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Show Thomas A. Edison, Charles Lind¬bergh, Dad Beeson and Paul Goddard. Have you purchased your beret? Be sure to have it by next Friday for our game with Box Elder. AN INTERESTING TALK Jim Scowcroft gave us a very in¬ teresting talk over the radio on Monday morning, giving us many! reasons why, as high school students, we should interest ourselves in the label contest. We feel sure that we are going forward now with a new impetus and determination to put the high school on the map in this enterprise. Ogden High School Notes February 18, 1951 Easy victories are not so sweet as those we fight for. COME ON, LET'S GO Students, there won't be a Cadet Hop this Friday so you must attend the game. Box Elder has shown tremendous improvement of late and is coming here intent on winning. We must win! All of us should be there rooting for the Tigers, help¬ing them to maintain their pep and present league-leading pace. If the "Streaks" are going to Salt Lake for the state tourney, gang, you have to help them just a little. Your stu¬dent body tickets are good. The game is at the Weber gym at 7:30. Here is the song that so many of you should but don't know. Learn it and be ready to sing it Friday at the game! Oh, we are with you boys. We're for dear old Ogden High. We will win this game. You'll Fight; we know you'll try. Oh, boys, come on iet's go! The time will soon be drawing Nigh; victory will be ours; you'll win for Ogden High. R. O. T. C. After the delightful crack com¬pany display, the cadet corps is striving to gain knowledge of mili¬tary tactics. Captain Sparks has re¬sumed his talk on "Scouting and Patrolling," and the cadets are eag¬erly adjusting themselves to their former routine. The cup competi¬tion is constantly becoming more keen and the military faction of the curriculum is progressing rapidly since its annual social. JOIE FRANCAISE Juniors, juniors, have you heard the news? Some of you have been lucky. Surely you all know which ones they are. Why, they are Mar¬ion Stewart, Kathleen Wilson and Ruth Clark, the new junior pledges in Joie Francaise. Mable Barton gave a report on French cooking. This proved to be a very fascinating subject, and we want to congratulate her upon the lovely manner in which it was given. The new officers are Naomie Wall, president; Alice Barker, vice presi¬dent, and Marion Peterson, secre-tary, with the same old reporter. Success to you, officers. S. O. S. CLUB S. O. S. club initiation was held at the home of Mr. Hetzel, where we were agreeably entertained. The pledges, at the command of the members, performed some very spec¬tacular feats, and attained the high honor of having bestowed upon them a membership in the S. O. S. club. Afterwards a short meeting was held, to impress upon the new members the seriousness of becoming such. We were then served refresh¬ments by the host of the evening, and after everyone had agreed that it was a very successful meeting, we adjourned.—"Slipper.' E. A. A. CLUB The meeting of the E. A. A. club of Ogden High school was called to order at 1 o'clock by President Stimle. Minutes were read by Ruth Lindsay. Reports on how to ad¬journ a meeting and laying a mo¬tion on the table were given by members of the club. The order of the day—talks on old English customs—was then called for. Those participating In the program were; Mildred Drake, who gave an interesting discussion on chivalry of to day; Mildred Maynard, talking of the transitional period of English literature. Phillip Crosbie told of chivalry in the time of Arthur. The topic, Chivalry and Knighthood, was treated by Miriam Peterson in a splendid fashion. These talks on chivalry to a certain extent all in¬cluded interesting items on "how to become a knight." The Sea Life of Old England was discussed by Gar¬net Bradshaw. President Stimle then called for "free for all" criti¬cism which, I am certain, benefited everyone greatly. Watch for more reports of this most delightful and .educating E. A. A. club.—Garnet Bradshaw, Reporter. CHATTER AND CHAFF The reason fellows stop going with a girl is sometimes a parent. It's pretty hard to look pleasant when photos cost $50 a dozen. With ours only $3.50 a dozen we should be laughing right out loud. Emil H.: "Can you keep a secret, June?" June: "Of course, but it's always my luck to tell it to some girl who can't." TOURNAMENT The results of the tournament are as follows: Second—No games. Third—We Fighters defeated Goril-las 8-2; Hyenas Won over Green Dragons 6-0. Fourth — Orange Streaks were defeated by Dirty Doz¬en 9-4; Lucky 13 carried the games with T. N. T.'s 10-4. Fifth—Grizzlys won over Tornadoes 6-0; Rack¬eteers beat Bunkys 4-0. Sixth— Pepirikas defeated Sans Sanci 2-0; Dragons won over Fireflies 8-4; Bears were defeated by Nifty 9's 10-0. Seventh—Red Devils excelled Midgets 8-7; Question Marks defeat¬ed Gold Bug 14-0. This is owl signing off. Goodby. NEWS OF ALUMNUS Word has been received that Jim DeVine, a former student of O. H. S., has been elected president of the student body of Moran college, Atascadero, Calif. We wish you all the success in the world, Jim. We are proud of you. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: When does Ogden High play the next game of basketball with Weber High? Could we have a dance in the gym after the game when they do?—Us. Dear Us: We play Weber March 4 in the Weber gymnasium. As we arrange our dances in the fall for all of our dances and since we play in the Weber gym, it will be impossible to have a dance. Call again.—Aunt Jane. FAMOUS COUPLES Where found—Hanging over a window sill in the upper hall. Favorite pastime—Talking confi¬dentially. Theme song—"You're the One I Care For." Title—Bill and Doris. Where found—Across the street. Favorite pastime—Making friends and a profit. Theme song—"The Peanut Ven¬der." Title—Bokos and Dokos. Ogden High School Notes February 19, 1931 RUTH GREAVES, EDITOR Two things to remember to do.. Buy a beret and be at the game at the Weber gym tomorrow night. A section of the very best seats will; be reserved for all who wear berets. Come on—flash the orange and black. A NEW HIGH SCHOOL (HA! HA!) Time—1936. Place—The radiator outside the li¬brary in the main hall of O. H. S. Characters—Joseph Foley, Jr., son of the famous big game hunter; Horatio W. Winkler, up and com- ing young son or the present superintendent of public instruction, Sheldon Winchester Winkler. Introduction—The usual lies have been exchanged and we will plunge; directly into the heart of the con¬versation. Joseph—When do you think we will get a new building? Mom wor¬ries every time I come up here for fear this cave will crash on me. She says it was starting to settle back in '31 when she went here. WhS don't you jack up your governor and get him to throw up a new one? Horatio—I asked him the other day, but he said that this building had been good enough for him and Tiis old man and it ought to be good enough for me. Joseph—They haven't even put a new desk in here since pop went here. I sit in the same seat he had In English up in 300. Horatio—How do you know it's the same seat? Joseph—The old man told me that he notched his desk every time he was unprepared, and mine hasn't enough top left to put a book on. Horatio—Well I got to be going, because old lady Knowlden (a for¬mer student of this famous institu-tion, class of 1931) said that if I was late for her class again she would throw me out. But if I ever have a kid that goes here and he asks me for some money to help build a new school I sure will give it to him.— Anonymous. "RED CARNATIONS" Monday night the one-act play, "Red Carnations," was presented un¬der the direction of Miss Mary Wooley, at the student nurses' meet¬ing at the Dee hospital. The play, a modern story of young sheiks and their many love problems, was re¬ceived with much applause. The part of the fair "Queen of Sheba" was taken capably by Miss Virginia True. Her father, Jim Riley, brought applause when he placed the "Sheik" Thomas O'Neil, in many an embarrassing situation, when the latter tried to become acquainted with his daughter.—"Original." CHATTER AND CHAFF Remember the old song—"Central,' Give Me Heaven." Sheldon Winkler went to the phone—"2401—Hello, central, give me Dorothy, that's heaven to me." Earl Reeves says the only reasor why he isn't entering the constitutional contest is because he doesn'i want to miss so much school in going back to the national finals. Who's going to clothe the skeleton of last year's pep that's been roam¬ing our halls with some little school spirit? Come on, gang, pitch in a rag or two! GET READY! Orators, have you started on your oartions? Mrs. McKey is very de¬sirous of having a fine representa-tion. And why not? Surely there are sufficient students who are in¬terested. Come on, you students! A prize for every first place and every¬one is going to be in trying for first and first only! The following students have sig¬nified their intention of entering contests: Donald Miller, Andy Bru-netti, George Thatcher, Francis Deiz, Elma Skelton, Mildred Drake, Edna Williams, Lucile Miller, Norene Bingham, Keyoko Oda, Mary Under¬wood, Jeane Sneaden, Preston Mul¬cahy, Porter Anderson, Myer Lutzker, Wilber Montierth, Russell Stone, Paul Gilgin. Many of these students are entering two contests. If your name isn't listed you'd bet¬ter notify Mrs. McKey, and make arrangements. LOST ARTICLES Will the person who found a brown purse last Tuesday, February 10, please return it to the office at once? Lost—A Waterman's mother-of-pearl pen and pencil. Has name engraved on them. er pleace return to the owner the office? FAMOUS COUPLES Where found—By Miss C radiator. Favorite pastime—Taking love (and how). Theme song—"My Baby Just For Me." Title—Don and Imogene. Where found—Where one is. Favorite pastime—Target practicing. Theme song—Together. Title—Eldon and Arleen. TREE PLANTING CEREMONY The students of Ogden High were cordially invited by Mrs. John Evans to attend the ceremonies att upon the planting of a tree'onsSI day (Washington's birthday), at 3 p. m. The affair is conducted ai¬der the auspices of the Golden Spike chapter of the D. A, R. We thank you, Mrs. Evans. COUNCIL MEETING Council was called to onto President Corry. The minutes ret read and approved. A report of thai Classicalia work carried out thou far was given by one of the faculty committee members, E. Wangsgard. Miss Schofield asked for ideas tori the theme or pageant to be carried out at this dance. It was moved and seconded the theme ot the pageant be left to the discretion ofl the general committee, and that any helpful suggestions the students might have be given to the commit- tee. The motion was passed. It was moved and seconded the chair appoint the student commits fori the Classicalia. The motion was passed, and the committee appat ed was Doyle Jensen, chairman; Ray Raty and Bob Kimball. Thef faculty committee was given am of thanks. The following clubsva granted parties for February Stellae, Zeta Phi Xi and A. D. M. Messrs. Kimball and Jensen ifl excused to work on the year bt A number of berets were distz ed to Council to be sold in the dqB rooms. It was moved and secoo the beret committee be given a fl of thanks. The motion was paan It was moved and seconded Cougfl be authorized to appoint a comiMtee of three to obtain reserved saw for the students wearing berets the coming basketball games. HB motion was amended to read, flfl chair appoint the committee, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Bingham and Mr. Talherst were appointed. It was move and seconded the band be alloue to occupy a part of the reserved tion. It was moved and seconded that we amend the motion to radl the seating committee have chaqfl of this. This amendment was paau The original motion was voted ol and passed. Article 10 of the ciiM stitution was read. Meeting thet adjourned.—Raymond Raty, Secretary. Ogden High School Notes February 20, 1931 RUTH GREAVES, EDITOR WILL WE DO IT? Tonight's the night! We can tighten our hold on the champion¬ship by defeating Box Elder. If we don't, there will be possibilities for all kinds of complications. If Box Elder wins the next three games, and Weber beats us (just let them try it), then there will be a triple tie for the leadership. This is just assuming but it goes to show what the worst can really come to. Our chance of going to the state tour-nament is not cinched. We must win this game! Wear your berets, yell, support the team at all times, and boost, boost, boost! Everyone at the game, gang! It's at 7:30 and your student body ticket will let you in.—Snoopy. ZETA PHI XI Run! Jump! Splash! Oh, what fun! We're sure that we could all be perfect mermaids, after the hap¬py time in cool clear water. Slippery floors! Bang! No bones broken! -This ended our hour at the gym. Margaret reconciled us all. Even Dave Wangsgard was convinced that wagons are even good to eat. Our business is a surprise until next week, so surpress your anxiety until then. If we keep up our work, we will soon be able to participate in all sports. Oh, speaking of sports, girls, don't forget the game tonight, and all wear your berets.—Harriet Robinson, reporter. TIME DRAWS NEAR The day approaches, orators, la your "Constitutional" oration written? Thursday you must be readw If you are in doubt about arrange! ments, etc., any of the EngJbl teachers will be more than viilin to assist you. Take your oration tog any one of them and get some helpful suggestions. Don't forget to rau up on your subject so that you vID be able to speak on a particulariadl phase of your speech for the extemporaneous feature. The girls' D. A. R. contest will be , held this coming Monday night. Ill you wish to hear the girls in one ofl their serious moments of talking, go to Miss Woolley's room at 3:30. We recommend theo rations to you. OPERA TRY-OUTS A week from today the preMnary try-outs for opera parts will bel held. Think seriously about thli, students, and let nothing hold ytnl back from trying out. The try-outs are open to glee club students only. H. C. CLUB Hello, everybody! This is H. C. on the air again and bubbling over with pep. In our last meeting decided on our party which will btl what is called a "Hard Time Party." Now doesn't that sound a lot of fun? Imagine eating a hard time, lunch and everyone in old' clothes—can't you just picture the pep and |