students, let's show the Bees that it is not an easy thing to sting our Ti¬gers. Just remember—teams don't win by fighting alone, but by every yell that protrudes from the mouths of the students. If we win this game we have a chance for the championship—so come one, come all, support your team. GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL The first results in volleyball in the afternoon classes were as fol¬lows: Grizzlies, Ruth Knight 13; Torna¬does, Virginia True, 11. Racketeers, N. L., 17; Bunkies, Madge Garner, 12. Nifty Nines, Dorothy Broom, 16; Sans Souci, Isabel Wadley, 9. Fire¬flies, Geraldine Fitzgerald, 13; Drag¬ons, Julia Cain, 8. Pep Rika Georgia Layton, 11; Bears, Holly Arthur, 10. Midgets, Nora Hawkins 19; Gold Bugs, Burnett Dabell. 13 Red Devils, Naomi Wells, 15; Blue Fliers, Eloise Brewer, 9. APPRECIATION We appreciate the wonderful art exhibit that our most competent and efficient art advisor has given us. We wish to tell you, Mr. Stewart, that we do honor your beautiful paintings. It has been a pleasure to picture gaze while going through the halls. We hope you will con¬tinue always in paintins so that everyone can enjoy your work as we do. Ogden High School Notes October 31, 1930 [Garnet Bradshaw, Editor Pro Tem) Do not waste time, for that is the stuff of which life is made.—Ben-jamin Franklin. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are now in order Cor the three fortunate juniors who gained membership into our club to¬day. It was a very close race, but in the end Harriet Robison, Marian Stewart and Leone Hendrickson came out with flying colors and pledges to Zeta Phi Zi. We only hope our new members will enjoy and get as much pleasure out of our club as we do. VELLA PHILLIPS, Reporter. HALL OF FAME We nominate to the Hall of Fame: Kate Heiner, because when Carpe Diem made her a pledge she sighed and said, "Really, I don't know how they managed to progress this long without me." Ellis Cragun, because he is sc powerful that when he blows hi! horn he has to fasten his music t the stand in order that it won blow off; because each morning n i takes reducing exercises. Gerald Buehler. because when h puts his hair tonic on his hair he can't wear a hat—it slides off. WE ACKNOWLEDGE The students of Ogden High wis to say that we acknowledge the Moran Junior college's V-A-R-D-A a a very excellent little newspaper. Jim DeVine, one of our former students, is associate editor of th V-A-R-D-A. Good luck, Jim! LUCKY GIRLS This year only six girls could b honored by being chosen as sponsors. The lucky girls were: Haz Schenck (lieutenant colonel); Lorn Malan (major); Ortell Aadneson (company A); Arlene Hampton( (company B); Helen Simpson (com¬pany C), and Yvonne Pierce (band) We offer you congratulations girls. You were lucky, and we are proud of you. Please, girls, inspire the boys sd much that they will take the laurel: in the spring. OUR CLASSICUM STAFF The members of the quarterljl staff are as follows: Helen McKay, editor-in-chief Marion Ensign, assistant editor; Helen Lindquist, associate editojr Arleen Sessions, associate editor, Preston Mulcahy, business manager- Andrew Brunetti, sports editor; Dora Handy, exchange editor; John Hop¬kins, humor editor; Lorna Malan, society editor; Carol Pfisterer, typ¬ist; Irene Gilmore, typist; Frances Fish, typist; Mary Islaub, typist; Kiyoko Oda, artist; June Harrison, cartoonist. This is a marvelous lineup. We are expecting big things in the line •of literature from "Our Staff." AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Inquisitive Senior: Our Thanksgiving dance will be informal, just as all of our dances are. We want you to come to have a really enjoyable time, not to be in a fashion show. Our dances are to stimulate good will and friendship among our stu¬dents. Thank you! Come again. AUNT JANE. COUNCIL MEETING Council was caiie to order by President Corry. The minutes were read and approved. Marion Ensign reported on the clubs which had handed in their constitutions. This report was accepted. Mr. Brunetti asked council to appropriate for the cheer leader's suits as he had been unable to get them. Mrs. Irwin stated that they had written to last year,s leaders, and that the suits should come soon. It was moved and seconded that if last year's suits were unavailable council wouldi provide for them through the aid oft the committee. Beta Zeta Tau aria A. D. M. were granted parties for the coming week. Mr. Mulcahy asked that the requests for club parties be handed in a week before the party. He also stated that no a clubs were allowed parties on a w school night. The president announced that there would not be a football dance, but a Thanksgiving dance. The junior class officers and the social committee have charge of theis dance. Two letters commending the student body were read The names for the quarterly staff were submitted and voted on hose elected were: Assistant ed¬itors, Helen Lindquist and Arleen Sessions. Year book, Clyde Bassett; and Charles Wood. It was moved and seconded that we go on with . the regular business while the bal¬lots were being counted. The motion was passed. It was suggested that everyone sit in a group at the coming games. Pom-poms were then brought up for discussion. It was moved and seconded that a com- r mittee of three be appointed to have charge of these. The motion as passed. The committee appointed was Andy Brunetti, Earl Reeves and Jack Carr. Council then adjourned —Raymond Raty secretary A SWELL LETTER The following is one of the best letters received at the high school for a long, long time. It comes from Dr. J.R. Morrell and is addressed to Ogden High School Activities, Mr. William Abplanalp, treasurer. Dr. Morrell writes: "I am enclosing your check for $35, sent me in payment for treatment of the injuries of a student of the Ogden High school. I am very glad to do this work for you without any charge, as I feel that this $35 can be applied in some way in your activities to better advantage than by paying this bill." Dear Peppy Seniors: We like your enthusiasm immensely. Our next game will be at Logan, with Logan, on November 7, Keep up your enthusiasm. AUNT JANE. AN APPRECIATION Dr. Moyes and family have sent us the following letter which shows how just "a little deed of kindness done, will help to cheer the saddest ones." "Dear Friends; "We wish to thank you for the beautiful floral tribute and fr the loving kindness and thoughtfulness which you extended to us in the loss of our son. Grant, your school¬mate and friend "Sincerely yours, "Dr. and Mrs. G. G. Moyes and Marjorie." Ogden High Club Chooses Cast. 'Big Sister' Week Held; Future Farmers Elect; Comedy, Presented; Rings Chosen. OGDEN, Oct. 16.—Ogden igh's damatic art club held try-outs re¬cently for its first play, "The Ghost Story," to be given Hal¬loween. The cast includes: Andrew Bru¬netti, Burnadette Weddell, Lorna Eavens, Dorothy Knowlton, Mil¬dred Drake, Jim Riley, Raymond Raty, Sheldon Winkler. Stage managers are George Thatcher and Phillip Weeks. "Big Sister" Week. As a culmination of "Big Sister" week, the girls of Ogden high held a costume party in the school as-sembly room. About 300 girls at¬tended. Eight clubs were represent¬ed by stunts, prizus for first, sec¬ond and third place being award¬ed to Phi Lamba Tau, Zeta Phi Xi, and Carpe Diem New "Veil Musters. At a student council meeting Tuesday at Ogden high, Andrew Brunetti was chosen yell master. There were five candidates. Play Read. OGDEN, Oct. 31.—Wednesday af¬ternoon at Ogden high school, Miss Mary Wooley, of. the dramatic art department, read the school play, "The Arrival of Kitty," which will be presented in December. The play wil be cast by the try-out system and all students of the school are invited to enter. R. O. T. C. Appoints. Captain Roy Sparks, commandant of the R. O. T. C. at Ogden high school, announces the following appointments effective today: Lieut. Colonel, Jack Hilton; major, Jim Riley; first lieut. Gilbert Tolhurst; captain of band, Lafe Snyder. Company A"—Captain, Glenn Judd; first lleut., Porter Anderson: second lieut., Joseph Foley; third lieut., Dan Code, extra. Company "B"—Captain, Eldon Lowham; first lleut., David Mor¬rell; second lieut., Fred Morris: third lieut., Charles Peterson .ex¬tra. Company "C"—Captain, Ernest Steimle; first lieut., Ellis Stoker; second lieut. Max Clark; third lieut. Doyle Hales extra |