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Show of debating. We hope to attend several more such important de¬bates this year. —Ruth Ames. A NEW HIGH SCHOOL Everyone has heard of the kinder¬garten that was burned down to get someone into the first grade. Why not use the same incendiary measures to procure a new high school? The whole process could be ar¬ranged by a committee of three. Number one of the committee could quietly put carbolic acid in the soup of one of the dignitaries of the present building. Naturally, a full holiday would be declared for the funeral, and the building would be vacated except, perhaps, for Harry and Prank, who could be warned by Number Three of said committee. Number Two could drop a continuous winding trail of gasoline froiri one room to another, placing especial stress on the so-called auditorium or gym. Number Three would then place a lighted match at the be¬ginning of trail, and, with other members of committee, immediately attend movie to avoid suspicion The fire department, like the po¬lice force, could be bribed at least until the structure was beyond re-covery. Then, my dear students, rather than have its future citizens de¬scend into the oblivion of ignor¬ance, the city would undoubtedly provide a new high school. —A Suggestive Student. Scope and Operation of the First Amendment to the Federal Consti¬tution. Your English teachers, Miss Woolley, or Mrs. McKey, will be glad to help you, girls. The prizes, first and second, are lovely medals. Get busy and win a medal. COACH ILL Coach Simkin has been ill with the "flu" since Friday last. We wish him a speedy recovery. Tigers Face Weber Machine; Spirited Contest On Docket Championship Game Is Scheduled For Weber High Gymnasium WEBER HIGH and Ogden High, old athletic rivals, battle Friday night in their first court session of the season at the Warrior gymnas¬ium. Both teams are undefeated in the Ogden division race, each hav¬ing two victories, and the winner this week-end will automatically jump into the leadership in the hec¬tic pennant race. The two fives will meet again late in the season on the Tiger court. Both fives are putting in over¬time preparation for the champion¬ship encounter. Indications point to four periods of sensational play. The Tigers disposed of Box Elder and Bear River in opening league encounters and the Warriors dupli-cated this feat. On paper the teams appear to be evenly matched with the Tigers favorites if one is to cast a lot with any team. The Orange Streaks, however, will rule favorites by a narrow margin, the width of a cat's whisker. Dixon Kapple of the Tigers was undecided today as to his starting lineup. "I wish I knew what my starting lineup will be," said Kapple today. "I must make a number of changes and may not select the starting five until game time." Tomlinson, forward and center, and one of the aces of the Tiger five has quit school and returned to Idaho. His loss is sure to cripple the chances of the Tigers in their remaining games. OiTtop of thisToss tne Tiger mentor announces that Anderson, guard, may not perform in the Weber con¬test. He suffered an ankle injury last week in the contest against Bear River. ! Hilton and Hunter may start at forwards with Kinner at center and Foley at one of the guard positions for Ogden. Jack Harbertson, for¬mer star at O. H. S., is back in togs, and looks good to start either on the guard line or at forward. Har¬bertson may round out the com¬bination Kapple has sought all sea¬son. Dick Thorne, the handsome coach at Weber High, will start the same, five that started against Box Elder last week. Captain Joe Chandler will per¬form at center. Sarlo and Lambert will hold down the forward posts and the elongated Wade and Strat¬ford will be in action on the guard line. Weber has shown tremendous im¬provement this season, with practi¬cally a new team in togs, and prom¬ises to make things interesting for the Tigers. "We have a nice team, one that is performing splendidly as a unit, and I look for a great battle with Ogden as the result of this team play," said Coach Thorne today. Interest in the first of the two- game Ogden-Weber series is at a high pitch and indications point to a capacity crowd when the two fives take the court. Merlon Stevenson and Malcolm Watson, veteran officials, will handle the game. The contest is scheduled for 7:30 p. m. sharp. Ogden High School Notes February 12, 1931 Ruth Greaves, Editor. Be a man—buy a beret! If everything was milk and honey, we would all pass away from the sheer sweetness of the thing. There must be variety in everything, and having good days and poor days is no exception to that general rule. CONGRATULATIONS Hip-Hip-Hoo-Ray! Three cheers, a slap on the back and all other expressions of congratulations, Bob!! We're proud of you! To those who; remain in darkness we might say that Bob Kimball has just gained the appointment of first alternate to Annapolis and what could have been a wiser appointment! We feel sure that Bob will do himself proud and glorify his alma mater. Don't! worry, girls, Bob won't leave usi 'till the end of school. The in¬augural duties of the Classicum rest in his hands. ONE OR THE OTHER Tomorrow night is certainly go¬ing to be a night of importance for O. H. S. Two events—Cadet Hop and the most decisive game of the year—Weber vs. Ogden. Certain¬ly, we haven't a student in High school who is going to miss both the game and dance. If you can't go to the one—be sure to go to the other, and if possible, go to both. There's plenty time. It's really un¬fortunate that two such affairs should—may we say, conflict? Nev¬ertheless, support your school one way or the other. Things are sure to turn out all right if we all put our shoulder to the wheel. HOOP NEWS AND HOP NEWS Ewwything is in fine shape for the Cadet Hop. Every Cadet is working hard to sell tickets. The crack company is in the best of shape. Sergeant Halloway has one of the best companies this year. All of the committees have reported their work is in good condition. What could be more perfect than an exciting game followed by an en¬trancing military ball? Don't forget students ,we will see you all at the dance tomorrow night after the game. —Lieut. Col. Hilton. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: We're two lovely little seniors who haven't dates for the Cadet hop. Last year we both had dates for all the dances (not last-minute dates either) and we both treated our boy friends at the girls' dance. Can't you please help us out by suggest¬ing to the boys that they get dates or suggesting to us some way to Intrigue them so they'd ask us?— Two Unhappy Seniors. All right, boys! Call the girl you've had on your mind so long right now! These aren't the only two girls who haven't dates and even though-it's rather late—better late than never. You can't miss this dance. Come m—help us make the Cadet hop ;he success that the girls made the Accolade. Are you willing? It takes rou. AUNT JANE. Dear Aunt Jane: It is appropriate for fellows who are not in the R. O. T. C. to get dates for the Cadet hop. Respectfully, A.A.F. Yes, Dear A. A. F., it is very' much so. Everyone is invited. Call again. AUNT JANE, SAD LOSSES Death, the Grim Reaper, has deprived two high school students of their fathers during the present week. We extend to these, students,Eleanor Buschell and Hurlow Wheeler and the families the heartfelt sympathy of all students and teachers of the Ogden High school, We wish that we might, by some word or deed, help them in these sore hours of trouble. COUNCIL MEETING Council was called to order by President Corry. The minutes were read and approved. Miss Ensign asked for all new club members' names to be handed to her, and she gave a detailed report of the en¬ rollment of all clubs and their' members. It was moved and sec¬onded that this report be accepted .and the club committee be given a vote of thanks. The motion was passed. The S. O. S. club was granted a party for Feb. 14, Gregg Artists 20, and Joie Francaise 21, Andy reported for the beret committee. This report was accepted 'and the committee was given a vote ;of thanks for their work so far ,On behalf of D. A. C., Mr. Brunett apologized for selling bars at the game without council's permissio. I to sell and asked for permission tc . undertake this job in the remainin s basketball games. This request war granted them. It was moved anc seconded that the chair be giver permission to appoint a new par-liamentarian for the next six week". The motion was passed and Mr. Reeves was appointed. Mr. Brunetti submitted a new plan of represen¬tation in council. Article 9 of the constitution was read. Meeting then adjourned. RAYMOND RATY, Secretary. Ogden High School Notes February 13, 1931 This is the night! Surely every student of high school will be at either the game, the Cadet hop, or both. All right—we'll see you there. In regard to the success of the crack company display, we must thank the high school band for its commendable co-operation with the cadet corps. The crack company owes much of its excellent outcome to the musical accompaniment. It seems that complete success for the Cadet hop is indispensable, but if the students fail to support this dance, a poor showing will result. The extra-curricula faction of our school has produced a successful crack company, and an excellent band, so the student body must furnish the other necessary element —a joyous crowd. We can not urge attendance too much, because this dance is an annual affair of which we are proud: —Frisby. TIGERS BARE FANGS If you're going to miss a game, don't, oh don't miss this one to¬night. If only fOr Mr. Peterson and Dave's sake, help the Tigers defeat Weber. But it's for our good, the privilege that we are fighting for, league leadership, and a chance to go to the state tournament. We must not lose to Weber! If the sixth, -man will keep on with that good old pep and boost the team every. minute we'll surely make things plenty interesting for the Warriors. The'floor is plenty big and there'll be plenty of chance for a mighty fine demonstration of what good basketball really is.'Wear your berets! Don't miss it, gang! And get there early! HAVE YOU ONE? Snappy, er? Yes, sir; they're classy little berets and just radiate pep and display our good old school colors to a T. When we walk in on the other schools they'll pale with envy when they see how much en¬thusiasm and spirit those little be¬rets create. We still have some left to sell, and if you haven't .bought yours yet then we'd like to sell you one! And now, where's the guy that said we ain't got no pep! I'm gon¬na knife him! (Poetic license.) —Snoopy. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Where is our next game going to be played? In our gym or out at Weber? Is it proper for boys to wear tams around school. —Pal. Our game tonight with Weber High is to be played at the Weber High gymnasium. It starts prompt¬ly at 7:30. As to your other question, it is just as improper to wear a tam in school as it is a hat or cap. Make all the use of them otherwise as you can. —Aunt Jane. HOOP NEWS This is Owl announcing the tour¬nament results for Wednesday morning. Second period, Snakes de-feated Wolves 8-5; Hawks won over Big Tigers 3-2. Third period, Green Dragons were defeated by We Fight¬ers 5-4; Hyenes defeated Gorillas 19-3. Fourth period, Orange Streaks lost to Lucky 13's 7-0; Dirty Dozen won over TNT5's 8-2. Third period stands as follows for first half: Won. Lost. Pet We Fighters 3 0 l.Ml Green Dragons ..... 1 2 ,3331 Hyenas . 2 1 .6861 Gorillas 0 3 .000 I Fourth period : Lucky 13's 3 1 .750 1 Dirty Dozen 3 1 .750 1 Orange Streaks 2 2 ,500 I TNT... 0 4 .000 1 Results of Wednesday afternoon's games: Fifth—Racketeers won over! Grizzlys 3-1, Bunkys defeated Tornadoes 8-2. Sixth: Sans Sanci was defeated by Dragons 6-2, Nifty 9's emerged victorious over Firefiys 6-4.' Peprikes lost to Bears 6-2. Seventh. Midgets won over Gold Bugs 8-6.1 Question Marks lost to Red Devils I 4-2. The three teams stand as follows for the first half of the tournament: Fifth— Won. Lost. Tied. Pell Racketeers .... 3 0 0 l.OOOfl Grizzlys 1 1 1 .531 Bunkys ..' 1 1 1 -50M Tornadoes .... 0 3 0 .0091 Sixth: Won, Lost. PC,I Dragons .. 3 0 I OC I Bears 2 1 .691 Sans Sanci ......... 2 1 .681 Pepirikes . l 2 .3311 Nifty 9's ............ 1 2 .3331 Firefly 0 3 .00(1 Seventh: Question Marks ..... 3 1 .75M Midgets ..... 3 1 .7501 Red Devils 2 2 .50M Gold Bugs 1 3 .2M This is Owl signing off. Them will be more later. Goodby. CHATTER AND CHAFF Jerry Fitzgerald says she doesn't want a Valentine, she wants a Valentino. The well-dressed man and the well-dressed woman these days it! flashing an orange and black beret. Keep up with the styles. John Purdy wonders where all thel good looking dames of the juniofl class are this year. A NEW HIGH SCHOOL All of the students of the Ogden High school have been asking tbtl board of education to procure a ceffB high school for us. The answer that we may have a new high schotl if we obtain the money for Itft construction. So students, I ha an ideal method with which we can obtain this money. We shall retd in all cheap magazines advertisements asking boys and girls to twenty bottles of perfume at cents a bottle. We will do this, a then, when we get quite a few pria for selling the perfume, we shall these at reasonable prices to soem store; thus ,if everything worlu. we may have within the ne two or three generations money a new high school. Oh well, th will be fast work if you conptit what others are doing for us. --Francis Burton. Ogden High School Notes February 16, 1931 A NIGHT DIVINE Attention! Report on the annual O. H. S. Cadet Hop, held in the Berthana ballroom, Friday evening, February 13: Wonderful. Clean cut cadets. Crack company extraordinary. Sponsors sweet. Music military. Programs proud. Decorations decisive. Sweethearts on paarde. Evervbodyl happy. We salute Captain Sparks, Lieutenant Holloway, Sergeant Mayer, Director Hanson, and all their cadet assistants for a superbly splendid evening of long to be remembered enjoyment. |