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Show Weber Downs Ogden In Court Thriller LOCAL FIVES PROVIDE FINE CAGE CONTEST Overtime Event Captured By Dick Thorne Five; Play-Off Monday By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor WEBER HIGH SCHOOL courtiers kicked over the dope bucket at the Weber gymnasium last night by taking a spirited overtime contest from the Ogden High aggregation, 29 to 26, as a capacity crowd looked on. The victory sends the two lead¬ing fives of the Ogden division into a deadlock for first place and will necessitate a play-off contest here Monday night. The Warriors jumped into an ear¬ly lead and outplayed the Tigers during the greater part of the contest. With the score 24 to 19 for Weber and with three minutes to play Coach Dick Kapple of the Tigers placed Harbertson and Foley back into the lineup. Ogden counted seven points in this belated rally and Weber two. Just a few seconds before the reg¬ulation contest ended Jack Harbertson was given a chance to win the, heated battle with two foul pitches! with the count standing 26 to 25 for Weber. DEADLOCKS SCORE Harbertson deadlocked the score at 26 all and tossed in the second free throw to make the count 27 to 20 for Ogden. This final point, however, was not allowed, as young Harbertson stepped over the foul line while in the act of attempting the extra point. Three seconds later the gun barked the close of the regular game. In the five minute extra pe¬riod, Sarlo tossed in a free throw and Stratford counted a nice side shot to give the Warriors their margin of victory. Ogden was unable totally in the extra session. Coach Dick Thorne's Warriors, turned in a colorful triumph in winnine over the Ogdenites. During the greater part of the battle the Warriors held a commanding lead. Thorne's athletes played a consist¬ent brand of ball and battled to the final gun. Five men started for the Red and Black aggregation and the same five players finished. Picking stars in the crucial con¬test is a difficult task. Weber's ma¬chine functioned smoothly. Lambert, the peppery forward, led the scor¬ing capers of the Thorne five with 15 points. Chandler, Sarlo, Wade and Stratford turned in creditable performances. Coach Dixon Kapple of the Ogange Streaks used eight players in an attempt to overhaul the Weber quinet. He started Harbertson and Hunter at forwards, Kinner at cen¬ter and Olish and Foley on the guard line. Before the contest was very old Kapple substituted Hilton and Hen¬derson for Olish and Foley. Henderson, Kinner and Hunter played the best brand of ball for the Kapplemen. Early in the extra period Har¬bertson was ejected on personal fouls. This whirlwind of the court tried hard and gave his all in an effort to pull the Orange Streaks: through. ASSUME LEAD Weber led at the end of the first period, 7 to 2, and held a 12 to 8 advantage at the half. At the close of the third period the Thornemen were on the long end of a 21 to 18 score. The crucial contest Monday night, will determine the division cham¬pionship. The losing five in the playoff contest will meet the Rich division winners Friday night for the right to compete at the state tournament at Salt Lake this month. The box score: WEBER HIGH (29) G. T. F. P. Sarlo, f 2 2 2 6 Lambert, f 7 3 1 15 Chandler, c 2 0 0 4 Stratford, g 1 4 2 4P Wade, g 0 1 0 0 Totals 12 10 5 29 OGDEN HIGH (26) G. T. F. P. Hunter, f 3 0 0 6 Harbertson, f 0 1 1 1 Pell, f 1 0 0 2 Kinner, c 2 1 1 5 Foley, g 2 0 0 4 Henderson, g 1 2 1.3 Olish, g 0 0 0 0 Hilton, g 2 1 1 5 Totals 11 5 4 26 Referee, Watson; umpire, Watkins. the debate won't be for a while yet. THE TATLER. QUEEN'S MEDICINE MAN An Indian idea for the Classi¬calia. I had better leave town as ttre are far too many people after my scalp now. Take Mickey Wolheim, I mean Louy Chez. O, well, you know who, how do you think he would look as a round-tummied be-painted med¬icine man carrying a rattle. He cer¬tainly would frighten away evil spir-its (not the kind that come in bot- tt far from it). The two Frigidaires, Jean V. and Gerry Fitz, could serve also, Jean to scare the devil with her wail paint and Gerry to sneak up on hini he couldn't see her) and kick him out. More thoughts, please. Remember, nominations close at 9 o'clock Wed¬nesday morning. Do your stuff. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Do vou have to put your order for a yearbook in to someone if you haven't a $5 student body card? If so, who should we give our orders to? A SENIOR. Dear Senior: As there are a limited number of year books ordered, it is the only safe thing to do. Give your orders to Bob Kimball, student manager. AUNT JANE. Dear Aunt Jane: Do seniors who are not graduating get their pictures in the year book? Thanks. AGONY. Dear Agony: Only graduating seniors have their pictures in the senior class pages of the year book. AUNT JANE. Dear Thinker: As the Classicalia committees axe in charge of the scheme to be car¬ried throughout, we shall hand your suggestion to them. Thank you. AUNT JANE. STUDENTS Students! We are going to have an Indian idea for the Classicalia, but we don't mean by that to ex- elude from consideration any girl that is blonde because she wouldn't make a good Indian. Don't be fool¬ish, gang. We want to vote for the prettiest. Don't forget, gang. Let's give every girl a fair chance. We want the prettiest. Fair (heh, heh— ain't that a clever pun) play. JOIE FRANCAISE High ho, we're the thing, we're from Joie Francaise. Such a happy group of girls never got together be-fore for breakfast at Keeley's and then a show. Everyone had a grand time. CHATTER AND CHAFF The game starts at 8 tonight at the Weber gym. Be there promptly, ready to do your share of the fighting. Get behind the team, gang. They want support. Admission to the game is your student body cards and 25 cents. Then David Morrell whistled out into the cruel old world, fell in love, and everything hummed along brightly. Well, other boys have fall¬en for Helen Tanner, so why not Dave? CONGRATULATIONS We extend congratulations to the constitutional orators, Andy Bru¬netti, Helen McKay and Marion En-sign. Their orations were splendidly given and we wish them further success. We have missed Ellis Cragun since his accident Wednesday noon. Glad it isn't any worse, Ellis, and hops you will be back soon. SPONSORS ACT AS HOSTS AT DINNER Saturday evening the sponsors of the Ogden high school R. O. T. C. entertained the officers and a few special guests at dinner at Dick's cafe. The long tables had baskets of spring flowers and green candles. The hostesses were Hazel Schenck, Lorna Malan, Yvonne Peirce, Oertel Aadnesen, Arleen Hampton and Helen Simpson. The guests includ¬ed Lieutenant Colonel Jack Hilton, Major Jim Riley, Captain Lafe Sny¬der, Captain Glen Judd, Captain Eldon Lowham, Captain Ernest Steimle, Captain and Mrs. Roy L. Sparks, Lieutenant and Mrs. Edward Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Merrill, Sergeant and Mrs. John W. Mayer. The toastmistress was Hazel Schenck. Following the dinner the party danced at the Berthana. Ogden High School Notes March 10, 1931 Ruth Greaves, Editor "There's many a banana-peel on the sidewalks of life—watch your step." PICTURES! PICTURES! Last week each cadet company of the R. O. T. C. was photographed, The pictures will be put in the an-nual Classicum. All scholastic organizations such as the cadet corps, athletics, the school band have at-tended to their pictures for the year¬book, but the individual students are very lax in this respect. Each sen¬ior must have his picture taken and have a cut for the yearbook. Pic¬tures are coming too slowly. We want all pictures taken promptly when the student is notified and sent into the Classicum staff immediately. Promptness will make work easier and better. —Frisby. SLEEPING BEAUTIES Kiyi Yi! Way for the Medicine Man decked out in featthers and paint. A ridiculous figure, what? Remember when you hand in your nominations that this is not a side¬show (no freaks please) nor a medi¬cine show, but an Indian village with a beautiful girl as queen. Such a collection but here goes. Bob Stearman has condescended to act as Medicine Man for he feels that his way (?) with women shouldn't go to waist, or rather waste. The "sweetest" lad in school has also been nominated, Paul Sugar. "Sweet" as he is locally known, comes from an illustrious lineage. One of his relatives, a fellow by the name of Moses wrote the Ten Com¬mandments. Give him your vote. Oh Yeah? As a candidate from a "far" country a rural section, judge from his sponsor's name, Silas, comes modest, blushing little Russel Hoff¬man. In every column we have some¬thing of love so we mention Marvin 'Lovesick" Gealta, Watch him. William "Tough" Alsup or "Sop," it makes no difference, says in his campaign speech, "When the Queen sees my pan, she'll respect the Medi¬cine Man." Ow! A poet? "Make the queen happy. Give her this big chance." We will—not. Lastly comes Raty the Rat. He! has had great experience in making; the "squaws" sweat and then throw¬ing cold water on them. Won't he be cute. The only difference between these candidates and Rip Van Winkle is that Rip woke up. Anything else? Toodeloo! CHIMES OF NORMANDY To herald Spring, to he%her make the city more cheerful—more beau¬tiful—Chimes of Normandy will soon ring. SELECT EIGHT Tomorrow you'll have the privilege of selecting the eight most beautiful girls in the school. We have one of the finest groups of girls that we have ever had in the Classicalia history. Who'll be the queen? We won't guess. Will you? There is nary an outstanding favorite among the fifteen. Vote for the prettiest, regardless of color of hair and push your favorite through. The notes will publish your advertise¬ments if they are literary. You need not pay—ah me—so campaign! —Snoopy. CHATTER AND CHAFF Ellis Cragun's back after having a duel between a street car and an automobile. He says both machines were badly injured; how, could he be so cruel. David Shorten asked the follow¬ing question in his law class: "If a young man is engaged to marry a young woman and learns that she has a wooden leg, is he justified in breaking it off? Blanche Allison's a fast one when it comes to skating—so fast that her face was ahead of her feet by the length of her body. What we're trying to do is to give a short account of her black eye so that no one will get the wrong impression. Elma Skelton's excuses are mis¬interpreted by her teachers. Maybe it's their eyesight or maybe they know the true facts of the case. ART EXHIBIT The following pictures, painted by Le Conte Stewart, are being exhibit¬ed now in the Central Junior High school: Old Homestead, Early Days of Spring, November Afternoon, Autumn Hills, November Snow, In September, Lover's Lane, Buckhorn Ranch, Angel's Landing, After Sun¬down (Zion's Canyon), Nevada, North Ogden, Near the Wells (Ogden Canyon), Spring Showers, After¬noon Shadows, Ogden Canyon, Earli¬est Spring, and Golden Afternoon (Huntsville). —Owl. D. A. C. D. A. C. was entertained Thursday afternoon by a play given by Frank Grasteit, Kay Moyes, Dorothy Wintle, and Helen Chugg. The title of the play was "Thursday Evening." When we say that D. A. C. is a real club, speaking dramatically, we mean it! For further convictions, speak to the members. —Mildred Drake. O. H. S. BROADCASTING This is Spy announcing. The class taurnoment is soon complete. The Wolves won over We Fighters, 9-7- Racketeers defeated Lucky 13's, 10-3; Wolves lost to Question Marks, 27-0; Racketeers defeated Dragons, 10-18. Tonight after school the Rackteers and Question Marks play the final game. The winning team will be announced Thursday over this station. This is Spy signing off. Goodbye. CARPE DIEM Hurray for spring, hurray for fun, hurray for the zest of living. Yes, spring is here with all of its beauty, romance and freedom. It |